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Disgraceful lack of campsite toilets

Guest MissFlipper

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I think McShug feels pretty strongly about the toilets!

They were 'ok', thats that! I'd have rather seen 20 portaloo's at either end of the campsite and in the arena etc......coz they are made of plastic...and DONT BREAK DOWN! A festy without a portaloo? I felt like I was being seen off!

Sure the organiser's are very aware and will sort the situation before(if) next year! It cant all be right,all of the time!

Lets not forget people.....YOU WERE AT A FESTIVAL! Deal with it and HAVE FUN! :D

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Sorry i haven't changed my opinion i do still think the toilets were a nightmare - lottery and they were really bad - the queues were ridiculous, there was something leaking into the front of the arena toilets, there were far more urinals than ladies, the toilets were really dirty other festivals have better loos than this. Only flush when necessary signs meant the loos kept blocking. Ok so it might not be the organisers' fault but everyone I spoke too agreed it was a problem.

Mind you if you look at my review of last year i had a lot of issues with stuff - this year only the toilets is my issue everything else was wonderful - stuff on late at night, acoustic tent and comedy moved away from the youth club and better lighting - lovely

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Sorry i haven't changed my opinion i do still think the toilets were a nightmare - lottery and they were really bad - the queues were ridiculous, there was something leaking into the front of the arena toilets, there were far more urinals than ladies, the toilets were really dirty other festivals have better loos than this. Only flush when necessary signs meant the loos kept blocking. Ok so it might not be the organisers' fault but everyone I spoke too agreed it was a problem.

Mind you if you look at my review of last year i had a lot of issues with stuff - this year only the toilets is my issue everything else was wonderful - stuff on late at night, acoustic tent and comedy moved away from the youth club and better lighting - lovely

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There was a huge cock up by the organisers over the toilets this year - but (at least in part) happened thru them trying to have the best toilets of any festival ever.

They decided to get the very best - proper flushing loos everywhere. Unfortunately, there wasn't the mains water pressure available to be able to supply them all with water, and the result was that all had very low water pressure. This problem was *exactly* the same for all toilets everywhere on site, including the backstage ones (depending where toilets were on the supply chain tho, some suffered worse than others over the water pressures). This issue had mostly been resolved by Sunday.

There were also issues with them not being emptied soon enough and sometimes overflowing - hence the leaks around some of them.

None of this was due to any 'money grabbing' I can assure you - the same number of toilets could have been provided as portaloos for a far lower cost to the organisers.

They know they cocked-up very badly over this, and did all they could to address things as soon as they became aware of the problems. They of course won't make the same errors again.

I've not trying to excuse all this - it wasn't good. But it happened thru them having good intentions and not bad ones.

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Looking like the camp site will be nice and spaceous next year then!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

People all over the world starving and disease ridden, folk getting beaten up and murdered every day, the UK full of nutters who wanna blow it up and cause carnage..........and listen to this lot whining about a toilet????

Somewhere out there....theres a life for everyone!

Thankfully, I found mine!


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Looking like the camp site will be nice and spaceous next year then!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

People all over the world starving and disease ridden, folk getting beaten up and murdered every day, the UK full of nutters who wanna blow it up and cause carnage..........and listen to this lot whining about a toilet????

Somewhere out there....theres a life for everyone!

Thankfully, I found mine!


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You might be surprised to learn that when 'p**s', or Urine as is more politely known, leaves the body, it is infact STERILE!

So your 2 from 10 didn't catch Gastroenteritis from standing in a few mililitres of somebodys old beer! Im very sorry they are poorly though. I often get 'festy belly' after camping, sadly its a hazard of the pastime. :D

I wont spam this thread anymore with my rhetoric.............

.....will stay clear so the toilet brigade can grimace some more! :)

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Yes, I think we all know that p*ss is sterile. But we all know that's not what else was on the floor and in the straw when we were walking in and out as the toilets are not clever enough to sort the 'wheat from the chaf' so to speak. I agree. Enough said.

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You might be surprised to learn that when 'p**s', or Urine as is more politely known, leaves the body, it is infact STERILE!

So your 2 from 10 didn't catch Gastroenteritis from standing in a few mililitres of somebodys old beer! Im very sorry they are poorly though. I often get 'festy belly' after camping, sadly its a hazard of the pastime. :D

I wont spam this thread anymore with my rhetoric.............

.....will stay clear so the toilet brigade can grimace some more! :)

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Here's the statement from the Guilfest forum:

Statement from Tony Scott.

I have always tried to provide GuilFest visitors with good quality sanitary provisions and this year attempted to upgrade our toilet facilities to have hand washing and flushing functions throughout all toilets on site for the first time. Unfortunately it only became apparent that there was insufficient water pressure throughout the site when visitors started to use the toilets in large numbers, and as a consequence many of the toilets became unusable.

In order to get the system operational again I ordered in a large number of water tankers to add water pressure to the system, but by this time a considerable amount of problems existed throughout the network. In addition to these problems vandals further exacerbated an already bad situation by causing deliberate damage to toilets; which then had to be closed until our staff could repair the damage.

This situation could not have been foreseen and was not ignored; the problems were not due to lack of care, planning or funding. Every effort was made throughout the weekend to rectify the situation, although the outcome was never satisfactory either for visitors or for me.

I am totally committed to providing the very best possible facilities for GuilFest customers and want to assure our visitors that I will never allow this problem to reoccur at any of our future events.

Our top priority for GuilFest 2008 will be to provide the very best toilets facilities for our visitors.

Yours sincerely

Tony Scott

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Tony Scott only ordered the water tankers when Elfin Safety threatened to withdraw his licence and close the fesitval down on Saturday afternoon. Don't be fooled by the doe-eyed pleading.

If these toilets were an upgrade, my tent was clearly a tardis.

"Elfin Safety"? I have no idea who they are, but they're certainly not responsible for the issuing of any licences - licences are issued by the council, no one else.

And anyone who was at Guilfest last year will know for certain that these toilets were an upgrade. Yes, GuilFest has always had a number of flushing loos, but it's never before *ONLY* had flushing loos.

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Regardless of the state of the toilets -

I had some nice, clean, flushing ones, toilet roll, running water and soap, but then I also had some real horror toilets where 'everything' was overflowing on the floor, you couldn't even 'hovver', no toilet roll, soap or running water (to be honest though I never expect toilet roll at a festival - take my own in every time, if you do find some always a bonus in my opinion) ...

- Quite simply there were not enough toilets in the campsite.

The 'family field' where we were should have had at least 4 blocks, basically one for each side. There were just not enough to cope with the amount of people, and as I said above, that was regardless of the state you may/may not have found them in.

Things went horribly wrong and Tony Scott has acknowleged that. I'm sure he won't let it happen again.

We had a great time at the festival. We even enjoyed the downpour on Sunday as it cooled us off and cleared the air.

Thanks to everyone involved in the organisation - couldn't fault the rest of it.

See you next year.

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  • 5 months later...
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  • 5 weeks later...

I was shocked to find that after last year's problems Guilfest had again gone for only flushing loos all with proper sinks. And I was pleased to see that this year everything worked perfectly, with them all kept clean and emptied. That toilet crew worked their socks off!

Having just had a chat with someone at Guilfest, they're aware that they could still do with a few more uninals (ewven tho any queuing was minimal), which I guess will be addressed next year.

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The toilets were clean to the point of being frightening! And barely any queues, not even on Saturday when the crowds came. There was a fair amount of toilet on the main stage too, but that's another story.

The sinks in the ones near my tent didn't work all weekend, but who the hell expects sinks at a festival anyway?

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