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Everything posted by Euphoricape

  1. I reckon idles will be back again, maybe Pyramid this time.
  2. Targeted advertising 😉
  3. Thats probably what is it, now it's starting to make sense. Will keepy eyes open just on the off chance of a tour announcement too.
  4. Shame, as would be the ultimate legends slot for me.
  5. Euphoricape

    Talking Heads

    Socials updated last night..
  6. Prodigy Orbital Mars Volta Arctic monkeys Viagra boys
  7. The mosh pits at JP on Sunday for Amyl and Turnstile were even better. Other than Macca, my most fond memory from this year.
  8. I'm definitely gonna be arriving Thursday next year (if I get tickets again 🙏). The extra days hangover isn't worth it just to watch some fireworks cramped in between 100 000 + other people at the park. I've a feeling next year's line up is gonna be special and want to be in top shape to get maximum enjoyment😀😉
  9. I've heard they are quite popular
  10. It would be an act of evil to have AM clashing with the Prodigy.
  11. I hope the rumour about wall climbers is just a rumour. Puts everyone's safety at risk.
  12. Public Enemy..? Definitely legends. Would be amazing.
  13. Would be fantastic, would she be up for it or wanting huge fees though?
  14. Thank god someone else heard him! My first thought was that he was having a really bad trip, but since u say u heard him a second night maybe he has night terrors and was screaming in his sleep..
  15. Also, on Wednesday night/Thursday early hours about 3 or 4am did anyone else hear some guy screaming as if in panic, followed by a female hysterically screaming..? Nobody else I've spoke to heard anything but I was wide awake and it scared the shit out of me tbh.. came from sticklinch area.
  16. We were camping in rigs field, which was nice and quiet last time. The noise was really bad this year cos of people coming and going from sticklinch constantly. We were camped right next to the track to be fair. Where would be a quieter spot for next year(if I get tickets 🤞)?
  17. Some guy whilst watching inhaler, shouted out 'your dad has the biggest collection of hatchbacks in the South East'
  18. I'm already nervous about getting tickets for next year. Would take a major dose of luck to be successful 3 times in a row. Prodigy Slipknot Arctics Orbital Aphex Twin Viagra boys
  19. Massive cheer went up in the park Wednesday night, literally thousands of people at the same time. Was incredible. 20220622_212755.mp4
  20. Best for me was the Indian food stall at West holts, quite long queues but the chicken tikka wraps were stunning. Worst was a fish and chips stall, with rock hard thin chips.
  21. Nice one! been told i'm on the idles set apparently, not had a chance to watch it back yet.
  22. The most fun I had was Amyl followed directly by Turnstile. Proper mosh pit for both, and I love the newest turnstile record so had a blast hearing it played live.
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