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Getting Fit for Glasto

Guest Storm_NL

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You may have noticed that every year, at around the February point of the year, a Getting Fit For Glasto thread springs up out of nowhere.

Owners of bodies neglected, especially those abused over the "festive period", suddenly come to their senses, and realise that the weather might actually be nice in June, and it might be worth making an effort to get rid of that extra 10 kg, so skimpy tops can be worn, or at the least, all that trekking about will be a little less tiresome on the legs.

Let's put an end to this tragic cycle, and start now! Yes! NOW!!!!

Dust off your exercise bikes, get your weights out from under the bed, dig out your spandex, unsheath your gym membership card, and prise open your Jamie Oliver Healthy Eating tome!


Who's with me????


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Could you not have bumped the old thread? :huh:

All kidding aside this was one of my favourite threads of last year. Last spring I did quite a bit of hillwalking and a bit of running before Glastonbury and I must admit I felt a lot better for it. Sadly since the festival I've returned to being a bit lazy and haven't really done much (I have been quite busy in fairness) but planning to getting back out and exercising again. Don't really need to lose weight as such, more tone up and get general fitness levels back to a decent level. Suppose you could say I started today as just back in from a round of golf on a really hilly course, legs are feeling it a wee bit!

Oh, I'm excited now, gonna have a look at some walks and hills in the highlands and start planning! :)

It must be a condition of this thread that if you do a nice walk or climb that picture evidence must be included! :)

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I'm in. Too much of the things mentioned in my username has done my physique no good at all, and I have a wedding dress to fit in to 11 days prior to the festival...

Despite eating loads and drinking loads, I lost half a stone at Glasto in 2009 (walking, pogoing, fresh air) but promptly put it all back on when I got home by sitting on my arse drinking ale...

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There's no magic, and even less organisation to it, I'm afraid!

We just make a commitment here and now, and then do our best to encourage each other and keep the level of motivation up! :lol:

Positive stories always welcome, but conversely, stories along the lines of;

"I'm feeling a bit fat, and I'm not sure I can do the triathlon tomorrow..."

"I've got the motivation up to go kick-boxing 10 times a week, but I'm horrified at the fact that I have found a piece of fat on my waistline"

"I'm doing quite well, but only managed to run 8km yesterday..."

...are not welcome... :lol:

We're here to stop each other resisting the chocolate cake in the fridge, or the sofa in the lounge... If you can run up the stairs to catch the train, and not find yourself mildly out of breath, your presence in this thread is surplus to requirements..... :(

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ok...gunna put this thread to the test......had my shake for breakie, shake for lunch, and apple AND a yogurt, so hardly starving myself ...BUT.... HELP NEEDED all the work people around me have had bacon biscuits chocolate and all sorts of nice stuff...some one is cooking something really nice in the microwave AAAAAAAAHHHHHGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.....first hurdle and i might fail

Motivate me please lol

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Coola Boola.

This is a fairly nifty idea [yes, I said nifty]

I'm in.

Gained fecking load of weight over the course of my Leaving Cert/A levels what have you so this will coincide with my getting fit plan for Uni too!

I live right beside the gym and Munster train outside my house so I might join in with them! :lol:

I like the idea of hill walking and taking photographic evidence whoever mentioned that above.

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ok...gunna put this thread to the test......had my shake for breakie, shake for lunch, and apple AND a yogurt, so hardly starving myself ...BUT.... HELP NEEDED all the work people around me have had bacon biscuits chocolate and all sorts of nice stuff...some one is cooking something really nice in the microwave AAAAAAAAHHHHHGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.....first hurdle and i might fail

Motivate me please lol

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