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John the Moth

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Everything posted by John the Moth

  1. Didn’t even know Ladytron had had a kid.
  2. Hopefully, it's a glitch that will right itself within a short space of time. Balance payment window is open for quite a while so plenty of time to email Seetickets / Glasto if you get no joy in an hour or so.
  3. Paid while watching Die Hard on the telly box yippy kai yay muddy funsters
  4. Not much. Death (except pre existing conditions), burglary, public transport failure, couple of other low probability things. Doesn’t really cover anything I would be concerned about happening.
  5. Thread going HOT in 61 minutes.
  6. Is that like Cocomelon?
  7. 6/6 and trying for 3 more
  8. Good to know, I’m travelling via Singapore, thanks.
  9. Do you need one if you’re not leaving the airside part of the terminal? Or were you planning on leaving the airport for a bit?
  10. This…. Without family and friends back in the UK, it would not be an easy decision to return just for the fest. I’m normally there for at least 3 weeks, which covers the fest and my birthday.
  11. I come here to get away from Baggies chat!
  12. Is The Chronicle still going?
  13. See Tickets are unlikely to change your ticket I’m afraid, I’ve never known anyone do this successfully.
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