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Secret Garden Party 2008

Guest secretgardenparty2008

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was at fish meets bicycle on sunday morning and can tell you no one got beaten up - what happened was when the silent disco finished everyone congregated at FSB for a bop - then after half an hour they moved the portable stereo system out of the tent and went on tour around site ! naturally we all followed it and once it went past a group of security they got a bit upset and made them stop the music - back in the tent when the stereo system was put back one of the punters got a bit irate with security and there was a bit of pointing and shouting - no more than that tho
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why not compare it to Glastonbury - size wise it's about the same as the Greenfields and the 'energy' is pretty similar to that area i would say

the only seering energy at glastonbury you get is if you rush around all today from stage and stage - and the fact there's about 30 times the amount of people there

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My third time and the best yet. I loved the whole Great Stage thing this year and spent most of my time there. Goldierocks sets on the Sat plus dancers ROCKED , she is so my fave DJ. Huge visuals of a furry bear chasing her etc. Great....

Grace Jones , my God... what a weird woman. But fitting act for SGP none the less. All in all super dooper bring on next year.

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i agree that sgp sould not be compared to glastonbury they are too very different festivals that have very different pace, having been to glastonbury many times i now find it more of a endurance weekend and having discovered sgp last year and loved it for its slightly slower pace and chilled atmosphere, we went back for more this year and took my partners kids with us and confident enough that sgp was safe enough to give them cash and let them clear off for the day meeting them later for warmer clothes(if needed) and dinnner they made friends and had a great time with this bit of freedom, this would so not be posible at glastonbury where there is much more criminal activity( ive twice woken up with someone in my tent robbing me and had a headlight took of my head and seen used needles by water taps) oh and we most defo not posh or middle class all thow we notice a lot of wot we call posh accents but then look at the surrounding areas so its bound to attract the more afluent and posh middle class types but wots wrong with that is it some kind of unwritten law that festivals are not for these folk!we all loved it and look forward to next year but they will have to go along way to top the burning of the galleon!!!!!!!! :D
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Hey there, was wondering if people who went could answer a couple of questions? Have always liked the look of SGP but never gone, have a few reservations?

Booze cost - how much was it for the whole weekend, with the no booze at the campsite thing and cocktail bars I imagine one could rack up a fair old bar bill over 4 days.

Drugs - is there a lot of it going on, I imagine if most people are staying up til 6 in the morning they are getting a helping hand.

Sorry if it sounds like I'm only interested in drink and drugs but they are pretty important for me at a festival.

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Hey there, was wondering if people who went could answer a couple of questions? Have always liked the look of SGP but never gone, have a few reservations?

Booze cost - how much was it for the whole weekend, with the no booze at the campsite thing and cocktail bars I imagine one could rack up a fair old bar bill over 4 days.

Drugs - is there a lot of it going on, I imagine if most people are staying up til 6 in the morning they are getting a helping hand.

Sorry if it sounds like I'm only interested in drink and drugs but they are pretty important for me at a festival.

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Im looking for a bt more information on this festival. Looking to go next year.

When are the tickets onsale?

is it true you cant take alcohol in?

what are/were the food/beer prices like this year?

and anything else anyone might like to add,

Ive been to many festivals before and having just moved to cambridge im interested in checking this out.

Any info would be greatly appreciated

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Im looking for a bt more information on this festival. Looking to go next year.

When are the tickets onsale?

is it true you cant take alcohol in?

what are/were the food/beer prices like this year?

and anything else anyone might like to add,

Ive been to many festivals before and having just moved to cambridge im interested in checking this out.

Any info would be greatly appreciated

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello everyone, i am new to the forums and i am planning to come to the UK for a festival next year but i am quite confused as to which one to choose!!! :lol: i quite like the idea of The Secret Garden but i am not sure with regards to accomodation as i am not the camping type really... is it possible to rent a camper van? is there any hotel in the vicinity where i could book? And which airport is the nearest as i am not from the UK but from Malta? I'd appreciate any help anyone could give me as there seem be a lot of SGP fans around!!... Thx in advance :lol:)) :(



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Hello everyone, i am new to the forums and i am planning to come to the UK for a festival next year but i am quite confused as to which one to choose!!! :lol: i quite like the idea of The Secret Garden but i am not sure with regards to accomodation as i am not the camping type really... is it possible to rent a camper van? is there any hotel in the vicinity where i could book? And which airport is the nearest as i am not from the UK but from Malta? I'd appreciate any help anyone could give me as there seem be a lot of SGP fans around!!... Thx in advance :()) :lol:



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Havent actually been to this festival yet, but plan to this year as ive recently moved to the area, However you can buy campervan tickets when you buy the festival tickets, they cost £40 + £2.40 booking fee.

Nearest airport is Standstead, about 25 miles away from cambridge (roughly)

Whats your reasoning for choosing The secret garden party? Just wondering!

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If you are comeing over for one festival, let it be Glastonbury, you will not be disappointed.

The campervan ticket will be for the space, however many festivals (including Glastonbury) have myhabs/tipis that you can rent etc. However these will cost you.

I cant recommend Glastonbury enough, its so much more than a music festival

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