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is it wrong, that one the things i most look forward to......

Guest Hazey Jamie

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Call me old fashoned - I am more of a "their eyes met over a crowded field"

I have to draw the line at...

"as they shouted romantically to each other, from ajoining traps, so as to be heard above the clang of the doors and the occasional deep splash, whilst their eyes watered from the fug"


Maybe the Longdrops do have a place in romance tho... anyone got any experience of that ?


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Langdale Wolf's favourite poo related joke:

Q. Why did the baker's hands smell?

A. Because he kneaded a poo!


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I heard tell of a group of jolly japers who fashioned themselves a 'u' shaped stick and went into one stall and waited....

and when anyone sat down in adjoining loos they would put the stick down their loo hole and 'poke' the persons 'under carriage' area with a stick from 'below'........!!!

I truly hope its an urban myth !! but this did keep me as a hoverer for the duration of that festival!



BTW - one of the best quotes from a friend of mine once, (which i never did think id find a conversation to use it in!!!) was:

"Oh my God.....I think Shitzilla just crawled out of my ass !!" :lol:

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I heard tell of a group of jolly japers who fashioned themselves a 'u' shaped stick and went into one stall and waited....

and when anyone sat down in adjoining loos they would put the stick down their loo hole and 'poke' the persons 'under carriage' area with a stick from 'below'........!!!

I truly hope its an urban myth !! but this did keep me as a hoverer for the duration of that festival!



BTW - one of the best quotes from a friend of mine once, (which i never did think id find a conversation to use it in!!!) was:

"Oh my God.....I think Shitzilla just crawled out of my ass !!" :lol:

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