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Getting home routines?

Guest redmosquito

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For my 1,000th post I thought I'd start a topic that people might actually reply to!

So what are your getting home rituals?

We always get home, unpack the roof rack so the van can go in the garage, take out any essentials we need that night, shower to get the worst of the muck off, shave (me not the misses), have a bath to ease the muscles, order a pizza and watch the highlights on sky+ until we can no longer stay awake.

The rest of the unpacking & cleaning is left until Tuesday or when we run out of clean clothes!

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On the first day I get back I like to shower, then bath, start to put stuff in the washing machine, & then relax in front of catch up TV watching the highlights.

Unfortunately, my husband doesn't like to sit down until he has cleaned our boots, and our tent, and generally sorted out absolutely everything. He just whizzes back and forth saying thinks like..."Are you just going to sit there all day?" & "Are you still watching that ffs - its obsessive!"

In the end I have to get up and help him or I'd have no peace!

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Once we have packed everything up we treat ourselves to a decent breakfast, either onsite or in the first cafe we come to, depending on conditions on site. Quick shopping on way home then the dreaded unpacking / washing and trying to avoid rejoining the rest of the world for as long as possible! (except for flush loos of course)

Edited by cassandra13
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We always meet up with the rest of the returnees in our city (the ones we know anyway) and have a drink at the local before returning home to shower, changing into pyjamas, ordering a curry whilst watching the highlights and catching up on what else we've missed on the telebox.

Then cry ourselves to sleep because it's all over.

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Things always seem to take a scatological turn around here these days. Personally my poo routine is unbroken at glastonbury, so no worry there.

I just get in, empty all my crap onto the living room/kitchen floor, my mates turn up and I regale them with tales of adventure over smokes and drinks til it is time for bed, then smash the washing etc in the morning and chill.

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Stop at the first services on the way home for a BK or McDonalds (can't remember which it is!). Drop stuff at home, pick cat up from "holiday" (the woman at the cattery calls their little kitty prisons chalets which I find funny every year) then generally sort the washing out and pile everything else up until we can be bothered.

Might be a different timetable this year as on the Thursday I'm on a 3-day stag do in Amsterdam - no Glasto comedown for me this year! 3 nights in Dam with a dance festival on the Sunday. The comedown will be a combined mutha of muthas.

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Shower and a change of clothes, stuff all the dirty stuff in the washing machine, then sit down and go through the photos and remember what a good time was had.

This year however will be the horrible knowledge that it will be two years before I get to do it again.

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Get the train home then obsess about how great a time I had on Twitter until I pass out from exhaustion. There's usually junk food at some point too.

Edited by sisterofmercy
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Personally my poo routine is unbroken at glastonbury, so no worry there. I just get in, empty all my crap onto the living room/kitchen floor

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