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Thanks for the memories V Festival - Goodbye!

Guest lighty2

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I've mentioned my dislike for The Killers here before but after seeing the full line up this year i've realised that V Festival is just not doing it for me anymore - it now appears more like a Radio 1 road show from the 80's.

I don't want to come over all bitter and twisted because i've had some wicked times at Weston Park previously and not missed a year yet but i think that's it for me. Shame.

At least it will give me an incentive to maybe check out some of the other festivals around

Thanks for the memories V!

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I've mentioned my dislike for The Killers here before but after seeing the full line up this year i've realised that V Festival is just not doing it for me anymore - it now appears more like a Radio 1 road show from the 80's.

I don't want to come over all bitter and twisted because i've had some wicked times at Weston Park previously and not missed a year yet but i think that's it for me. Shame.

At least it will give me an incentive to maybe check out some of the other festivals around

Thanks for the memories V!

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Im not going back either, although its due to the crowd these days, both the consistency and the sheer numbers.

Bar/ token queues used to be annoying but acceptable, I refuse to queue for up to 45 minutes each time, especially when surrounded by complete c***s, have the massive walks between stages, then not be able to get slightly close and then back to the campsites.

Thanks for the 10 years, bar maybe Blink AND Blur headlining next year, there wont be an 11th. The shit things finally well outweigh the good.

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f**k it, I'm with you guys! If V want to change their target audience, that's fine, they're entitled to do so. But it kinda shits on everyone who have been going for 10+ years and help make it one of the top 4 festivals in the UK.

If it wasn't due to the fact that I already have 4 tickets (got them early bird last after year) I wouldn't go this year. This will - barring some almighty change in demographic next year - be my last.

I'm aware I can "go somewhere else" but in the wise words of Ross Gellar "I'm indignant! As a consumer!"

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I've been to at least one day of every previous V festival but I don't think I'll be there this time.

Already going to see Oasis at Wembley anyway (although I'm more excited about Kasabian supporting!) and the Killers headlined just 2 years ago and have arguably gone downhill since then.

For me, they needed something more original (e.g. Radiohead the other year) - even Blur would have been better.

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Already going to see Oasis at Wembley anyway (although I'm more excited about Kasabian supporting!) and the Killers headlined just 2 years ago and have arguably gone downhill since then.


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Sort of agree here. My initial reaction was, no chance, not with that line up. But having sat down and looked at it there seem to be a lot of bands that I would like to see and given that they are all in one place and it's only £150 or so I thought WTF, here I go again.

Not sure about the walk between stages being an issue though (that said you could be referring to Chelmsford in which case disregard this comment). I find Weston Park to be "cosy", easy to get round and also have found it very easy to run between stages when line up clashed required me to do so. The walks at Glastonbury nearly finished me off last year (John Peel tent to Trash City anyone?) so V was ace on that score.

All that said, I can see why so many people are turning their back on V, katy Perry, Lady GaGa, Taylor Swift, Saturdays and no doubt more pop acts don't inspire the music lover. This time next year I'll probably be with you guys, looking for alternatives (can I suggest Green Man or Solfest - heard fantastic things about both)

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Not sure about the walk between stages being an issue though (that said you could be referring to Chelmsford in which case disregard this comment). I find Weston Park to be "cosy", easy to get round and also have found it very easy to run between stages when line up clashed required me to do so. The walks at Glastonbury nearly finished me off last year (John Peel tent to Trash City anyone?) so V was ace on that score.
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I have to agree as well, I have been to the last 5 at Weston and approx 8 in total.

If you have been a few times, you will have seen most of the main acts that have been announced sometime before.

Whilst I am happy to see old favourites such as James, OCS, Happy Mondays etc again there is not much new stuff to get excited about..There is a definite need for some decent dance stuff - Fatboy Slim was dull last time.

Think I will also be missing V this year..

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Being a Chelmsfordian my friends and i have been to V every year since 97.

Mainly down to the line up we are not going this year. but also contributing factors are also also the cost of V(compared to 3 day events), and the fact that each year they squeeze a few thousand more people into the site, but haven't increased the number facilities for about 5 years (in fact i think last year had fewer than ever). Being a man i don't have an issue with the toilets but i do have an issue waiting 45 mins for my wife to go!

The best thing that could happen this year is that it struggles to sell and they rethink for future events. This of course won't happen because if the general public don't snap up the tickets the touts will

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Ah im going but just for the laugh and its local, I agree that the line up is so pop orientated its overwhelming but thers still Happy Monddays, James, OCS and such that I'll be entertained whack in Starsailor and Gomez and it will be a good, time, as long as V keep a good bit of indie and dance on the bill its worth going, and then you can watch the odd pop act here and there, sometimes they're quite fun, but I agree the headliners this year are poor, across the board, Oasis doing massive stadium shows, The Killers, quite soon and not the best, Keane are just meh, Fatboy hasn't had a hit in years and he's not really my bag, and MGMT are too early to headline

Oh well never mind

Thing is theres no real alternative to V in a festival that just does mainly old school indie

I think theres a space in the market for it

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I agree with pretty much every point in this thread, for me too (and some of my friends), 09 will be the first year of not attending.

I have found that the festival is more about making money than looking after the festival goers. Last year we felt we were being taken for mugs - campsite move, meaning it took half hour to even get to the arena. Security were rubbish - most couldnt even speak english, no help if you needed to know anything (ie where the water was - found it out in the car park in the end - after looking for a couple of hours).

We got to the end and said never again unless the line up was absolutely blinding - which so far - it is not.

we are fairly local to chelmo anyway - so may brave it for the day if they pull something out of the bag lineup wise.

Thinking about Bestival instead - looks like it has more of the festival atmosphere and is only a couple of weekends later. :lol:

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I only live round the corner from hylands park but after checking the line up and and having to endure the tedium of last years festival i wont be going for the first time since 99.

After the stage change last year and having to que for a beer for nearly an hour last year i don't think that justifies the price of a ticket and the line up, it's started to look like t4's party in the park. Too many kids these days and with the capacity increasing every year it's becoming a bit of a take-your-money-and-run kind of affair. Poor Show.

Edited by NITEFLY
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It's difficult not to agree with most of what is being said here.

I must be one of lucky people that has never had much of an issue with useless security etc but the line up this year has left me cold for the first time.

Not all of it, it has to be said. But seeing oasis in manchester in June makes their appearance at V superfluous to me. I'm not saying the headliners should be doing nothing the rest of the year but if you see Oasis twice in one year, how much is the set list going to vary?

It feels as if the 'token pop act' will very soon morph into the 'token indie/guitar band act'.

V was my first festival and over the years it turned into one of the few I could actually attend (i teach) and i always felt lucky that the line up was strong enough not to miss the other festivals.

This year is the first year I feel envious of the other festivals.

I feel dissappointed more than anything.

On the other hand, those people that look at the line up and think 'wow' I will not begrudge them their excitement. enjoy!!

Miserable whinge over!!!! :(

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It's difficult not to agree with most of what is being said here.

I must be one of lucky people that has never had much of an issue with useless security etc but the line up this year has left me cold for the first time.

Not all of it, it has to be said. But seeing oasis in manchester in June makes their appearance at V superfluous to me. I'm not saying the headliners should be doing nothing the rest of the year but if you see Oasis twice in one year, how much is the set list going to vary?

It feels as if the 'token pop act' will very soon morph into the 'token indie/guitar band act'.

V was my first festival and over the years it turned into one of the few I could actually attend (i teach) and i always felt lucky that the line up was strong enough not to miss the other festivals.

This year is the first year I feel envious of the other festivals.

I feel disappointed more than anything.

On the other hand, those people that look at the line up and think 'wow' I will not begrudge them their excitement. enjoy!!

Miserable whinge over!!!! :(

Edited by spidermatt
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I have also been to every V since V99 and agree with everything said so far.

I am going this year (at the moment) and I am, like other people, disappointed with the line-up as it does feel like a T4 on the beach. I am also seeing Oasis in the summer and Elbow very soon. However I still have hope for a few decent bands feeling in the gaps. My personal opinion is that the Arenas headliners have not been annonced yet. I had these same thoughts last year, but after watching the likes of the Charlatans, and the Rushes around the pop acts I still had a decent weekend.

However this thread is about more than a dissappointing lineup .....

People who have been for 10+ years have seen a small, well organised festival grow and grow. This growth has previously brought advantages of being able to attract large acts. However the general experience of the festival is worse with V just wanting to make as much of a profit as possible. Like people have said the cost, the amount of people, the bad organisation, the type of people it attracts and the moving of the stages have all contributed and not just the lineups. I use to love the fact the main stage was on a hill (in hylands) and the 2nd stage was just round the corner. Now obviously thats all changed and we are left with a main stage which can cope with thousands upon thousands in front of it and has an appauling sound (based on last year).

Theres many things that dissapoint me about v these days and its because I realise how good we once had it. Many people are excited about going to V to see Lady GaGa etc this year and see no problem with the way V is, but my thinking is they never knew the V of the past, like some of us did.

V has brought some excellent times and I'll never forget that - however I am getting the urge to let it go, hand it over to the chavs and find a festival like Latitude before the same happens there.

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Well I booked last year before anyone was anounced, even after last years fiasco of a festival I still found myself booking it.

However the last 2 or 3 years I have come home & said never again, poor campsites, poor organisation, takes ages to get into the arena, being constantly frisked by police & security, Staffs police must be the worst at any festival for this, I have been searched at the last 3 festivals...

<------like in my avatar

The staff on the gate are the thickest useless people I have ever had the misfortune to have to ask for information bar none, especially on the Monday when they make this big issue about getting you off site by 12 when the queue stretches to the last car park & immediately at 1230 all the staff bugger off causing massive disorganisation in teh car park, having been sat in that car park for 7 hours you certainly think twice about going.

Still I will be there again!!!!!!!!


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You must be slow walkers. Me and my mate managed to get between the stages in 10 mins! They really aren't that far apart at all. The only longer walk was the V stage (and generally we'd stay there for a few acts rather than 1).

Anyone who went 10 years ago would have possibly had changed music tastes. If your 30 now, thing when you were in your 20s. Do pendulum, saturdays etc really appeal to you? Probably not. Times change and acts change. You can't have the same acts that appeared then appear now. I can't see why all the fuss. If you don't like the acts, you simply don't go. Apart from the Killers, I think the acts match, and are better than last year in my opinion.

Fortunately we don't all think the same and like the same stuff. So thanks to anyone not going because there's always someone else who's going to buy your ticket (including me :P ).

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V is an awful festival. But its only a few miles away and the line up will be a laugh, yeah I have seen most bands before, but I go and watch the same local bands every weekend so its not much different in that respect. The facilities are dire, or at least they were in 07 at Staffs. But every major festival I have been to has had horrid toilets and long bar ques (Bar Glasto and Download).

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