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For god sake tell me to pack......

Guest strudders

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I have been packing all day. its not as if its a great deal of stuff!

It took me three hours to get the impetus to bugger off and by some socks.

Personally I blame Neil. He wont be getting a pint of cider from me on Wednesday I can tell you!*

I have tried to be organised and stay off the forum but I cant.

So would you all mind telling me to F8ck off and pack or I will not make my destination tomorrow.


*This is not strictly true and I would gladly buy him a pint and the rest of the crew for keeping me sane since last year

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I have been packing all day. its not as if its a great deal of stuff!

It took me three hours to get the impetus to bugger off and by some socks.

Personally I blame Neil. He wont be getting a pint of cider from me on Wednesday I can tell you!*

I have tried to be organised and stay off the forum but I cant.

So would you all mind telling me to F8ck off and pack or I will not make my destination tomorrow.


*This is not strictly true and I would gladly buy him a pint and the rest of the crew for keeping me sane since last year

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Strudders mate...am in same boat. My gear is being collected in just over an hour and here I still bloody am!

OK...GOING...NOW... :ph34r::huh::lol::(:(:(:(:(:(:(

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I'm all packed :ph34r:

Only thing I have to do is add food and drink to my bag, I'll buy it at the start of the week.

Seriously thou some people take far too much stuff, they wont use half of it. Keep it simple, the whole things for enjoyment, not stress.

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I'm the same peeps. Been washing all my stuff and now cant be arsed to pack it. Got heaps to do, I've gotta go round and see my mate who's getting married tomorrow, visit my Grandma and Granddad, pack my stuff and try and get some sleep!

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All the people telling me they need to go and pack because they are keaving/having their stuff picked up is making me worry. Glastonbury does start officially next Wednesday doesn't it?! I haven't slipped into some weird sleep for 5 days and it is now Tuesday night! :ph34r:

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All the people telling me they need to go and pack because they are keaving/having their stuff picked up is making me worry. Glastonbury does start officially next Wednesday doesn't it?! I haven't slipped into some weird sleep for 5 days and it is now Tuesday night! :ph34r:
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aaah...that makes sense! I figured you were all just working the festival or something.

I'm hoping to extend my Glasto holiday next year and starting it a few days early.

Now you lot really do have to go pack!!! I shall be thinking of you whilst I'm still at work.

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I just got home from work and am so tired. Gaz is still in work and probably wont be home for a good while yet. No packing has been done as yet and all I really want to do is go to sleep. :ph34r:

Tonight we were meant to pack,drop in for a mates birthday drinks, make a nice cake, dye hair and get an early night.

And now Im on here. Good going!


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i just packed. i have my tent in my rucksack and my sleeping bag hanging outside, poles gaffa taped to the side pocket. i have a cool bag stroller as well. and i have to get my clothes, flagpole and whatever other essentials ive to bring. im f**ked :ph34r:

not packed for a fest on my own in 2 years!

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DONE...duh duh duuuuuuh!

And drum roll please folks....drdrdrdrdrdrdrdrdrdrdrdrdrdrdrdrdrdrdrdrdrdrdrdrdrdrdr

a new record...not seen since 1999...


1 rucksack of clothes and essentials and then the Ikea bag with tent and blankets to head to Avebury and Premeet fun with!!! Third bag contains the tranklements not needed til I arrive on Wednesday and the 12 litres of Burrowhill just got picked up by local chum driving down early Wed. RISKING leaving the wellies in THAT bag! :lol:

Yes yes...you can all pick yourselves up off the floor now... :ph34r:

Uber list??? What Uber list!? :huh::(

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I haven't begun to pack yet - but I've bought new shoes. Does that count?

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