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Glastonbury trolley, what's the best


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On 09/01/2017 at 11:34 AM, giantkatestacks said:

Typed out a long rant about people bringing too much but hey live and let live right - it doesn't affect me what other people bring. Except if they then dump it in the Pyramid Field so I have to clean it up.

On 09/01/2017 at 10:58 AM, Untz said:

Or you're a lazy bastard.

The only things we don't put on the trolley are clothes, but even they get added on the way back, so we could manage without one, but yeah nah.

On 08/01/2017 at 1:49 PM, grumpyhack said:

I travelled by car so took a big trolley and can't advise much on small ones, however some thoughts based on seeing so many abandoned and broken trolleys over the years.

Assume you'll be hauling it through soft squelchy mud, up to six inches or more deep and ask yourself how would it cope with that.  Small, thin wheels are a waste of time as they'll just sink into the mud.

Then consider how much stuff you'll be hauling on the trolley. When travelling by car you can leave some stuff in the car and make a second trip back for it. You won't be able to do that if you're travelling by coach, so it will need to be big enough and sturdy enough to carry everything in one trip.  The only other possibility is that if you are going with mates you take a trolley each.

Whatever trolley you take you need to make sure everything is well secured to it, so a good collection of bungees is essential.  I'd also make sure that everything is in waterproof bags.  You don't want your sleeping bag falling off and landing in mud or water.

I'd try to avoid trolleys with steering as the pivot point is often a weak point that breaks.  Most of the trolley towing will be straight line stuff so you won't really need steering.  If you need to change direction just lift one end up and re-point it the way you need to go.

Good luck.

This is our Glastomobile which survived year after year until it was pensioned off when I got a caravan.  It was constructed from two B&Q sack trucks bolted together.



Thank you x

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On 08/01/2017 at 3:22 PM, Matt - Ed Banger Records said:

I've had this one (http://camping.efestivals.co.uk/off-roader-heavy-duty-festival-trolley-1035-p.asp) for 6/7 years now, coped really well in all weathers so far, needed some running repairs over the years but folds down flat so ideal for coach trips and storing in your tent if, Ike me, you never bother taking it to the lock ups 

Thank you 

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3 hours ago, Charm said:

I've seen people struggling with most types of trolley, I think overloading is the main reason they fail, when you see the amount of stuff people put on them it's unsurprising when they collapse. 
Charm x

The last time that I went I used an extremely large wheelbarrow (like the one below, but bigger) which I had stacked up incredibly high. As I approached the entrance a steward indicated that he was very impressed with the huge load I was carrying (in the wheelbarrow, that is!). I asked him if it was the largest he'd seen that day. He said that it wasn't but that there was only one larger that he'd seen. He went on further to say that this other persons wheelbarrow load was the same as mine, but they had popped their little child on the top of it where he was balancing precariously. Pipped to the post once again.

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I also use the folding trolley, got a broken wheel that needs replacing before this years festival. I've caught the coach the last couple of years and have always taken the trolley.

I never load the trolley until I'm at the festival, and my stuff is off the coach. It's usually a couple of crates of cider / beer, the tent and the chairs that goes on the trolley. All of the stuff mentioned goes in a blue IKEA bag (40p), and the trolley gets folded and placed on top so it doesn't cause any issues. I have gone with SEECoaches and never seen anyone leave anything behind BUT I have seen people arrive with their trolley with cling film wrapped around it in preparation for the trek to camp, only to be told they need to take everything off because it's too big.

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1 hour ago, Yoghurt on a Stick said:

The last time that I went I used an extremely large wheelbarrow (like the one below, but bigger) which I had stacked up incredibly high. As I approached the entrance a steward indicated that he was very impressed with the huge load I was carrying (in the wheelbarrow, that is!). I asked him if it was the largest he'd seen that day. He said that it wasn't but that there was only one larger that he'd seen. He went on further to say that this other persons wheelbarrow load was the same as mine, but they had popped their little child on the top of it where he was balancing precariously. Pipped to the post once again.

Hope you manage to bring in an even more impressive load this year, fingers crossed for the resale. 
Charm x

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4 hours ago, Charm said:

I've seen people struggling with most types of trolley, I think overloading is the main reason they fail, when you see the amount of stuff people put on them it's unsurprising when they collapse. 
Charm x

Exactly this, have always risked it in previous years and overloaded the trolley to try and do 1 trip, last year it broke under the pressure, luckily we were just inside the gate.

Lesson well and truly learnt will be a leisurely 2 trips this year for certain and some new wheels.

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On 16/01/2017 at 0:54 PM, Yoghurt on a Stick said:

Oops, here's the wheelbarrow;

JFC Tipping Wheelbarrow 250 Litre

Don't suppose you recall where your had the wheelbarrow from, that's the style I've been looking for.

Think I've now decided wheelbarrow will be the wheels of choice for this year, whenever I see wheeelbarrow people on the way in they always look comfortable and have a smile on there face.

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3 hours ago, Anderson19 said:

Don't suppose you recall where your had the wheelbarrow from, that's the style I've been looking for.

Think I've now decided wheelbarrow will be the wheels of choice for this year, whenever I see wheeelbarrow people on the way in they always look comfortable and have a smile on there face.

Apologies for the delay in responding. The lead to my own laptop fizzled, sparked a lot and then died. I'm now using a different account and computer, and am subject to fucking annoying adverts. Anyway, you didn't really need to know all that. Sorry. I bought the wheel barrow from a farmer (we're not from London!). I think they are used for carting hay around normally. If you, or anyone, are based near Birmingham then I'll give you mine - although you'll be racing the clock with me selling it on ebay. I'm calling this shout because I want (if I ever get to go again) to go to Glastonbury in a minimalist stylee. Having a fuck off and die wheelbarrow leads you to taking far too much kit, in my opinion.

If you aren't near Birmingham, then look up on ebay for things like horse wheelbarrows, hay wheelbarrows etc and that should see you right.


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Another vote for the efests trolley.  I've used the same one since 2010 with no problems at all.  I need to buy a new one this year though as I left it in the front garden for a bit too long last year after we got back because it was caked in mud. The scrap man obviously thought I'd left it out for him

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