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John the Moth

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John the Moth last won the day on September 24 2021

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  1. Is Kiasha and Kaisha the correct/incorrect spelling of the same act and it slipped through the proof read?
  2. I know 2 of those greatest hits
  3. Jesca Hoop & Mr B the standouts for me. Considering the festival as a whole, this year’s lineup is stacked 🙂
  4. Great line up for me with Sprints, the Billy’s, Bob Vylan as well as English Teacher, The Farm and Lottery Winners. There may have been gripes after the main poster drop (not from me) but this could be my favourite overall lineup from the festival in years!
  5. Idles/Fontaines/Skindred Although I saw Skindred a few weeks ago and have tickets for IDLES in January, so that makes it easier.
  6. Just waiting for the first “I forgot to pay my balance, what can I do” post on the socials.
  7. We were talking headline act with a secret slot. He’s got form for it. Headlined Avalon in 2019, only announced slot, but played 5 times across the weekend.
  8. If he’s there he could possibly pop up in a a couple of unannounced slots too. Strummerville would be a good bet.
  9. They sold out, I got tickets to a second added show.
  10. Just booked tickets for Heilung’s show local to me in November. Mrs Moth does not have Glasto ticket, I won’t have clash problems, could see them twice. It’s a win win win situation.
  11. I have been caught out in the past (and separated from friends) by the closure of access to Avalon from the Cabaret fields at 10.30pm for peak SE corner queues. Hope that stops, but not if something worse comes into play.
  12. I’ve put none, but what I really mean is I’m not intentionally planning on seeing any. I could accidentally end up seeing all of them. Once I’m through those gates all bets are off and all clashfinders torn up.
  13. No absolute must sees, but I’d happily rock up with an ale to watch any of these. 🙂
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