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Guest tommmy

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Is there anyone here who has been with their partner for 20 years, married with children? Would you really care if you found out your other half had a bit of "how's yer father" within the first couple of week of meeting each other?

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Is there anyone here who has been with their partner for 20 years, married with children? Would you really care if you found out your other half had a bit of "how's yer father" within the first couple of week of meeting each other?
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Is there anyone here who has been with their partner for 20 years, married with children? Would you really care if you found out your other half had a bit of "how's yer father" within the first couple of week of meeting each other?
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Why not just ask her? If it would be absolutely not cheating, then she'll be fine with the whole idea (and may feel less bad about anything she gets up to while you're gone) and everyone knows where they stand. If she's not fine with it, either abide by what she says and agree that that's where you are in your fledgeling relationship (and explain that you wanted to set the tone for open and honest communication now, which is why you asked rather than guessing), or decide that getting your leg over at Glastonbury is more important, and end it with her.

Cor, actually communicating with people - it's a crazy idea but it just might work.

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Why not just ask her? If it would be absolutely not cheating, then she'll be fine with the whole idea (and may feel less bad about anything she gets up to while you're gone) and everyone knows where they stand. If she's not fine with it, either abide by what she says and agree that that's where you are in your fledgeling relationship (and explain that you wanted to set the tone for open and honest communication now, which is why you asked rather than guessing), or decide that getting your leg over at Glastonbury is more important, and end it with her.

Cor, actually communicating with people - it's a crazy idea but it just might work.

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Why not just ask her? If it would be absolutely not cheating, then she'll be fine with the whole idea (and may feel less bad about anything she gets up to while you're gone) and everyone knows where they stand. If she's not fine with it, either abide by what she says and agree that that's where you are in your fledgeling relationship (and explain that you wanted to set the tone for open and honest communication now, which is why you asked rather than guessing), or decide that getting your leg over at Glastonbury is more important, and end it with her.

Cor, actually communicating with people - it's a crazy idea but it just might work.

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I agree with the 'could you accept it if she did the same responses'. Just because you have preplanned this trip shouldn't mean that you entitled to all the girls you want. If you had met her a day after planning the trip would you still say the same?

I am usually a fan of 'bros before hoes' but in the case it doesn't really apply. You mates may slag you for a while for getting no action over a weekend. However, you'll be the one getting all the regular sex back home whilst they worry about the suspected sti's the have accumulated.

The fact that you won't to clarify what 'cheating' is seems strange. Why are you doing this? So you can say - 'Nah Amanda I didn't cheat. It was just some snogging and a cheeky fumble, not technically cheating'. Don't think that would go down to well.

I would suggest listening to Keep Yourself Warm by Frightened Rabbit. The play the Other Stage on the Sunday. Cracking tune about why getting your hole with a stranger isn't always the best thing to do.

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"Amanda, we've been getting on well recently..... you know i'm going to glastonbury next week.....Am I alright to f**k other girls....super, love you."

Amanda will either f**k you off or f**k about if you do this. In fact imagine she said yes and then she didn't f**k about, doormatt behaviour that.

I think this is going to end with you Tommmy asking, not getting any at glastonbury and Amanda having a bukkake party after a drunken night at the Japanese Karaoke bar.

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Just take loads of drugs, that way you'll still have a great time and the buzz of doing something your not suppossed to, but you'll be gurning away like an absolute spaz so theres no chance of any girls being remotely interested, problem solved :ph34r:

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You should really be asking her what constitutes as cheating at this stage in your relationship, and, as others have said, questioning how you'd feel about her getting action from someone else's massive percy whilst you are off your face at Glastonbury.

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