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Everything posted by moogster

  1. Took an inventory of rain gear. For the two of us we have - 2 proper ponchos - half a dozen disposable ponchos - 5 (wtf!) mac in a sacs (or whatever those are called) - 3 pairs of waterproof pants. Now I'm feeling slightly embarrassed that I bought a waterproof jacket two months ago because I needed something for going to work by bike...
  2. I'm thinking those soy sauce fish thingies may be convenient for bitters. Project for the week end: see if they can be cleaned enough as not to taste like soy sauce.
  3. Post Glasto blues, not realizing the data is more interesting than " I did 40 000 steps in one day" ...
  4. Went for a big beer run and made sure I included a few cans of stout and barley wine. Had to stop myself from buying UK ones because it would be quite inefficient to bring them back home in June. So Euro brews it is!
  5. A slightly less smartwatch does last the week (think stepcounter) AND on top of this you can see afterwards how long that walk from John Peel to SE corner took on a saturday evening! I'd be encouraging this so that we can have an ultimate How Long Does It Take reference for 2023 🙂
  6. Yes true. I had a look at google earth and it's good but then thought of going old fashion, print the 2022 map big and just do some quick measuring, as it includes paths and a scale anyway. Basically like on paper maps where you have distances.
  7. Yes I was thinking about that, I'm not a statistic specialist so didn't go much further than medians and averages. Your suggestion is REALLY good I have to say! Anyway could share the raw data for expert view on this AND of course for lenghty forum discussions, because that's the fun part.
  8. Or then a google survey thing, throw it in a thread, get feedback? (I will try the google earth thing anyway, I've been meaning to out of pure nerdiness and we are getting crap weather)
  9. Do you mean an excel job or a full on google earth job? I am quite tempted to do the google earth thing, when I am back at work next week 😈
  10. moogster

    Vodka Infusion

    That's the one indeed!
  11. moogster

    Vodka Infusion

    I have a flashback to said guy but it was legend slot Sunday. If it's the same guy then I am wondering how much stock he has!
  12. I'm touched. It's the first time someone ever called me that 🙂 So watch out people, Glasto before Garden otherwise you'll be a full blown proper responsible adult like me! Weather wise I was reading an article saying that June was the new July (in Northern Europe). I am wondering what this means in terms of Pilton weather...
  13. No Adulting is building a whole watering system from a water source with a timer so you never have to worry (normally) about rain and hope for non stop sunshine (just received a couple extra lengths of tubing to make it all Glasto heatwave weather proof.
  14. yes I remembered the sound of notifications waking me up from tent neighbours followed by a lot of "BOLLOCKS!". Good morning...
  15. moogster


    Indeed. I saw Mad Max there. That was quite perfect!
  16. moogster


    Quite a nice selection. Maybe the KLF one on Thursday for me. I'd really like to see who goes to Petite Maman on Sunday at midnight. Somehow the movie + Carmageddon setting seems weird to me. Or pure genius.
  17. moogster

    West holts

    So I brought the controversial topic of R.Murphy vs Mccartney to the dinner table yesterday. Seems this wasn't controversial to my partner "then we do half at West Holts and half at Pyramid" 🙄...
  18. You people are so brave. I went to Australia a couple of times from Europe and only because of the length of the trip I am pretty much cured of ever trying again, unless I spend two months there. In other "England, we're coming" thoughts, I hope that the supermarket I'll stop by on the way has a good stock of... wotsits. I miss you guys!
  19. I think so far what we know is that unless you went Irish and convinced See to post the tickets (too late now I guess, not to be Irish but to get things posted 😛 ), the situation is not super clear. By emailing glastonbury(at)seetickets.com, I had a confirmation that for Worthy View, I could show my email confirmation and park there, then go to gate A to get my tix. Hopefully it would be the same for general parking and to some extent campervans, but I have to say I have doubts if this will work well / if the checkpoints will be aware to let people without a proper sticker pass etc. I am waiting for the WV email that should come soon to see if there is more details, if not will do another round of emailing.
  20. I take it back, in that same group someone did get a message later, from WV, that they will have stuff for you there! Worth double checking of course.
  21. 2 sim cards. One of 4G one on 5G. Different providers. Flight mode unless needed. Paper clashfinder. One Power Bank. No Problem.
  22. well it does make the conversation easier and shorter. BUT I have to say a colleague with MOR musical taste did spot Doja Cat when spying on my screen that was displaying the line up poster. Well that old thing that needs updating!
  23. Because you are all doing a grand job checking UK info, I am browing European forecasts. The French are showing this lovely map for June: BUT July is like this.
  24. moogster

    West holts

    I just took a ruler to calculate the ratio of screens to stage width and it looks pretty much the same. Unless the screens are bigger. (I am obviously busy working)
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