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There has to be a better way to buy tickets

Guest purell

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Whether people got tickets or not is irrelevant, the point is that the system is not at all good. Once people have queued to enter their registration details they shouldn't then get returned to another queue. If for example I used Ticket Master or Ticket Line to buy tickets I have to queue for the tickets but once I'm through then I have 10 minutes or whatever to complete the transaction. I got so fed up of pressing 'F5' and the 'back' button this morning, and I just don't think it should be like that. I agree that the registration process etc is completely fair, but I got through to the details page and clicked 'back' and 'proceed' about a thousand times. It's stupid and it gives people false hope.

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Interested to know why you think today was successful for 'real' Glastonbury fans. We were trying for 3 friends - we were successful trying for multiple times in October but lost out for the final 3 in the last closes of the sale in October. Hence 6 people trying on numerous PC's/devices this morning - same tactics as October and 2011 and 2010 and 2009 and the first time we have been unlucky - friends we were trying for have probably been 10 years on the row and this is the first unsuccessful time

So we are 'real' and we were unsuccessful :-(

Edited by storm
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Maybe not, but surely it's worth investigating. I remember initially following the introduction of the registration process it was relatively simple. You entered your registration details, clicked proceed, entered payment details and wham bam you've got your tickets. When did they start shoving you back in to endless queues?

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Ok well I'm a Luddite and totally useless IT wise, so why do they send you to an automated page? Once I've sent my data request then I should just move forward to the payment page. I know I'm simplifying this but why do I have to be sent to an automated page that just frustrates me even more?

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The current system is probably as good as it can be using this method - ie an opportunity based system, where everyone has the same opportunity to pile onto a website until the tickets are gone. This system favours those that know about the festival and know the system (generally speaking, those on these forums).

The alternative would be a system similar to that used by London 2012, in which you enter a ballot, sign up by a specific point, and then randomly either do or do not get tickets. This system would probably be more fair (with each applicant having an equal chance of gaining a ticket), however I would guess the festival prefers the current method as it provides a greater chance for those who have been before, and those who support the festival.

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The basic principle is sound. My husband has tried to get into the London marathon 4 years running without success. We ended up going to Paris this year so he could do one and he completed it in 3 hours 44 minutes and 10 seconds. One of my brothers colleagues who has never even done a half marathon got in the very first year of trying and as of 3 weeks ago had never run more than 10 miles. Do we really think ballots would make things more fair?

The only thing I would possibly do and I know this would be unpopular with those who go in large groups is reduce the amount of tickets that you can buy to 4 or 6. The only reason I would do this is I have met loads of people who are going who didn't even try to get their own tickets, just gave their details to a friend who did all the hard work for them. 2 or 3 of the people I met I don't think would have even bothered if they had to try and get them themselves which to me indicated that you will get some people there who don't care about the festival as much as others.

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There is always the approach some football clubs have to take for important away / cup games. You earn points for each Glastonbury you then have a day when tickets in your points band are sold?

Doesnt really seem like a good way of going it getting in new blood etc... but there is no ideal way.

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The basic principle is sound. My husband has tried to get into the London marathon 4 years running without success. We ended up going to Paris this year so he could do one and he completed it in 3 hours 44 minutes and 10 seconds. One of my brothers colleagues who has never even done a half marathon got in the very first year of trying and as of 3 weeks ago had never run more than 10 miles. Do we really think ballots would make things more fair

The only thing I would possibly do and I know this would be unpopular with those who go in large groups is reduce the amount of tickets that you can buy to 4 or 6. The only reason I would do this is I have met loads of people who are going who didn't even try to get their own tickets, just gave their details to a friend who did all the hard work for them. 2 or 3 of the people I met I don't think would have even bothered if they had to try and get them themselves which to me indicated

that you will get some people there who don't care about the festival as much as others.

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Ok well I'm a Luddite and totally useless IT wise, so why do they send you to an automated page? Once I've sent my data request then I should just move forward to the payment page. I know I'm simplifying this but why do I have to be sent to an automated page that just frustrates me even more?

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There is always the approach some football clubs have to take for important away / cup games. You earn points for each Glastonbury you then have a day when tickets in your points band are sold?

Doesnt really seem like a good way of going it getting in new blood etc... but there is no ideal way.

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I feel for those missed out in October and today, must be terrible, I felt like crap after the 2011 main sale, which I think was a good five hours pressing refresh. I genuinely think a lot of it is luck, however there are some things which can improve your chances:

1) Being prepared and early on a ticket page. Most will be on at 9am, so if the page 'opens' at 8:50am it's your lucky day.

2) Be part of a group. Can't stress this enough. It's luck of the draw whether you personally access the ticket page. 2010 - got mine in 5 minutes, 2011 - not at all, 2013 - within an hour, got another for a friend at 9:20 this morning. No consistency really, some find it impossible, for some it's a breeze. You only increase your chances if you're going with friends or family, especially if they live in different places.

3) Check places like this!! Loads of people signing up today etc. for help, some got the help they required. Neil saved our behinds in the main sale, so definitely worth coming on here!

4) Browser. Some ticket sales Firefox, some Chrome - varies really.

Edited by GlastoSimon
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I was thinking about this when trying to get tickets for others this morning. There was, for about 45 minutes, five people trying to buy tickets for the same three people. I don't know what technology three of them were using but myself and my OH had, between us, three laptops (numerous tabs open on each), two ipads and two smart phones all trying to get through. So the demand from us was much greater than the number of tickets required and I know from previous discussions that others do the same type of thing.

I don't know whether there is a way of rationalising this while still be fair to everyone but it did occur to me that we were partly responsible for the frustration we (and many others) were feeling.

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I can see what people mean re those that got their tickets bought for them but having more people individually interacting with the system (eight individual payments rather than one) would surely lengthen the process considerably. I can't agree with the points system based on past festivals - it has to be an equal chance for those who are willing, and organised enough, to go.

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