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Guest outtolunch

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What, all four of them... Impressive

Should have stamped on it too, let's face it, sounds like verybody else in the room would have backed you up :)

I F*in hate music Nazis at parties. I will quite happily listen to a load of random stuff that 'm not really into as long as it's a mixed playlist with some stuff I like. There's one girl who goes to a lot of house parties I go to who really winds me up. After putting up with shit house music and various indie crap I usually end up persuading the hostess to let me have a go with the sound system. everytime without fail,as soon as one of my tunes gets played for half a minute this girl jumps up and shouts about not listening to this crap and changes it. She also snatches joints as soon as they're lit declaring that she's not ""on anything" and wants to try some (she doesn't smoke them at all usually, I think it's a "trying to look cool" thing) completely duck ends them, coughing and spluttering down em and then passes them back in a soggy un-smokeable state.... (pet smoking hate there!)

I'm gonna get some work done before get too carried away with this pointless rant, but yeh, music Nazis should be ejected from all parties.

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My son and 3 of his mates recently accompanied me to a party where they hogged the vodka jelly, jagermeister and some particularly dodgy brownies (well his considerably older friends did anyway, he was remarkably well behaved) , at a later part of the evening ewhen everyone was mightily drunk they grabbed my ipod and started playing slayer and children of bodum at full volume in the garden. A quiet word was had in their shell like! lol they went back to the jelly with tails between their legs.
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What, all four of them... Impressive

Nah, just the front left one thankfully, if he had done all 4, i would have been more impressed than pissed off as I was.

Should have stamped on it too, let's face it, sounds like verybody else in the room would have backed you up :)

I F*in hate music Nazis at parties. I will quite happily listen to a load of random stuff that 'm not really into as long as it's a mixed playlist with some stuff I like. There's one girl who goes to a lot of house parties I go to who really winds me up. After putting up with shit house music and various indie crap I usually end up persuading the hostess to let me have a go with the sound system. everytime without fail,as soon as one of my tunes gets played for half a minute this girl jumps up and shouts about not listening to this crap and changes it. She also snatches joints as soon as they're lit declaring that she's not ""on anything" and wants to try some (she doesn't smoke them at all usually, I think it's a "trying to look cool" thing) completely duck ends them, coughing and spluttering down em and then passes them back in a soggy un-smokeable state.... (pet smoking hate there!)

I'm gonna get some work done before get too carried away with this pointless rant, but yeh, music Nazis should be ejected from all parties.

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Surely the whole point of house parties is to stick a load of random tunes on shuffle and listen to stuff you wouldnt normally...just go with the flow like.

Agreed these music nazi's at parties are annoying as hell

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hurrah! :lol: I was at a party on saturday and ended up having a considerable amount of the stuff ;)

got told i was "a very sexual being" I dont know what she meant by that but i took it as a compliment :)

almost as bad are the "I'm just gonna put on this one song" brigade, who generally do it mid-song and then leave something rubbish on

however, there is one worse group, the "oh my god i love this song lets listen to it a million times" squad

"if i hear umbrella one more f**king time, be it a shitty remix, a cover, or the original, your laptop is goin out the window" :)

In the end I took the less drastic action of simply leaving

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that is indeed highly annoying....

also annoying is the lets listen to the first verse and then switch to the next track people! Just as you're getting into a particular song normally. grrrrrrrrrr

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I expect the smut merchants to jump all over my comment :P

Just seem to be arguing with everyone tonight, including my ex and another girl i was hoping to catch up with soon. Plus just realising im not going to be doing anything...at all for the next 3 weeks apart from working as much as i can :)

to make it worse I was up £35 at roulette and unlike my usual self, i didnt walk away. ended up all square at least :)

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got told i was "a very sexual being" I dont know what she meant by that but i took it as a compliment :)
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