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Top 3, Worse 3

Guest Welshyyy

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White Lies by far best set of the weekend

Seasick steve - really enjoyed this set

Mmmmmh tough 3rd one as loved Pulp and usually Muse would be there but there were dips in the set and was a bit methodical


Interpol - what a yawnfest and after hearing so much about these being great was very disappointed

Patrick Wolf - just didn't thrill me at all

don't have 3rd one as liked everyone else

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Top 3

Pulp - just sensational, perfect close to a festival, Jarvis was great.

White Lies - fantastic set, looked like they were really enjoying themselves.

Flogging Molly - really enjoyed them, brilliant atmosphere in the crowd.. nothing like some irish pitdancing

Bottom 3

30STM - Truly f**king awful, jared is a proper annoying w*nker, was obviously trying hard but was so preachy.. seemed like he was expecting something that was never going to happen

Interpol - dull

cage the elephant - got dragged to these, seemed shit.

Honorable mentions

Frank turner ( lockup ) loads of fun, great singalong

The National - hadn't heard of these much before, absolutely loved them.

BMTH - most energetic crowd/band of the weekend

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Top 3:

Pulp - I thought nothing could top Arcade Fire for atmosphere wise since last year. How wrong I was.

My Chemical Romance - Incredible. They really pulled it off and deserved the headline spot

Frank Turner (Lock Up) - His Main Stage set was good. Lock up was about a million times better. His cover of Somebody to Love was inspired

Bottom 3:

Interpol - Dull. Really rather dull.

The Offspring - Best part was watching the mud wrestling going on behind me at Leeds. Really surprised me at how bland they were

The Strokes - Again with the dullness. Just disinterested, and no interaction between band members and the audience.

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Over the weekend I saw about 25/26 bands.

1. Muse - Simply Incredible, well worth 5 hours of needing a piss to watch from second row :blink:

2. The Offspring - Just perfect in my opinion, crowd really into the music, great setlist, proved that they still have it. Even the sun came out. :O

3. My Chemical Romance - Never been a big fan, just strolled over after White Lies, missed first 20 mins or so, and just watched from the back. They totally blew me away and proved all doubters (including myself) wrong and their performance put me in such a good mood that I even stopped to help some rather inebriated folk up the hill into orange campsite.

I don't remember seeing any particularly stand-out bad acts, but some stick out as being very average

1. Yuck - Was really excited about these but they were very dull and I ended up leaving after Georgia.

2. 30 Seconds to mars - Got the crowd going, but too much talk, not enough songs :angry:

3. The National - Very flat performance from one of the best bands on the bill. I was stood quite far back and the wind seemed to affect the sound badly.

Surprise of the Festival for me was Elbow, find them boring on record, but their performance (I only watched them to get a good spot for muse) was a really moving experience. One day like this was a real stand out song of my festival. B)

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The main reasons I went were for Elbow and Muse- am a massive fan of both- so I wont include them in my top 3.

Top 3 - Bombay bicycle club


Friendly Fires

Worse 3- Warpaint- just didn't get them

Beady Eye- disappointing

Interpol- no "x factor" but I still think Slow hands is in my top 50 songs of all time.

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1. Pulp - Loved it all

2. Beady Eye - Was a lot of fun, glad i missed mcr for it

3. Muse - Preferred the second half of the set, but as it was my first time seeing them, they were a lot of fun.


1. Strokes - Thought they were a big let down if Im being honest.

2. The View - I like the view but their set was a bit boring.

3. Noah and the Whale - They werent too bad, but cant think of anyone else.. I didnt know the majority of the songs so couldn really get into it.

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Best 3;

Pulp - the best rock show I've ever been to. I've seen endless hours of footage of Jarvis strutting his stuff on stage and listened to all of their albums countless times, I knew Pulp were something else, but there was nothing that could have prepared me for that performance. When the lights went down and they took to the stage, I got butterflies, when they began to play it spread into a massive feeling of euphoria that you only get once in a blue moon at a gig. I'd had not one drop of drink and no drugs that day so that I'd be fully in the moment, best decision I could have made, I never wanted that show to end. There was a feeling of real genuine love between the crowd and the band that was so much more than just enjoying the music. For a few precious seconds of I Spy, I was mere inches away from Jarvis, that was brilliant. Watching them absolutely blow the crowd's minds with "This Is Hardcore" is something I wont forget in a hurry, no big special effects, no flamboyant guitar solos, no big sing-along, nothing went by the book, just a phenomenal performance.

Muse - I hoped this would be a classic performance, I was proved completely right, excellent showmanship by the band. The special effects will have no doubt knocked a lot of socks off, but they could have played that set without anything except the instruments and and amazed that massive crowd. Great setlist, great band, amazing show. I could have left the festival at the end of Friday and felt like I'd had more than my money's worth.

Death From Above 1979 - great to see this band, they didn't say too much really, just got on with it and played a fantastic set. Both of them are very talented at what they do, no other band produces a sounds just quite like what they do, very happy to see them. The crowd was great, many many circle pits going, danced my tits off, took a few knocks, couldn't have been better.

I couldn't really pick out a worst 3, I didn't see anybody outrightly bad, Noah And The Whale didn't seem to work to well, they proved rather boring really, but it was alright really. I was expecting a lot more from The Strokes and I'm sad to say they didn't deliver a fully consistent performance, the set just felt like it was in the wrong order and the sound was a bit shit in places but I enjoyed quite a few of their songs and I'm pleased I saw them.

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1. 2manydjs - what a great end to the weekend, proper party atmosphere, plenty of room to dance, not many better live acts than these boys

2. Elbow - seen them a million times before, but a great set as always

3. Crystal Castles - it was pretty mental down the front, but i got a piece of Alice when she stage dived. Maybe a few too many dickheads in the crowd (was the same with Beady Eye) but brilliant nonetheless

Honourable mentions: DFA1979, Simian Mobile Disco, Madness, Odd Future, Seasick Steve


1. Warpaint - never really heard of them before, was dragged along, but man were these girls dull

2. The Offspring - Not my cup of tea

3. Does It Offend You Yeah? - maybe not that bad, but why they were on so early I've no idea, the tent was rammed and full of bellends

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@ Leeds


White Lies - an amazing set as usual (love em)

Offspring - Brilliant set, great fun

MCR - didn't know what to expect but really enjoyed them

Capdown - I know it's 4 but thought they needed a mention

Bad (from what I saw)

Enter Shikari - It was just too wet to enjoy anything (shame)

Jimmy Eat World - was bored

Death from Above 1979

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Top 3 (Leeds)

Muse - Origin of Symmetry in full was simply mindblowing, Citizen Erased live made my life :D

The National - Simply brilliant, I don't understand other people on this :unsure: I was a few rows from the front and it was just special.

Elbow - Beautiful set. The marriage proposal during One Day Like This was probably the moment of the weekend

Honourable mentions to the superb Pulp (Jarvis is simply a hero among men), MCR, Tim Minchin and SBTRKT

Bottom 3

The View - Just a bit of a mess.

Deftones - Heard so many great things about them live and they were just dull.

The Strokes - They came out all guns blazing but ran out of steam very quickly. Disappointing.

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Top 3

Madness- Excellent set, full of hits and a lot of fun. Also seemed to get one of the biggest crowds of the weekend, which'll hopefully inspire FR to book more bands of their stature.

The Horrors- The mass singing of Still Life when the power went was a really special moment.

White Denim- Really, really good live band.

Bottom 3

The Pigeon Detectives- Didn't want to watch them, but went along cos my mates where. Poor sound, but a band who've had their day really.

The Streets- Just never got into them, and the crowd weren't great. Shame, as I was looking forward to them.

Can't really think of another one. The Strokes were disappointing, but not to the extent I'd put them in my worst 3.

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top 3- - -

hot water music- - great performance,first time ive seen them.chuck regans passion for the music is incredable.

glassjaw - - - loved them

frank turner - - lock up set

bottom 3- - -- -

sound for rise against(not the band,who were awesome)

a record breaking 7 quid for a burger(ok it was ostricth not beef,but 7 quid!!!! jesus!!!)

my hangover sunday(i think this may have been my fault more than a complaint at the festival but it was so bad im putting it in)

no other complaints,no bands to moan about,if i didnt liked them i wonderered off to another stage.

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Top 3:

The Strokes - I'm a massive fan, so even if they were shit I'd rate them as the best. The set was perfect. Wish they did Under Control and Trying Your Luck, but really couldn't pick anything to swap them for. Thought Julian was a top lad, didn't pretend to be the charismatic frontman that he's not and just wheeled out the anthems.

Peter Doherty - Got a massive slagging for missing Muse, but I realy couldn't be bothered to have to stand in a crowd with the massive following of fifty year old women that were walking around all day with Muse shirts. Doherty was great, the setlist was exactly what I wanted. Just one man, his acoustic guitar, a microphone and some of my favourite songs. Perfect.

The Vaccines - I know I'll get some abuse for this, but i loved them. Thought their frontman was ace and just loved the singalong with my mates. Top band and can't wait to see them support Arctic Monkeys in November.

Worst 3:

Bring Me The Horizon - Got dragged by my mates. They just sound like some generic shit Kerrang band, and their crowd surfing massively failed.

The View - Just didn't sound like they put much effort into it, just seemed like they wanted to get in and out.

The National - Not a fan but i thought I'd give them a chance after hearing so many people raving over them. Quite dissapointed by their singer, the band sounded great but he just sounded really slurry and off. Maybe that's how he's supposed to sound, but not my cup of tea.

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Muse - Already my favourite live band, seeing them do OoS was probably the greatest thing I've ever witnessed. Just incredible.

PULP - They could have done anything and I would have loved it. It was more of a headline set than The Strokes. f**king awesome.

Elbow - Beautiful, really enjoyed it. What a great way to end the weekend (along with Muse).


There wasn't really anyone.

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1- Muse - OoS was just incredible, and whats not awesome about shit loads of fire and lasers.

2- Pulp - Jarvis is god

3- Tim Minchin - was my biggest surprise of the weekend, absolutely amazing, and hilarious.


1- Odd Future - built up a good atmosphere, but to me it just seemed like they were screaming words out at random points in a song, and didnt seem to make any sense.

2- Enter Shikari - watched from a distance, left almost immediately, sound was awful.

3- The Offspring - i did enjoy them, but they just didnt live up to expectations.

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Top 3:

Crystal Castles - They were absolutely mental. The new NME tent is f**king amazing, they sounded great and the crowd went absolutely nuts for it. Amazing set, and Not In Love is my song of the festival.

The Streets - Mike Skinner went in hard right from the start, and the atmosphere was brilliant. Great to see The Streets before they break up, it was just a big party atmosphere the whole time.

Muse - It's Muse. Not my favourite band ever but brilliant live and a nice way to end the festival. Kind of wanted to see 2manydjs but my mates were going to Muse and I fancied ending the festival with them, they didn't disappoint.

Bottom 3:

Rise Against - The band seemed to play decently enough but the sound was absolutely horrendous. I mean seriously horrible...you couldn't even hear the vocals for the first half of the set. Poor sound completely ruined them for me.

Seasick Steve - I gotta be honest, he bored me after the first song. It was cool seeing John Paul Jones though.

Frank Turner - Found him really bland on the main stage, but I heard the Lock Up set was much better.

I didn't really see anyone terrible. I thought the strokes were actually pretty good, the sound was good and the crowd was decent. I mean I was pretty f**ked but I enjoyed them a lot. Also brilliant were The Antlers (although it would have been nice to hear some older stuff) and OFWGKTA who were amazing fun and just so refreshing after sitting through landfill indie for a couple of hours. Great festival though. Line up was better last year, but I had a much better time this year. Way less c**ts around and almost no trouble in Green camp on Sunday night. Good times.

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Top 3

Enter Shikari - amazing setlist (exept no ACHITNHH) nearly every song had some type of remix, they played my favourite remix, and epic crowd in the rain and mud

Don Broco - band on the introducing stage getting a huge circle pit and a wall of death

Nuff said

New Found Glory - gave it there all, even though the crowd was w*nk, awesome covers too

Flogging Molly taking back Sunday crystal castles and title fight get huge props too

Worst 3

MCR - when the lead said they are the best band in the world? Wtf?

Muse - bored shitless, saw 80 minutes after flogging Molly ended and it was just snoozeee

Jimmy Eat World - left half way though, they sounded so ropey

Also Janes addiction and odd future for pulling out...

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Top 3 (Leeds)

1. Seasick Steve - Amazing stuff and it was great seeing John Paul Jones, also the naked guy running onto the stage was pretty funny.

2. Elbow - Always knew these would be good so didn't disappoint, great set and Guy Garvey is just a great guy.

3. Pulp - Only saw these to say I've seen Pulp live, I got a lot more than expected, brilliant show and Jarvis Cocker was hilarious.

Worst 3

1. Jimmy Eat World - Boring, dull set, not my type of music I was just hanging around for The National.

2. Taking Back Sunday - Stood in the rain waiting for Frank Turner whilst listening to this dross.

3. Interpol - I really like Interpol, but they were pretty dull and the lead singer never really got the crowd going, real shame really.

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Top 3 - Reading

Pulp - Best band of the weekend by a long shot, never wanted it to end. Every song was top notch and Jarvis is a brilliant entertainer.

Yuck - Not sure about everybody else but I loved them, they did't get the crowd going but just played really nice music, very different from the rest of the bands playing this year too. Great way to start saturday.

Muse - Yet to see them, heard it was going to be special and it was! OoS is a great album and it was a perfect festival setlist.

Honerable Mentions - The Offspring, Odd Future, Elbow, DFA 1979, Deaftones, Strokes, MCR.

Worse 3

Enter Shikari - Sound awful from where I were standing, which is a shame because i've seen them a few times and they have been good.

Jimmy Eat World - Just wern't my thing really.

Rise Against - Just board me, nothing exciting really happened.

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1. Muse

2. The Bronx

3. Enter Shikari


1. Taking Back Sunday

2. Glassjaw

3. Madness

1) Glassjaw - one of my favourite bands but their setlist was f**king shit. Not one song of the first album, and only 2 songs of their 2nd album. WTF.

Edited by danylee316
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