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vodka infusions

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Made some for ATP

Legendary cheery drop vodka went down a treat.

Pear drop vodka was a bit cikly, but mixed with Tesco Kick, it got me to a special place for Holy f**k's 1:30 am slot

Wether's original vodka CURDLED and was the most disgusting thing ever. In a fit of drunken pique, I threw it in the sea

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Just got back from a trip abroad and bought a plastic litre bottle of Smirnoff.

All this fancy flavoured vodka sounds lovely so I'm going to make a batch. So I can't decide on either Cherry Drop or Jelly Babies. How many of each would I need for a litre and if I do use Jelly Babies what is the best colour? Shall I put a mixture of colours in or separate them out?

Thanks Sash :(


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Whilst "on" Skittles Vodka this weekend, my esteemed colleague and myself decided to make a variety of vodka infusions.

Infusing at the moment we have;

Sugary pear drop things

Wine gums (without the orange and green, I believe)

Those gummy type cherry drops shaped like a pair of cherries


Cola Bottles

As things stand, the Cola Bottles smell like Vodka & Cola, the Cherry things... very cherry-y-y, the peaches a bit like Archer's but kinda sickly, and the winegums are improving, even though the mixture has turned sort of milky. Not sure about that.

Further results as they come in.. :unsure:

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inspired by this thread ive just bought a litre of morrisons cheap vodka and the following jelly bean flavours

root beer

cherry cola


juicy pear


gunna mix up 200ml of each tonight

reviews to follow.

EDIT: turns out they're peanut butter not toffee

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I made a vodka and pear drop mix for last year. Just used the white, yellow and green ones. Was absolutely bloody amazing!

A friend of mine has also made one with Werther originals. It was one of the best drinks I've ever tasted! A definite must :O

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The missus and I made skittles vodka at the weekend. Seperated out the five colours and it all looks nice and neon B). I have a question about the chocolate orange vodka - how does one drink it? Don't get me wrong, I'm enough of a lush that I'll happily drink these things neat, but she's lovely and refined (yes she is in the room and quite capable of hitting!). Does it go with lemonade or does, say, three chocolate oranges to a 70cl bottle render it quaffable? (I have to say that the lemonade option sounds ... odd. Not sure why, but it strikes me ten kinds of wrong.)

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My sherbet lemon vodka has a nice layer of sherbet on the top - you'd think it was mould if i hadn't made it on wednesday. Thinking about shoving another load of sherbets in before i filter. Will have to drink with lemonade, as it smells pretty potent, but lemony.

My rhubarb and custard is making a pale pink mess as we speak.

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a friend and i once disolved 3 packets of the lucozade energy sweet things in a litre of vodka

it was the mutts nuts!!

and its an alternative to your chavvy vodka redbull

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