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Too many V festivals

Guest Funkyfairy!

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Hi, introductions first, I'm a great lurker here so finally thought I'd post

I have a confession and it's that I've never missed a V Festival, what started as (from memory) one day in the park where my parents used to take me to play football, and we couldn't believe that bands were coming to Essex has grown into ..............something a little larger

I've moved away since, but for me V is always an excuse to go back home for the weekend catch up with old friends and have a great weekend - I've had a few close calls when flights haven;t arrived when they should but always made it for the start of the fun

This year we're off to Glastonbury too, but couldn;t give up V .... probably makes me a sad muppet, but there's something nostalgic now !

Anyone else hitting any milestones this year?

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My 7th V on the trot and yea man I hope its sunny for a change. It started raining the year my mate first came and has done so since. So ive told him i aint getting him tickets if it rains this year as it must be his fault if it never rained before he started coming lol

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My milestone is that we wont be going to V this year - for the fist time ever!

Like you have been every year since it started.

Have been to Glastonbury as well for the last couple of years, and V2008 was the final straw for us with regards to camping and doing the whole weekend. So many more things annoyed us than not so we declared at the end of the weekend - that we would never camp again.

However, we only live half hour away, and if the line up shapes up to be good (not for me at the moment) then I may go for the day.

If you have only ever done V - and not ventured to the larger fests yet - Glasto will blow you away - hope you have a wicked time! :lol:

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