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Gay at Glastonbury?

Guest Tabitharocks

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Glastonbury is not this utopia that everyone is trying to make out. I remember 2 things from last year - my mate who is quite obviously gay asked someone where a tent is (that Will Young was playing on). As soon as my matyes back was turned, all these peole were taking this piss out of him on the grounds that he's gay. When I challenged them (they didn't realise I was with him) they said something along the lines of 'I'm from London, I'm not homophobic!'.

The second thing, was outside the tent when Will Young was actually on. Will young said 'hello' and this big group of lads were saying 'hello, I'm a bender'. Liking Glastonbury does not equate to being tolerant of people who wanna shag people of the same sex...

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I said I know it happens! That was the point.

I very much doubt any gay bashing is going to happen, but like Glastofun said, it isn't a Utopia where nothing bad ever happens, even though we'd like it to be.

I can understand why a gay person would want a gay tent, that's all!

And responses like "well, it's the same for everyone" just aren't true, down to simple numbers.

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Well I'm sure they'll provide a couple of cottages, a lay-by, an IKEA outlet and a pool table for you 'lezzers'!

Sorry but what a stupid string, I'm gay and certainly do not want to be 'catered for'. Isnt it supposed to be an inclusive event.

Edited by crimsonking
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I went to that NYC Gay Bar in Trash City last year with a mix of friends and it clearly was a mostly gay venue (the secret's in the name, doh!) but was still a mixed crowd and I didn't feel uncomfortable or like I shouldn't be there (me being straight). Although having to dance with about five gentlemen every time I wanted to get to the bar began to wear after a bit!!

As everyone in this post has said, despite the booze and crowd numbers, it's such a laid back inclusive happy atmosphere that everyone should be able to have a great time.

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Am I missing something? The original post said 'I have been for a number of years and never noticed anything'... so why is everyone acting like Tabitharocks has never been? And why. no offence, is she asking if she's a regular? I must have forgotten my medicine this morning.

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  • 2 years later...

Well said Disco dolly, last year (my first time at Glasto) work sent a couple of us along armed with condoms, lube, info etc to see what the vibe was. I work for an LGBT organisation and having not done Glasto before thought it would be fun to meet a few people and see how the whole "gay health promotion" thing went down with festival folk. As I suspected with Glasto being so inclusive we had heaps of interest and managed to shift 1000's of condoms and the response to us being there was really good (I think the fact that the protection tents only offered regular condoms and we were giving out flavoured, ribbed, female etc made us a popular choice!) and I think if we went again it would be in more of a generic sexual health capacity really as segregation as others have said really isn't needed at the festival.

This year I'm going as a punter with some mates and looking forward to hitting Trash city again and avoiding anything remotely work like. That said If anyone wants to meet up to discuss George Michael's latest haircut or wants me to bring along some flavoured condoms let me know!!

(you know chocolate and mint condoms bear a striking resemblance to after eights when used one after the other!)

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What everyone says is true, it caters for us all. However different areas offer different cultural experiences. You'll find block 9 offers an insight into gay underground culture that is free for all to experience. It is run by a set of underground gay club nights from London. Rather than the traditional safe haven that gay clubs used to offer, it'll give us all a chance to relive the heyday of studio 54. If you want a 'gay' festival have a look at Lovebox (Sunday) although not defined as such, we are the target audience.

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IMO, your profile says you're from Brighton, so you're used to a fairly free, uninhibited attitude to however people are. Despite living in Leeds, with lots of the bog standard high street "straight" thuggish bars, I frequent quite a lot of the "gay-friendly" places as a) I love the vibe in them and the music is great and b ) it's not a big deal as I've spent many of my nights out around people I've no idea if they were gay straight or asexual.

Glastonbury is just the same, and MOST of the people who are there are likely of the more tolerant ilk. I've seen both genders together and expressing their affection and never seen anyone bat an eyelid. Some of the late night stuff is very kitsch, and all the better for it.

I even danced next to one of the 4 puffs and a piano a couple of years ago.

Edit: missed the word bars after thuggish!

Edited by Leedspete
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Which London club nights, organised by whom?

I wonder if I have missed something here :blink:

You'll find block 9 offers an insight into gay underground culture that is free for all to experience. It is run by a set of underground gay club nights from London.
Edited by venuss
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didn't realise NYCD was in Block 9

also, it's not really very gay except for a few drag Queens

Also, never seen a club night with the Horse Meat Disco in London

maybe I've not been going 'underground' enough :(

Horse Meat Disco run the NYC Downlow venue in Block 9.

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LOL ... ya funny :D

a couple of years ago we were in Glasto NYCD and one of the Drag Queens walked up to us and said 'will you two please get a room!'

I agree, but this quote did make me chuckle a bit :P

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