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I broke into Glasto....

Guest Doomz

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No it's not. The £1000 is the end goal, having that is the aim. You pay to attend a festival, not for the peice of paper. The ticket is a method of notification of those who have paid and who have not, to let the staff know who can go to the festival. There should be other ways to combat things like this, you not paying for the ticket, but for the right to attend. You withdraw £1000 to have £1000, nothing else.
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People lose tickets, it happens all the time. If it happens to you next year I'd love to see you come on here and go "Lost my ticket! Oh well, everyone enjoy the festival". Its not just about people losing tickets. Its security in general. Ticket prices dont have to increase drastically.
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I fail to see how any one can be so stupid as to lose their ticket, and I guarantee you it wont happen to me. Ever.

Here are some tips for all you thickos out there

1. put ticket in safe place

2. on day of festival, collect ticket from safe place

3. put ticket secure place on your person

4. hand ticket over at gate

Dont thank me

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I fail to see how any one can be so stupid as to lose their ticket, and I guarantee you it wont happen to me. Ever.

Here are some tips for all you thickos out there

1. put ticket in safe place

2. on day of festival, collect ticket from safe place

3. put ticket secure place on your person

4. hand ticket over at gate

Dont thank me

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I fail to see how any one can be so stupid as to lose their ticket, and I guarantee you it wont happen to me. Ever.

Here are some tips for all you thickos out there

1. put ticket in safe place

2. on day of festival, collect ticket from safe place

3. put ticket secure place on your person

4. hand ticket over at gate

Dont thank me

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2009 and we're still relying on a piece of paper. f**king ridiculous. There must be a better way. I refuse to believe that people think a paper ticket is the only/best way to do it.

Neil, I understand your analogy with withdrawing cash and losing it, but surely a better and more relevant one would be with travellers cheques, they've got your name and address on and if you lose them, you can get replacements. That's closer to a ticket.

anyway, I'm happy the OP got in, and really, this whole thing of paper tickets really needs to be looked at. It's rife with problems and totally inefficient. someone on the boards (can't remember who, sorry) had a really solid procedure involving ticketless sales that made a lot of sense.

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2009 and we're still relying on a piece of paper. f**king ridiculous. There must be a better way. I refuse to believe that people think a paper ticket is the only/best way to do it.

Neil, I understand your analogy with withdrawing cash and losing it, but surely a better and more relevant one would be with travellers cheques, they've got your name and address on and if you lose them, you can get replacements. That's closer to a ticket.

anyway, I'm happy the OP got in, and really, this whole thing of paper tickets really needs to be looked at. It's rife with problems and totally inefficient. someone on the boards (can't remember who, sorry) had a really solid procedure involving ticketless sales that made a lot of sense.

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Or, let's say aliens invaded planet earth and in the course of the intergalactic war my ticket got hit by a stray ray gun beam and disintegrated.

Better put ticket prices up to £250 just to put in place a system to allow for this eventuality huh.

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agreed, but there's something in the middle, and something better than ticketmaster/see tickets smiling and saying tough shit while counting the piles of cash they make out of it. The success of any project/event is how well it deals with the tiny minority of problems.

anyway, paper tickets should be f**king obselete, really. You don't agree?

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It does seem a little archaic but my brain isnt powerful enough to think of another way for it to work.

To be honest, I quite like receiving a physical ticket through the post. Call me an old fashioned tit, but it helps build the excitement for me.

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I love this board. 14 pages of how a complicated computer system should be in place to help compensate for dimwittedness of festival goers.

Why not just send robots into the festival and we'll just all stay at home?!

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Bizarre thinking.

Why should you pay more for your ticket to cover for 'morons' who drop litter?

Why should you pay more for your ticket to clean up after 'morons' who don't take their tent home?

Why should you pay more for your ticket just because some 'morons' drink / take too much and need medical attention?

If there were no 'morons' gatecrashing the ticket price wouldn't need to cover the enormous cost of the fence.

All complete pie in the sky nonsense of course, just like your point. These are all the basic costs of any well run festival these days, because the world is not perfect.

In fact one of the very few 'extra' costs that would not need to be passed on in full to perfect people like you would be the cost of issuing a new ticket in a few selected cases where the festival decides to exercise its discretion to do so. They can simply charge a processing fee to the person involved.

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it's not the same thing at all is it.

There is a requirement to pick up litter, dispose of tents, provide medical care.

There is no requirement to provide for imbeciles who lose their ticket. Which is why this provision is not made.

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