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Everything posted by moogster

  1. I wouldn't feel 100% comfortable walking around with a French flag... You never know with les anglais 😜
  2. Being French and originally working class, I can confirm that gateau is nothing more to me than cake.
  3. I tend to be lazy with wearing shades because of the logistics of it (very near sighted, no contacts, carrying two pairs) but will definitely consider that as a reason to wear some! Thanks!
  4. As much as I think it's nice for small areas to get in the spotlight, I agree with you there...
  5. 😥 Thanks. I will fondly remember them with the likes of yam the cassave. Yam the cassave had decadent and huge cakes too.
  6. Yes, but I think they stopped at some point? Were they back in 2019 (which I missed) ?
  7. Ha! I was just thinking spending a week in the US or Caribbean would solve that. If only....
  8. If you are around Acoustic, Mc and Cheese as a main and then Cake Hole for something sweet works out quite well. (Women's institute! Found back the name... Hoping they reappear this year)
  9. With all this Fresh and Black talk and its advantages on the forum it's making me reconsider the worthy view option for the future...! Any best non-tent nap spots you'd recommend? Greenfields I guess?
  10. I miss the tent with the... women association thing...? What was that called again?
  11. Out of curiosity, how many of you bring a flag of where you come from? I'm pretty sure a lot of the foreign flags are just from folks enjoying a visible and different visual point of reference. (We bring a Japanese purchased koi fish flag for our tent, although not being Japanese)
  12. Some of us (ok, me) are not as young as they used to be anymore and are quite set in their circadian rhythms. This means that in June, I'll be awake at 6 am, working at 7 am, and sound asleep by 11 pm. One hour less at UK time, that's 5 AM. This is kind of the opposite of Glasto's circadian rhythm. I may get an couple of hours reprieve from a bit of boozing/coffee/physical exhaustion/eye mask/earplugs but not the shift I'd want. How do you deal with that? (Preferably without illegal substances)
  13. Oooh I like to have a mellow Sunday eve and Yola sounds great!
  14. I sort of want to do dream clashfinder from past Glasto's to kill time until then. Gutted the clashfinder starts in 2010. Was wondering what my 1995 would have been.
  15. (I now underdstand that I had this backwards. You are going to a festival with Glasto acts AFTER and not before) I'd still put in the equation the atmosphere requirement for certain acts. If there's a feel that the Glasto gig may be extra special.
  16. I'm doing the same (if I understand well) going to a fest a couple of weeks before Glasto on the continent, I'll be able to see Fontaines DC, Jessie Ware and Leon Bridges safely for example. But I am second guessing myself as I suspect the Glasto gig, audience and atmosphere will be OF COURSE much nicer... So not really overthinking it!
  17. So who do we send the result to?
  18. A lot of weight on the shoulders of the next one to vote...
  19. Daft Punk 38 (-10) Elton John 40 Kate Bush 10
  20. Daft Punk 99 Elton John 87 Kate Bush 84 (+10)
  21. Daft Punk 110 Elton John 75 -5 Kate Bush 45 +5
  22. Daft Punk 105 Depeche Mode 57 +10 Elton John 77 Kate Bush 85
  23. Does anyone have tips for cabaret acts which are not "too" British? By this I mean without too many references to (half) famous people/news bits which don't mean much when you don't live in the UK. I went to a couple of acts that were recommended but having no clue who/what about the jokes were meant it didn't really work out... As in I'll get a reference to Boris and lockdown parties but not so much more...
  24. Daft Punk 95 Depeche Mode 100 Felton Bohn 50 (-10) Kate Bush 105 Nick Cave 40
  25. Daft Punk 80 Depeche Mode 75 Elton John 50 Talking Heads 45 (+5) Kate Bush 111 Nick Cave 50 (+5)
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