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Guest Scotdy

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Just take your bag along, you will give them your name and postcode and they will write it in a book along with a description of the item/bag.

They will give you a ticket with a number on it. Keep the ticket as you will need it to get your bag back or things out of it.

You can also hand in any valuable seperate to your other gear although I have never bothered.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Well I don't want to imply any disrespect to the excellent people who run the lock-ups, but that's quite a big claim. A few years back I met someone who told me that their valuables had been stolen from a lock-up by thieves who had slit the lock-up tent and got in round the back. I can't imagine that even the very nice lock-up people could accept responsibility for theft of items in their care?

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Well I don't want to imply any disrespect to the excellent people who run the lock-ups, but that's quite a big claim. A few years back I met someone who told me that their valuables had been stolen from a lock-up by thieves who had slit the lock-up tent and got in round the back. I can't imagine that even the very nice lock-up people could accept responsibility for theft of items in their care?

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Last year there was a lockup between Avalon and West Holts, but its not on this years Fine Guide, does anyone know if this is just a mistake or will there really be no lockup there this year, it would be a shame because that means vitually the whole of the south east corner wont have a lockup

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It's a BRILLIANT service. First thing i do is drop off my house and car keys, a spare debit card and any other bits and bobs i worry about. Even good for leaving a spare set of clothes (on a rainy year, not worth it this year ;p ) or £20 or something.

But - remember to take a spare bag or something - I take a little cheapo rucksack and then all my mates throw their bits in it and we put it in. But you should take something to give to them. For just keys and bits they will give you a envelope, but be prepared.

Also write down the ticket number - in case you lose the ticket. i usually text the number to a friend, so it's in my sent items and on their phone too.

Thanks to everyone that runs such a brilliant service, you make the festival so much more relaxed! In years gone by I'd spend the whole time worried I'd lose my keys!

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Last year there was a lockup between Avalon and West Holts, but its not on this years Fine Guide, does anyone know if this is just a mistake or will there really be no lockup there this year, it would be a shame because that means vitually the whole of the south east corner wont have a lockup

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You may be correct. However it leaves me wondering what possible reason a random stranger might have for making up such a story and telling it to me. They were relating it as their own personal experience, not as something that happened to "a friend". Anyway, it was a long time ago, and perhaps the security has improved.

I'm still assuming, unless one of you experts can correct me, that you have to sign a disclaimer agreeing that they don't take responsibility for your valuables.

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  • 11 months later...

Thanks for the clarification. I consider the lockups to be 100% safe and my experience is that the staff have an almost hypocratic oath style dedication to the safety and security of your goods, meaning that they aren't poking around in your stuff or any other paranoid fear that people may have.

To the chap/chapette that has heard a horror story, I'd say take that as a possible chinese whisper exaggeration as James Hunt mentions, this is something that happens an awful lot with tales at festivals, someone tripping over and spraining their ankle on Wednesday can be reported as having their leg amputated by Thursday evening. Every year there are some tales that move around the site that actually never happened (the girl who gets her face slashed by tent thieves seems to be REALLY unlucky as it has happened every year for as long as anyone remembers).

I promise you that you have nothing to fear using the lockups, please give a suitable donation for using them. They are free, but a good donation representative of the value you place on the safety of your goods is good for the soul. I personally recommend either dropping a quid or two in each time you pick up/drop off or a tenner/twenty/whatever you can afford at the end of the festival.

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Dont forget the toilet tissue and other useful sundries they have for collection too :D

I personally havent used a lock up for a fair while but I will probably use it to store my trolley in this year.

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Found the lock ups to be an excellent service - used it a lot last year to store a spare bag of essentials during the festival and also bits and pieces during the weekend

Having suffered a tent theft a few years ago I find it to be really ressuring to use the lock ups knowing that if things do go missing it's not the end of the world and a back up is in place. Staff at the lock ups are also really helpful in helping you find way round the festival site. Those running them do a great job

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