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Legal high's at Glasto

Guest musiclove123

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my experience of legal highs are all bad ones. I've never felt so utterly and completely RANK in all my life than after taking those.

Never even got high of them, the just make you feel rotten as f**k afterwards though, sick, headaches... I wanted to die i actually did.

And i'm no stranger to substanes. I doubt there's anything out there i havent done and my weekends used to consist of a dozen pills and a couple of grams of mdma and a few tabs of acid.

legal highs are evil on so many levels.

remember, just because they're legal doesn't mean they're safe OR good.

and please, for the love of god, stay the f**k away from mephedrone!

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I know it's all your choice but why oh why bother with mephedrone? It's horrid stuff for a start, let alone of the fact nobody knows about its side effects, short or long term and the damage it causes to you...

It's plant food ffs... You wouldn't go and snort a line of miracle-gro would you?

Seriously people get some f**king sense.

People are already dying from it. Just because it hasn't been classified YET doesnt mean its safe or is a justification to do it.

its like ketamine all over again.

Because it wasnt classified everybody thought it was perfectly safe.

Yeah well. I know plenty of people who need bladder reconstruction because of ketamine, one of which has to piss into a bag for the rest of her life.

Like i said, it's your choice at the end of the day.

Go act like numpties and kill yourselves if you want.

Remember, mephedrone = miracle%20gro.jpg

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Amazes me that people are so desperate to get battered that they're prepared to take these analogues which have been around for a pretty short time (compared to something like MDMA for example) with virtually no anecdotal or factual evidence of their effects (except that girl in Brighton who died from using meph a couple of weeks ago of course).

Just because something is legal doesn't make it safe :P

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Amazes me that people are so desperate to get battered that they're prepared to take these analogues which have been around for a pretty short time (compared to something like MDMA for example) with virtually no anecdotal or factual evidence of their effects (except that girl in Brighton who died from using meph a couple of weeks ago of course).

Just because something is legal doesn't make it safe :P

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People have been doing mephedrone/methylone for a good couple of years with very few reported bad consequences. It just happens that in the last few months the BBC and various tabaloids have got wind of it and are making a massive issue out of it.

As Deepsky says above, there is barely any mdma in the country (or Europe for that matter) at the moment and hasn't been for nearly a year now. This is likely to have lead to the increased demand for these chemicals.

Another thing, it is BZP and other piperzines, and also GBL that are getting banned early in the new year, not drone or lone. (Most pills that are sold as ecstacy in recent years contain BZP etc. Hopefully the ban will result in some decent pills again rather than that horrible shit)

Oh and finally they are not, and never have been, plant food. They are just chemicals which are almost identical to mdma and sold as plant food because it is illegal to sell them for human consumption.

Or so I've been told.

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I have been threatening to write this for a while, I think I will finally make the effort, I have created another account for this to avoid any self incrimination, I know I am being over cautious but what the hell.

Legal highs and particularly the ones that are currently in the news, ie mostly Mephedrone are something I happen to know quite a lot about, both though lots of research and reading of other peoples experiences though sites such as:



There are others but I would particularly recommend the first one for good advice on all things related to both legal and illegal substances.

Also I have done more than my fair share of hardcore on the ground, parachuting and railing (wrapping in a rizla then swallowing and snorting up your hooter) of these substances and I can tell you now that a lot of crap is written about it, what follows is what I consider to be a good objective guide, the basis of which will revolve around harm reduction.

These are the three main "legal highs" (research chemicals) that we are talking about here:




All of these are similar in chemical composition to MDMA, (the active ingredient of an ecstasy pill), although said pills often have other things in as well as MDMA, speed or ketamine to name two, that is on the assumption that you can find one with any MDMA in at all. This is the reason why these research chemicals are so popular at the moment, because of the complete dearth of quality MDMA either in pill or powder form on the black market, thus people are turning to alternatives, and let me tell you all right off the bat all of the three above named chemicals give big effects, in some case very close to MDMA itself.


In common with all these chemicals minimal research has been done about the effects, especially long term effects, although the data out there gives Mephedrone the worst reputation of the three, whether this is deserved or just earned because it is more popular than the other two is unknown.


Often described as a cross between coke and MDMA and this is a good description, it does not have the empathy that goes with MDMA, although some users report it has some, it also has the amphetamine push and focus of coke.

Positive effects:


Music appreciation

Some empathy, (depends who you ask, remember Your Mileage May Vary, YMMV)


Many people will not shut up when on the stuff, this is particularly true the first time they take it.

Feelings of well being.

Common side effects:

Grumpiness after use

Jaw grinding / bruxia


Cold hands/feet (vasoconstriction)

Impotence (vasoconstriction)

Eye Jitters (Nystagmus)

Uncommon side effects:

Discoloured outer limbs (vasoconstriction)

Strange psychological effect

Short-term memory loss


Heart problems



Do not drink alcohol either in excess before the trip or at all during the trip.

Drink a reasonable amount of water, you will be stimulated probably dancing you need water, not litres and litres just have water on you and have some slips little and often.

Better to take this orally, parachute it, ie place powder in a rizla or gelcap and swallow, this is less harsh on your nose and seems to reduce the fiending and craving more and more doses.

Buy some scales, £15 off eBay will be fine for these chemicals.

About 250mg per dose, if parachuting, if you must stick it up your nose then 100 - 150mg, remember snorting potentiates the chemical as it does not get metabolised by your stomach and liver, but goes straight into your blood stream, via the mucus membranes.

No more than 750mg in one session.

I stick by the above and I have never had a problem, if you abuse it, expect it to abuse you.


In common with all these chemical minimal research has been done about the effects, especially long term effects, although the data out there points to this being less potentially harmful than Mephedrone.


Often described as MDMA light, again this is a good description as an inexperienced user, would not be able to tell the difference between the two.

Positive effects:



Music appreciation

Stimulation, although no where near as much as Mephedrone

Common side effects:

Grumpiness after use

Jaw grinding / bruxia

Cold hands/feet (vasoconstriction)

Impotence (vasoconstriction)

Eye Jitters (Nystagmus)


Do not drink alcohol either in excess before the trip or at all during the trip.

Drink a reasonable amount of water, you will be stimulated probably dancing you need water, not litres and litres just have water on you and have some slips, little and often.

Better to take this orally, parachute it, ie place powder in a rizla or gelcap and swallow, this chemical is not well absorbed in the mucus membranes, it does work that way to, but you are wasting chemical by doing so.

Buy some scales, £15 off eBay will be fine for these chemicals

About 250mg per dose, if parachuting, if you must stick it up your nose then 100 - 150mg

Only do one re-dose, as further re-doses seem not to work but just give you the side effects, this maybe due to the chemical having difficulty crossing the blood brain barrier, just theories. However the re-dose needs to be the same, or more than the original dose

No more than 750mg in one session.

I stick by the above and I have never had a problem, if you abuse it, expect it to abuse you.


In common with all these chemical minimal research has been done about the effects, especially long term effects, although the data out there points to this being less potentially harmful than Mephedrone. Very similar to Methylone, but just a shade different not as much empathy, but worth a research.


Often described, well not often described at all, very limited information on this one, it is a favourite of mine, I find it a very nice social lubricant, not the over stimulation of Mephedrone.

Positive effects:



Music appreciation

Stimulation, although no where near as much as Mephedrone

Common side effects:

Grumpiness after use

Jaw grinding / bruxia

Cold hands/feet (vasoconstriction)

Impotence (vasoconstriction)

Eye Jitters (Nystagmus)


Do not drink alcohol either in excess before the trip or at all during the trip.

Drink a reasonable amount of water, you will be stimulated probably dancing you need water, not litres and litres just have water on you and have some slips, little and often.

Better to take this orally, parachute it, ie place powder in a rizala or gelcap and swallow, this chemical is not well absorbed in the mucus membranes, it does work that way to, but you are wasting chemical by doing so.

Buy some scales, £15 off eBay will be fine for these chemicals

About 250mg per dose, if parachuting, if you must stick it up your nose then 100 - 150mg.

I have only ever done one redose, and therefore unsure to wether more would be effective

No more than 750mg in one session.

I stick by the above and I have never had a problem, if you abuse it, expect it to abuse you.

Final thoughts:

I hope all this helps some people, as all of the above is from first hand experience, and not pulled from the pages of the Daily Fascist, I mean Daily Mail, I think I was right the first time.

Golden Rules:

Never buy or take a pill that you have bought at the festival/club, unless of course you have a testing kit with you.

Do not mix these chemicals unless you are experienced using them, and even then follow the golden rule that 1 + 1 = 3.

Drink some water, but don't get obsessed with this, too much water is also bad, little and often.

Listen to what your body is telling you and take it easy.

Go easy on the alcohol, this generally speaking is the more toxic product and does not mix well with any legal or illegal highs.

Horses for courses:

Raving: Mephedrone

Empathy junky: Methylone

Chilling with friends: Butylone

All available on the internet, but probably for not to much longer.

I have lately been writing a blog of my experiences, covering research chemicals as well as others, the time-line starts just after this years Glastonbury, if interested to give it a look you will find it here:


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I have been threatening to write this for a while, I think I will finally make the effort, I have created another account for this to avoid any self incrimination, I know I am being over cautious but what the hell.


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My understanding is that most of these new 'legal highs' that are being create din labs in China will be made controlled substances at the start of the new year i.e. by the time Glasto comes around they'll be just as illegal as coke and MDMA.
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