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Guest bigfurbdogg

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It's a left wing, liberal festival, run by a left wing family, with left wing acts and a left wing philosophy for lefty leaning, liberal punters. The only right wing thing about the festival is the price of the burgers near the Pyramid stage and the watery lager. What do people expect? It's Glastonbury not a young Conservatives meeting.

All those not happy should start a Facebook campaign and boycott the festival in protest. Better still, start your own festival - it's a free market after all. This constant whinging from the right is so boring.

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All those not happy should start a Facebook campaign and boycott the festival in protest. Better still, start your own festival - it's a free market after all. This constant whinging from the right is so boring.

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I don't see why any of the first three things are bad.

The fourth obviously is. I don't see what it has to do with the country's economic policies, though. Denmark, Norway and Finland have not participated in compulsory sterilization. The United States, the right's wet dream of a country, has.

Also no comment on the NHS I see.

Edited by wilko8
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Well the economic policies get the cash to pay for other policies. So if your happy for your hard earned cash to go towards things like forced sterilisation and lobotomisation then fair enough.

That aside, they actually just fudge the unemployment numbers.

Unemployed are sent to perform "labour market political activities" to reduce official figures. If you deduct these and those living off sickness benefits and "early retirees" the figure of unemployed is m

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LOL. Hardly privileged My dad's father was a lancashire mill worker who died when he was 15 and his Mother couldn't look after him so he moved in with his disabled Aunt. Got in Grammer via the 11 plus and then to Uni. My mother is disabled and has limited mobility. Yes his made some money he worked in the university sector in fiance and feels that all the income tax his paid over the years probably pays back society for what his cost. They both currently work for free for charities now they are retired. Yes they have assets but that is cause my Dad is one of lives savers, not one of lifes spenders. Most of it will go to fund the grand children's education. And yes he is right wing. To quote him, I've been poor once and it was rubbish. But I would hardly call myself privileged in nay other way than that I have loving parents who are luckily (and partially thanks to the NHS) alive. If that is coming from a privileged background that cover most of the population

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Very very priveleged I'd say. You are living in a dreamworld if you think most of the population are in the same very very fortunate position.

In avoiding paying tax on your very good fortune you are denying others their opportunities.

Edited by ukdaasfan
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Well the economic policies get the cash to pay for other policies. So if your happy for your hard earned cash to go towards things like forced sterilisation and lobotomisation then fair enough.

That aside, they actually just fudge the unemployment numbers.

Unemployed are sent to perform "labour market political activities" to reduce official figures. If you deduct these and those living off sickness benefits and "early retirees" the figure of unemployed is more like 25%.

Unemployment amongst non-western immigrants is higher than 50%.

Re the NHS. My personal experience of the NHS is pretty poor.

Edited by theevilfridge
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A country's level of taxation has nothing to do with whether they sterilise people. Honest. This is just ridiculous misdirection.

This is different to a whole load of more right-wing countries (Italy for example) how, exactly? Anyway, I'm guessing that higher taxation makes things better for the unemployed in Sweden, what with their very high quality of life, low child poverty etc etc.

Ah, anecdotal evidence. Much more reliable than the data that says the NHS is the second most cost-efficient health system in the world and has very high levels of patient satisfaction. As Neil mentioned, the private US health system is stone dead last in the world.

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So it is a bad thing having to work for the benefits they give you? Surely having a reason to get out of bed on a morning can only help you in your quest for new employment, rather than become settled in a rut with no routine or reason to get up each day?

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My mate Jenni was recently unemployed (she is swedish) and while benefits are slightly better costs are higher at least in Stockholm. Also, they expect you to do stuff for is, like training and report to the job centre regularly and early and you can't stick to the same sort of job or after a certain time the same geographical area. They will expect you to move. Also, you can't turn down a job offer.She's a musician most of the time so being unemployed is an occupational hazard. If you work however and are a member of the voluntary unemployment scheme benefits are better... The one big killer is that none of these pay out indefinitely. After 300 days you go into a government work scheme and you do whatever job they give you.

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That doesn't sound unreasonable to me at all. Or, indeed, all that different to the system in this country (re: having to report to the job centre etc. Obviously it goes a bit further than that).

I don't think I ever claimed that higher levels of taxation meant that people can live a great life on benefits. That would be a stupid system. What I did say is that Scandanavian countries outperform the UK on basically any measure, and have higher taxation.

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Yes, agreed they are extremely competitive, highly educated free market economies. I can promise that reporting to job centres is not required that often in this country, they cannot insist you look for jobs outside a certain geographical area and tehy can pay and pay for ever. As for turning down jobs, well....there are ways to make sure you never get offered the job. I have a cousin who is a pro.

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After 300 days you go into a government work scheme and you do whatever job they give you.

all of the while that the right dominate British politics (as they have for 30+ years) this will never happen in the UK.

The whole of society here has been configured around the idea of greater than 5% unemployment, for the benefit of business profits.

Nowhere does any thought happen about what is good for the individuals concerned - I seem to be picking up the idea you'd like them to work, but that needs jobs for them - or what is good for the country.

Thatcherism was about giving power to big business. Why be surprised when big business exorcise that power?

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Fortunate I will go with. My parents were great and hard working and taught me the same. I think you and me have a different concept of what being privileged is. As for the trust it is actually tax reduction, you are still liable to tax, just on a reduced value of assets. Partial and very legal avoidance. Not like he hasn't been paying every other tax going for the last 70 years.

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