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My first disco biscuit

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I do feel sorry for those who wish to enhance their festival going experience these days chemically or even combustically.

Back in the day it used to be that you could moderate your own intake because things had a more gradual effect. Now it looks like the choice is between a mild tingle, gut ache, or a piece of two-by-four round the back of your synapses, with nothing in-between.

Shame, really

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I do feel sorry for those who wish to enhance their festival going experience these days chemically or even combustically.

Back in the day it used to be that you could moderate your own intake because things had a more gradual effect. Now it looks like the choice is between a mild tingle, gut ache, or a piece of two-by-four round the back of your synapses, with nothing in-between.

Shame, really

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mandy down my way (london) is 60 quid a gram now but it's very consistent. prefer to sprinkle into a drink for a more mellow feeling. later on at night then just bomb bag it and you're away.

monday night and tuesday night this week were pretty traumatic for sleeping. mad mad dreams, all sorts going on. woke up shouting at one point. that's what happens after 5 days bang on it in the sun though. same happened to me after a week in ibiza with a load of mentalists.

Edited by strike4A
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mandy down my way (london) is 60 quid a gram now but it's very consistent. prefer to sprinkle into a drink for a more mellow feeling. later on at night then just bomb bag it and you're away.

monday night and tuesday night this week were pretty traumatic for sleeping. mad mad dreams, all sorts going on. woke up shouting at one point. that's what happens after 5 days bang on it in the sun though. same happened to me after a week in ibiza with a load of mentalists.

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was probably shit MDA or mephedrone or some garbage.

Aint even worth bothering with pills or "mdma" these days as they just simply aint worth it.

Those days are long gone i'm afraid.

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don't get me wrong... felt great at the time. can remember coming up on it as soon as vampire weekend came on (who i was really wanting to see) and i felt effing great. i was drinking as well mind.

all i'm gutted about is not really remembering much. i guess i'm asking if this is the usual.

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There is no doubt that there are decent pills about but the vast majority are shit. It's interesting to compare the results of the pills found in Holland to the ones found in the UK on here. There are a few piperazine compounds being found in Holland but the majority are MDMA. This is probably because in Holland you can send your pill to a lab and have it tested for free and therefore there's less shit about. Here in the UK we don't have that unfortunately.

The going rate these days for a decent pill in London is £10 each. And before anybody says "Oh I get decent pills at three for a tenner" then I say to you - You're a liar or you've never had a decent MDMA pill.

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Same up in Newcastle. £10 per pill. Gone are the days where I used to take 10-20 pills to Glastonbury with me. I did take 10 rubbish pills with me this time and ended up doing one! Twas sh**e. Not worth the risk of a nasty comedown or illness that usually follows taking rubbish drugs.

Some pals of mine got the tenner pills and were canny mashed! But I prefer not to get in that state any more. But they had a tremendous time. They also had a loads of mdma powder which was apparently very good - yet again, didn't try anything.

Its a shame that the next generation will not experience the £25 pill from the late 80's early 90's that gave us so much pleasure and no nastiness but instead be satisfied with £1.50 rubbish.

Oh well - better to have lived and learned than never to have lived at all.

356 sleeps till I head down the long and winding road to Somerset yet again - it can't come quick enough

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