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G20 protests likened to Glastonbury

Guest lovelessrapture

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my work mate was just telling me that there's a video of it apparently, he and one of his mates climbs in afterwards. The press are such a bunch of c**ts.

But errm meeting in London is fine by me, I'll be heading to liverpool street, I've got an ATP hoodie on with some killer robots on the back lol.

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They're standing up for what they believe is right. We've all got opinions but some of us go about expressing them in more appropriate ways.

You're making a massive assumption that he was penned in anywhere and that it would have contributed. The official word from the ambulance service is that it was natural causes.

You're not helping yourself here mate, you sound like you have a very big chip on your shoulder but you're not really making a lot of sense.

Again, you've obviously got an axe to grind but most people in this country have a pretty good quality of life compared to most. You should try living somewhere where there's no democracy and the economy is properly up the spout if you really think we've got a rough deal in this country.

I think the main problem I have with these protests was that they seemed completely unfocused. Most people didn't actually seem to know what they were protesting about and who their protests should really be directed at. Most of the vitriol seemd misguided and mostly aimed at the wrong people.

Also, how did most of these protesters manage to get the day off work?

Edited by 504329lt
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I have a chip on my shoulder because I think it is wrong that our poiliticians started a war based on lies? The result of this war is thousands of dead innocent people. How does that not make sense to you?

Yes I have got an axe to grind. It is quite simple. The giant betting shop that is the City of London has gambled away our money in an attempt to line their own pockets. As a result we are now bailing these institutions out. You and I will be paying for this for years, not only in taxes but in reduced expenditure on essential services and infrastructure that will dircetly affect us. Furthermore, our pension funds that we have paid into are currently worthless as these funds have been gambled away. I actually care that my son will be still be picking the bill up for this when he becomes an adult.

As for how people get a day off work; I think it is admiral that people are willing to take time off to stand up for what they believe.


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I think the point bomfrog was making that you've missed completely is that you're not living in a 3rd world country or somewhere where politicians are truly corrupt (e.g. north korea). Oh no, your pension is knackered, well I bet that's a big consolation to people that don't even have access to clean water or shelter.
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Well all you need to do is go and put your money here: www.co-operativebank.co.uk then you know that your money is not being used to exploit people. That way the banks will have no choice but to acknowledge that people want their money to be spent with consideration and not on funding arms dealing etc.

Then give some money to some charities you care about. But my argument about the clean water was that logically every person on earth should have the needs of survival met (hunger, thirst, shelther, warm etc) before we start worrying about nicking some money off fred goodwin for you're pension or you're son or whatever it was you mentioned.

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Just picking up on this post. I'm currently 200 miles from London and know no more about the details of this tragedy than you do, but a little later on you accused 504329lt of making assumptions about this incident happening because iof the Police kettling protesters in.

Seems to me that in the post I quote, it's YOU who were making assumptions about some of the protesters being to blame for delaying the ambulance ...

Maybe we all need some more facts.

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Half the problem is that whilst a peaceful protest does get a message across it's always hijacked by the knobheads who then gain all the publicity and it all comes down to a wedge of halfwits with their faces covered up, rucking with the law and whatever the message of the protest was in the first place is completely lost.

I watched it from afar yeasterday and all the news coverage showed was the rucking.

I admire people who take a stand against what is wrong but when it degenerates to stupidity then the whole point is lost

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