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Everything posted by moogster

  1. That's what I was told for WV indeed.
  2. Yes that's the problem... My daily walk is faster than yours but it's all nice and flat without a soul around. That's partially why I have the excel sheet so we can judge what is realistic. Eventually add a bonus for routes going up or down though not sure how much that plays unless we are talking Strummerville/WV or to Worthy Farm. The 6 km per hour gives me Avalon to Acoustic in 10 mn. I can see that happen. But John Peel to Block 9 in 30 mn, in a ready day and with a full Other/Pyramid field? That would be a feat (I think)
  3. No, @blutarsky's comment was very good (I'm out of upvotes unfortunately) ! For the fun I just ran the table at 6km/h and results are.... very optimistic. Will post an update with the more accurate rounding later on (unless someone knows why my loading attachment button is stuck in "loading")
  4. Anything involving Pyramid and Other was a pain (e.g. John Peel to...) Note that I actually picked a point in the middle of the field as a start point as couldn't think of what the best start point would be. Thanks a lot! I'll have a look at making the formula smarter so that small distances are not too inflated.
  5. That's actually a fun idea. Let's all ask around who is who when we are there! (Unless they got smart enough to at least get the tickets to Campervan/WC/SL AND the posted to Ireland tickets make it on time)
  6. My 2.5cm self inflatable now being a 0.5 self inflatable I have set my eyes on that one. Hopefully a good choice? (waiting to press the purchase button)
  7. I am eagerly waiting for the Worthy view email... And even maybe the parking ticket in the post. That one still showed as to be delivered by post. Am having a bit of a moment realising that it's only in three weeks and I had stuff sent from the UK that took longer than that (parcels though). Hopefully all goes well for all of us, and we can report and laugh about it after the fest... * cross fingers*
  8. Too much? I rounded to the higher 5 mns and in the raw data it's 12 mn. So if I change the formula to round down until 12.5 then yes it would be 10.
  9. Panicking because we are H-3 of departure and wondering what we forgot, checking the traffic and weather forecast every 5 minutes.
  10. Do you mean your mate's got two car passes?
  11. Gaiters with walking boots. Not the sexiest look but unless you really walk in a massive pool, works very well.
  12. moogster

    West holts

    I saw them yesterday and this was the different singer. Still thought they were TIGHT and well worth another visit at glasto. (and another bonus singer with the trombone player looking all innocent then starting grunting FREEDOOOOM 😄 )
  13. I actually did this although I planned to have a go at the clashfinder but was overwhelmed. That seemed simpler!
  14. I was convinced to buy double socks at the DM store the last time I bought a pair. I have to say it did its magic (yes I could have just used two pairs of socks). Couldn't wear them at first without the doubles. I've been testing my stock of sporty/walky socks in the past few days and at the end, no big surprise, the fancy ones with a good thick coverage of the parts that rub + wool are just perfect. I had socks advertised for "light walks"" and they were crap even if expensive. "Medium walks" was just right.
  15. The fast and the slow options, with Co-Op, and some colour coded fun (the redder the more chance you have for it to deviate)
  16. I saw Ed Sheeran in Croissant Neuf. Not sure if that's getting it right 😉 (didn't like it then, don't like it now)
  17. I guess we soon can start a thread called "Stuff you need to receive before June 21st". Hoping not too many people hope for their tickets though. I do want my new socks and hat though!
  18. Quite hard to post something interesting after the above but anyway. I bought 9 items from an outdoors online shop. Two separate delivery. ONe arrived today. It's one item. A pack of electrolytes tablet. Waste of transport really.
  19. My computer is too old for google earth... I realised that the string is quite convenient to see what path is shorter. I will be the one with a map and a piece of string at the end of each gig 😛 I did want Coop but couldn't be arsed checking exactly where it was. A quick pic and I'll add it 🙂
  20. Amended the table for 2 km/hour and fixed a missing acoustic line. (I have a slight problem with attaching file, hopefully this works Acoustic Arcadia Avalon Block 9 Circus Glade John Peel Leftfield Other Pyramid SH (WOW) Sticklinch Strummerville The Park West Holts Williams Green Worthy View Acoustic 0 40 20 20 10 25 35 25 30 20 35 65 40 40 20 10 40 Arcadia 40 0 20 30 35 20 35 35 25 30 25 20 20 10 25 35 25 Avalon 20 20 0 5 10 15 40 15 20 35 35 45 20 20 10 20 20 Block 9 20 30 5 0 15 20 45 25 25 35 40 50 25 30 15 20 30 Circus 10 35 10 15 0 20 40 15 20 20 35 50 30 35 10 10 35 Glade 25 20 15 20 20 0 30 5 5 20 20 35 20 20 10 20 25 John Peel 35 35 40 45 40 30 0 25 20 20 20 50 50 40 35 30 50 Leftfield 25 35 15 25 15 5 25 0 5 15 20 35 25 20 10 15 30 Other 30 25 20 25 20 5 20 5 0 25 15 30 30 20 15 20 30 Pyramid 20 30 35 35 20 20 20 15 25 0 20 50 35 35 20 15 40 Silver Hayes (WOW) 35 25 35 40 35 20 20 20 15 20 0 40 35 25 35 30 40 Sticklinch 65 20 45 50 50 35 50 35 30 50 40 0 35 20 50 50 40 Strummerville 40 20 20 25 30 20 50 25 30 35 35 35 0 20 15 30 5 The Park 40 10 20 30 35 20 40 20 20 35 25 20 20 0 25 35 20 West Holts 20 25 10 15 10 10 35 10 15 20 35 50 15 25 0 10 25 Williams Green 10 35 20 20 10 20 30 15 20 15 30 50 30 35 10 0 35 Worthy View 40 25 20 30 35 25 50 30 30 40 40 40 5 20 25 35 0
  21. Thanks, I have the file open for comments or other scenarios. I find some of the times there quite optimistic. At what speed does one walk at glasto? I think it would be good to have a version for "worst case scenario", busy, mud etc. I just need to change my formula.
  22. Oh no! It's just a couple of pieces of paper! On the bright side someone posted in another thread that campervan tickets could be picked up there, and not at Gate A. Of course that would probably mean a lot of needed emails/calls to see ticket but hopefully not an impossible trek to Gate A?
  23. I've bimbled about everywhere but just like you, I oddly and shockingly never spent more than a passing minute at strummerville. Will definitely try this year.
  24. OK, so I printed a map, took a piece of string, and had a go at distances between stage. It's ROUGH. whenever there's a lot of possible paths, if you can cut through or not (above the park is an easy shortcut, Pyramid or Other may not be), if I mixed up block 9 and WOW (not a dance person), in short, don't be picky about a 100m inconsistency and I got the below. Then assumed a 3 km/h speed ended up with the second tab. I haven't compared with what we have already but maybe it helps.
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