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Anyone takin school aged kids?

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My girl's 6 so this is the first year we had to get permission. Filled out the form explaining the various activities she'll be taking part in and how much she has benefitted in previous years.

The school turned us down with an apology, stating that we didn't fill the criteria for "exceptional circumstances" but the head pulled us to one side in the playground and explained that his hands were tied by official policy, but he fully understood our reasons and said that if we went there wouldn't be too much of a fuss made as she isn't sitting SATS or other exams yet.

Hope this helps.

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Schools in Telford are terrible for holidays in term time. Its an absolute no-no

Its so bad, that we had to get permission from the "governors" for a term time family wedding. (My brother) however they said that if either me or my wife had been getting re-married it would have been fine (i.e. perfectly acceptable for the kids to come from a broken home) it beggars belief what these morons come up with

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we have one at primary school, and one just started at secondary school. We have taken them for the last 3 years. I am always honest when I fill out the form (can't imagine them not spilling the beans when they get back to school anyway!) Have always been given permission from both schools, no probs :) I think it really helps if their attendance is really good for the rest of the year. Our form from the primary school often comes back marked 'permission granted: have a great time!!' :D

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My Son is 4 and in Nursery but I've still had to ask permission, I handed my form in at the school office and then got summoned to the HeadMistresses' office later that day....I nearly cried with fear (that she was going to say no!)

She said she could authorise it this year as he is only in Nursery BUT in future years if we want to take him,its not her that we have to convince it is the LEA and apparently ours are really difficult to get permission from!!

She said all I can do is ensure his attendance is 95% and over and write a compelling letter stating why I want to take him!!

I'm already planning that letter for 2013!! :lol:

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Schools in Telford are terrible for holidays in term time. Its an absolute no-no

Its so bad, that we had to get permission from the "governors" for a term time family wedding. (My brother) however they said that if either me or my wife had been getting re-married it would have been fine (i.e. perfectly acceptable for the kids to come from a broken home) it beggars belief what these morons come up with

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I have taken school aged children for the last 4 festivals. This has meant asking three different schools. i am also the chair of governors of an infant school.

Basically the guidence is that children may, with permission from the headtecher or board of governors, have up to 10 days away from school per school year. Each school must have a policy describing this that will be a public document and therefore is a good place to start.

In my experience most schools say yes except if there are SATS, examas etc OR the school has a low attendance record.

Of course there will be many headteacher that do not understand the life experience, fun and other things a child gets from Glastonbury so our turn to educate them.

i would first have a quiet word with the class teacher or head to ask how the land lies. My kids take a scrap book, camera and do a mini project showing what they got up to.

Good luck, even though i work for the school, if they diid say no..............I take my children anyway!

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There have been a few threads over the years about this and I remember someone composed a letter which was quite helpful -

here's one from 2009 - put "school letter" in the search bar at the top of screen for others

change the dates if you are going to use it !


Dear *******

AUTHORISED LEAVE - *********** – 23rd JUNE – 26th JUNE and 29TH JUNE – 30th JUNE

We are writing to inform you that **** may be absent from school inclusive of the days mentioned above. We would very much like for you to supply **** with some work to do over this period if you think he will miss anything fundamental.

Once again (ticket allocation permitting) **** is to accompany us to The Glastonbury Festival of Contemporary Arts and we understand that this absence can be authorised by the school, as it is a cultural event. If you want more details on what **** will experience during this week you can find details of some of these on The Internet at http://www.glastonbu...ance.aspx?id=98

In addition, **** will continue with his scrapbook/photo diary of his time at the festival as he enjoyed doing this for last year’s festival and still enjoys looking back at it to recount his time there.

In the 5-6 months since last year’s festival, we have noticed as parents the profound beneficial effect it had on him. The following points are examples of how **** has benefited as a result of Glastonbury 2008. Points which he can discuss freely in detail himself.

• He has since developed and defined his own musical preferences.

• He has a greater understanding and appreciation of certain global environmental/human geography issues esp. Recycling, clean energy, the need the clean water and sanitation.

• While not seemingly interested in being creative himself, **** has developed a greater appreciation and respect for the efforts and creativity of others for the enjoyment of others. In particular he was impressed with Art installations from recycled materials as well as the logistics involved in catering for 200,000 people for a week on a farm in rural Somerset.

• He can have fun with his parents.

We would be appreciative if the school could take this on board as sound examples of character development as well as being relevant to the broader National Curriculum.

We will be staying in a nearby hotel on Monday 29th June before embarking on the full return leg back to Darlington as it takes several hours just to leave the site and get back onto major highways.

If you could send a reply home with **** that would be great.

Yours Sincerely .......

shorter version-

Dear Teachers name

Request for authorised leave: ?? June until ?? June 2010

We are writing to request that (Childs Name) be granted authorised leave from school inclusive of the days mentioned above. We would very much like for you to supply (Childs Name) with some work to do over this period in line with the reason we are requesting the leave. (A project book of some sort perhaps)

(Childs Name) is to accompany us to The Glastonbury Festival of Contemporary Arts as it celebrates it's 40th anniversary, we understand that this absence can be authorised by the school, as it is a cultural event. If you want more details on what (Childs Name) will be learning during this week you can find details http://www.kidzfield.com/

If you would send a reply home with (Childs Name) it would be much appreciated.

Yours Sincerely

Edited by King Kong
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There have been a few threads over the years about this and I remember someone composed a letter which was quite helpful -

here's one from 2009 - put "school letter" in the search bar at the top of screen for others

change the dates if you are going to use it !


Dear *******

AUTHORISED LEAVE - *********** – 23rd JUNE – 26th JUNE and 29TH JUNE – 30th JUNE

We are writing to inform you that **** may be absent from school inclusive of the days mentioned above. We would very much like for you to supply **** with some work to do over this period if you think he will miss anything fundamental.

Once again (ticket allocation permitting) **** is to accompany us to The Glastonbury Festival of Contemporary Arts and we understand that this absence can be authorised by the school, as it is a cultural event. If you want more details on what **** will experience during this week you can find details of some of these on The Internet at http://www.glastonbu...ance.aspx?id=98

In addition, **** will continue with his scrapbook/photo diary of his time at the festival as he enjoyed doing this for last year’s festival and still enjoys looking back at it to recount his time there.

In the 5-6 months since last year’s festival, we have noticed as parents the profound beneficial effect it had on him. The following points are examples of how **** has benefited as a result of Glastonbury 2008. Points which he can discuss freely in detail himself.

• He has since developed and defined his own musical preferences.

• He has a greater understanding and appreciation of certain global environmental/human geography issues esp. Recycling, clean energy, the need the clean water and sanitation.

• While not seemingly interested in being creative himself, **** has developed a greater appreciation and respect for the efforts and creativity of others for the enjoyment of others. In particular he was impressed with Art installations from recycled materials as well as the logistics involved in catering for 200,000 people for a week on a farm in rural Somerset.

• He can have fun with his parents.

We would be appreciative if the school could take this on board as sound examples of character development as well as being relevant to the broader National Curriculum.

We will be staying in a nearby hotel on Monday 29th June before embarking on the full return leg back to Darlington as it takes several hours just to leave the site and get back onto major highways.

If you could send a reply home with **** that would be great.

Yours Sincerely .......

shorter version-

Dear Teachers name

Request for authorised leave: ?? June until ?? June 2010

We are writing to request that (Childs Name) be granted authorised leave from school inclusive of the days mentioned above. We would very much like for you to supply (Childs Name) with some work to do over this period in line with the reason we are requesting the leave. (A project book of some sort perhaps)

(Childs Name) is to accompany us to The Glastonbury Festival of Contemporary Arts as it celebrates it's 40th anniversary, we understand that this absence can be authorised by the school, as it is a cultural event. If you want more details on what (Childs Name) will be learning during this week you can find details http://www.kidzfield.com/

If you would send a reply home with (Childs Name) it would be much appreciated.

Yours Sincerely

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Thanks for the replies they are very helpful.

I can't believe that I am actually worried about asking if I can take my own children away with me for a couple of days!!!!

Although I completely agree that children should basically be at school, I would imagine that the parents who complete the leave reuqest forms are not the kind of parents that the school is likely to be worried about.

It's a bit of a shame to have to cater to the lowest common denominator which does not seem to recognise the benefit of attending an event such as Glastonbury. I do feel for the headteachers who appear to have to meet the 'stats' over and above individual considerations.

Anyway, thanks again we will be there one way or another!!!!

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Whats the worst that can happen? School says no, but you ignore that and go anyway.

It counts as an "unauthorised absence" which looks bad on the school.

If in doubt get someone to phone them in sick (oops did I just say that?!?)

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We will fill in the form, if it gets rejected then we will call him in sick by mobile phone while we are there.

We are his parents and will decide what is best for him. They are just the school he happens to attend at the moment and as such have zero input into these decisions.

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My 14 year old WILL be coming with us to Glastonbury this year. His school have refused his leave request so it will be recorded as unauthorised absence. This has been the case for the 2 previous festivals that he's attended.

Here's how I see it - we are his parents and will decide whether this absence is appropriate or not. As his parents, we HAVE decided that this absence is appropriate.

Bullishness aside, his teacher took my wife to one side after she'd sent in the written request and explained that it will be refused. She also explained that she fully understood the benefits he would receive from attending such an event and encouraged us to take him out anyway. Finally she added that with his impeccable attendance record to date and first class report he has just received there would be no repurcussions.

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Noodle24 is 14 this year and it will be her 3rd Glsto.

She is lucky this year as she is sitting GCSE'e but the subject exams are finished before the fest. (or she wouldn't be going)

I always write to the school and tell them exactly where she is going using wording very much like the posted letter.

Never been a problem and we usually get an emil saying enjoy the festival.

Her school is pretty good like this.. Rossett School Harrogate North Yorks. :D

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I always just ask for leave for a family holiday but the school know what it is as I am on the board of governors lol

I have been taking 4 kids since 1993 and 5 since 1997 and never been refused. They do have good attendance records and good reports though. We have also had to work it round exams a years with one of us parents coming down seperately with the child doing exams or leaving on sun night for an exam mon morning.

My youngest child is now 14 and this will be her 12th Glasto and her 1st time getting her own wristband she is so looking forward to it. Next year the school would decline the leave as they have recently changed their policy and made it a bit stricter. I would still take her even if it was unauthorised but luckily Glasto is not on next year and the year after hopefully her exams will be done by the time we go.

It is weird this year as some of my older ones have jobs and aren't going so this will be the 1st time without them all :-(

if asked I would explain like another poster all the benefits gained by exposure to the massive range of things at Glasto and go anyway

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My school which is actually in Glastonbury normally gives us the Friday and Monday off anyway but last year for some bizarre reason they didn't and surprise surprise the attendence plummeted. This year,we have those days free again (not that it affects me as my exams will be over!) :D

Anyway, the moral of the story is, if you wish to continue going to Glastonbury, maybe they will accept your offer in future years as unaourthorised absenses look bad on the school. :lol:

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My school which is actually in Glastonbury normally gives us the Friday and Monday off anyway but last year for some bizarre reason they didn't and surprise surprise the attendence plummeted. This year,we have those days free again (not that it affects me as my exams will be over!) :D

Anyway, the moral of the story is, if you wish to continue going to Glastonbury, maybe they will accept your offer in future years as unaourthorised absenses look bad on the school. :lol:

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Please help because we don't know what to do. We booked our tickets and have just been told by school that my Year 10 son has a Science gcse module on the Friday afternoon!!!! The module itself only lasts 40 mins and does not start till 2.00pm :angry: School will not allow holidays during term time let alone when he has a GCSE science module if we phone in saying he is sick will we have to provide medical evidence ie Doctors note??? Travelling down after the exam would take forever as we live in the North West. He does have the opportunity to resit it again in November. I am so annoyed cos this is the first time we have ever taken him out of school, he is never absent and GCSE exams have always been sat in Year 11 so we never thought this would happen. Half of me thinks he could sit it in November and this is a fab life experience that as a family is a one of shot for us. Then the other half of me thinks he should be in school :huh: Your thoughts would be really appreciated.

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Know it would add to the costs but could the rest of the family go early and one adult and one GCSE child travel by public transport later, megabus, cheap train tickets, family rail card? The resit is there for any probs with the original exam. Parenting - one big guilt trip!

EDIT TO SAY - I phone in sick for kids odd days off as this looks better on the school records as an authorised day off than unauthorised.

Edited by Px.
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