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Anyone get searched going in

Guest Funkyfairy!

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Pedestrian gate C - Wednesday am - searched in, Wednesday PM searched out, Thursday AM searched in, Friday AM searched in.

No searches Saturday or Sunday where I'd resorted to not wearing much or carrying any bags.

Pedestrian Gate A - searched going in (having collected daughter) had to go out to get her press wristband, and searched TWICE going back in.

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There was a thread about this a week or so before the festival. Have to admit, after years of taking quite large quantities into clubs and festivals without giving it a second's thought, this year I was bricking it, I guess because I'm due to start a new job in the public sector next month and the offer for which, were I caught with drugs, I'm pretty sure would be withdrawn... The other thing was, most of the gear our group was carrying was for people we were meeting in there, which was playing on my mind a lot - would have been typical if I'd have got caught with stuff that wasn't even for me!

As it turned out, we walked straight in, possibly because of the trolleys stacked high with bags, as suggested above. :lol:

EDIT: I do think the comments above about where you hide stuff is true. Unless you are properly stripped searched, there's always somewhere on your person you can conceal a reasonable amount of pharamceuticals :D:blink:

Edited by fdc
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Got searched on the way back in on the Sunday morning. We'd been in and out several times before that without any problems. My rucksack contained a bag full of prescription medications for two people. They looked at the labels, but not too closely, because I had refilled some old boxes dated 2004 with big white pills and they just stuffed everything back in and we went on our way.

Incidentally, the pills were prescription calcium tablets, but loose in a hayfever box.

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Not necessarily. Someone we know got searched and had a variety of stuff found and confiscated. He was very straight with them and owned up to everything when asked. The way stuff was split could have looked very dodgy indeed but because he was so cooperative they just took everything and let him in.

Edited by Ponyegg
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Pedestrian gate C - Wednesday am - searched in, Wednesday PM searched out, Thursday AM searched in, Friday AM searched in.

No searches Saturday or Sunday where I'd resorted to not wearing much or carrying any bags.

Pedestrian Gate A - searched going in (having collected daughter) had to go out to get her press wristband, and searched TWICE going back in.

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Searches at the gate are entirely random and are a condition of your entry that your agreed to when you bought the ticket... ;) Obviously though, if you are q'ing to get in and start acting strangely etc, then it will draw the security attention to you....

As to what happens when they find stuff on you, that generally is a security decision. However, if their decision is to call in the Police, then we would have to deal with it as we would if we found you with whatever it was on the streets of Bristol etc.

Being caught with something does not necessairily mean eviction and evictions are not the decision of the police (even if you are arrested) or security - you would be taken to an 'eviction tent' and your case looked at on a case by case basis.

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Searches at the gate are entirely random and are a condition of your entry that your agreed to when you bought the ticket... ;) Obviously though, if you are q'ing to get in and start acting strangely etc, then it will draw the security attention to you....

As to what happens when they find stuff on you, that generally is a security decision. However, if their decision is to call in the Police, then we would have to deal with it as we would if we found you with whatever it was on the streets of Bristol etc.

Being caught with something does not necessairily mean eviction and evictions are not the decision of the police (even if you are arrested) or security - you would be taken to an 'eviction tent' and your case looked at on a case by case basis.

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I've always had something to "hide" but usually I dont get checked or just get a quick check done on me.

This year I didnt get searched but even if I was I always have at least 3 places I can hide things in that never get checked.... mainly because its a pain in the arse to check those places.... if they bring dogs in at some point then I'd be more concerned.

I am surprised to read that some of you got searched on re-entry? in 2008 I brough just a small backpack and a box of beer for my first trip and got searched... (had nothing illegal on me) then I went out to the car and came back on re-entry with the biggest luggage bag ever and 2 boxes of beer + a lot of coke, mdma, weed and e's, lol... I walked in and actually asked the stewarts to check my bags... and they said: "oh.. are you re-entry? just go straight through" :) sorted! :ph34r:

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Being caught with something does not necessairily mean eviction and evictions are not the decision of the police (even if you are arrested) or security - you would be taken to an 'eviction tent' and your case looked at on a case by case basis.

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Never been searched going in ever One of our crew did a year back and had her mirror confiscated... the same mirror she brought down there in a previous year. Smuggling contraband in is a relatively simple task though if you put your mind to it, as one person has stated on here already, 'change the state of your drugs'. Just be grateful that they don't employ sniffer dogs on entry as you'll need another queue just for those found in possession. This year whilst in the queue from hell on Gate D (Why oh why didn't I go with my gut instinct and head towards gate A) there was a guy in front of us who was searched and they found his gear (weed by the looks of it) in his shoes, that was promptly confiscated and he was sent on his merry way presumably to find his nearest friendly Dealer McDope.

Now, if this was 20/25 years ago I would have been pulled straight away primarily because of what I looked like. Now I think they look at the amount of equipment we have all bungeyed up on the trolley, see my middle aged red face, sweating and with my heart going like the clappers from dragging the trolley and take pity on me, of course, later on in the day/night I'm sweaty, red-face and my heart is going like the clappers but that's because I didn't get searched on the way in :-)...

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Maybe someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but security are not allowed to remove your shoes. This is classed as undressing and can only be carried out by police in a private place (i.e. a special tent, or down the nick)

Edited by Ponyegg
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Oh, come on you could have a right laugh with this. Turn it into a bit of street theatre. You could lead the person into some sort of arena with Michael Eavis sitting on a throne of some sort, presiding over the masses. They'd then plead their case to Michael and the crowd (us) and it'd be like the end of a gladiatorial fight with the emperor listening to the crowd's desires and doing a thumbs-up or thumbs-down accordingly.

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Someone posted on here that 2 pills can be considered intent to supply. Which brings home (1) how serious a business it is to carry a class A substance and (2) how it is essential that our drug laws are given a major overhaul to bring them into the 21st century.

Most 'pills' these days contain lots of stuff, most of it not illegal (caffeine, taurine, assorted legal variants on amphetamines). The actual amount of controlled substances in 2 pills will amount to a percent of a gramme at best.

I am an unrepentent smoker of marijuana who believes that, within my own home or at an event like glastonbury, there is no harm caused by my enjoying a toke. As such I have to cut down how much I smoke when I go to glastonbury as it would be hard to play such amounts as personal use, even though it is. I've never been searched personally at any festival (I just look so damned respectable!) but even if I was I have a secret! Not telling it, but suffice to say it has worked with sniffer dogs in the past and I am confident that the most thorough search would not reveal it.

I don't personally dabble with anything stronger (although have been known to give in to the occasional disco biscuit over the years, but always regret it in the morning) but my opinion is that stronger chemicals come in smaller packages and are easier to hide. A couple of ounces of doobage is a fairly large item to hide but can be managed successfully, therefore I can't understand how anyone would get caught unless they didn't put the required effort in (bleedin' druggies!)

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