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Everything posted by Obiginnaw

  1. Yeah headlined Avalon Sunday and they clashed with the Cure so I never got to see them can’t see them not being there this year, so my guess is either early slot on a bigger stage or Hell stage (which seems more likely to me given the sound of the new stuff)
  2. There’s a lot to take in here , I’m seeing something new each time I’m watching would love to know the story of the guy in the full cricket whites completed with the helmet personally
  3. We left after about 15/20 minutes for BMTH, best decision of the weekend they were great not only did I think she was poor, but we were half a mile back, and this group who were all sitting on a picnic mat tried to argue with us that we were blocking their view and shouting at us to move , so we swiftly did (missed Chris Martin as well so a huge win)
  4. Thinking Reef maybe opening up somewhere?
  5. Hope you’re correct, did consult the Thingy to confirm that there has been a couple of consecutive area release days through the years despite it getting a partially bad rep on here, enjoyed silver Hayes a lot in 2019, the artists were exactly what I was looking for especially Thursday night
  6. I would LOVE to have Silver Hayes tomorrow
  7. Maverick Sabre- Drifting hazy sunset , suitably drunk/buzzed, that’s the one.
  8. Ben UFO and Four Tet just about to kick off on Rinse FM if anyone fancies a listen https://rinse.fm/player/
  9. you will happily catch me at koko for a birthday shindig
  10. I’m currently running a beer World Cup and as much as I love a kronenbourg it lost out to Cobra by popular vote☹️
  11. "wine and a line at half past 9" worked a treat in 2019, unsure i could do that now, so dioralyte, cup of tea and a fresh morning walk will be this year's agenda
  12. ring the boys, i'm getting the band back together this year
  13. Then you sir have come to the best thread on the site, welcome! was before my time but was brought up on it via the parents, would love an early noughties trance set somewhere this year, managed to get to that Kevin and Perry themed night going about and it was up there as one of the best nights I’ve had
  14. Obiginnaw

    Wet Leg

    giving the album a spin now, it's somewhere in between Wolf Alice and Pale Waves (in terms of sound) , not unwelcome, not setting the world alight. one of those i'd see if there weren't much else on
  15. The Overmono EP does not disappoint, throughly enjoyable listen
  16. I’m unsure tbh, I know I’d personally be less inclined to have a full day session on pints at £6 rather than £5.50*, it’s the mentality side of it- but agreed at a festival it’s a much more care-free environment so it might not be an awful lot of difference in price for the large majority of punters *it would never fully stop me ofc , but I’d be more mindful about it
  17. i'm throwing my hat in for £5.50-£5.75, i think if it went to £6 the custom you'd lose on it being too pricey is outweighed by the number of people buying (if that makes sense, i've probably described that horribly). £6 just looks a lot worse that £5.50 on a board
  18. Just seen that 999999999 is doing a live set for AVA Festival now THAT on IICON at 3am would be a bit of me
  19. First Glastonbury Garment turned up today in the form of this little beauty! Got the record with it as well but this will be the first thing i pack- given me that ‘it’s really happening’ moment
  20. ‘Whoop There It Is’ will be the death of me. Awful awful chant that needs to steer well clear of Glastonbury
  21. yeah same here, was a proper vibe that one, would love him to do a Rabbit Hole set or something similar this year, can deffo see him doing a Glade slot as well
  22. chances of Folamour? nice gap in his schedule and he smashed lost village, would be a great little set somewhere in a rogue one i reckon
  23. cliche, but nothing beats it for me
  24. new one from Floating Points just dropped, needless to say it's a bit good
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