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Guest chappiepunk

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Today hasn't been good. I hate Mondays usually, I hate snow, and I hate people.

For instance - the wife was trying to drive up the top of our road first thing this morning, which is on a slope, and was struggling with the slush, when some complete ball sack tried to cut her up on her left - for f**ks sake - she was sliding all over the f**king place on a narrow road. What the f**k was this dickhead trying to achieve?

Luckily, Mrs LW managed to wind down the window, use some language that would have made Roy Chubby Brown blush which made this f**king c**t-knuckle back off a little bit.

WHY try and do that??????! Prick.

Oh, and we had a power cut for over an hour earlier on. And by god the MOANING.....! 'We can't stay here, it's not safe - it's against health and safety'. Bollocks. It went dark. During the day. So when I say 'dark', I mean 'the lights weren't on'. FFS - the lengths some people will go to for a day off work. It was back on by 1pm.

Also - I was sitting there in the 'dark' when my boss - with all the manners and grace of an untrained Millwall fan - started belching. You know the ones - those really gutteral beltches. SIX times. Not once did he say 'pardon me'. For f**k's sake you complete bell end - have you heard of manners???! It's f**king disgusting. No-one likes you, so trying to act all 'yobbish' only makes you less popular. You're normally looked upon in the same manner as a pile of sick on a pavement. When you beltch, you only bring further revulsion onto yourself, like someone had discovered that the pile of sick was deposited over a particularly runny dog turd.

It comes to something when I see my snotty, teething flatulent little boy as the person with the highest level of manners and decorum. Ah well, at least when I DO see him later, it will put a smile on my grumpy face. An expression I have worn with destain all f**king day.

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Without starting a Phil type rant / argument / claim / counter-claim type thing, have you considered using the phrase "My wife" rather than "The wife"? It's more aesthetically pleasing. I'd even go so far to use "My beloved" by then I'm a romantic.

Isn't today depression day, or some such?

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Well, it seems the in-thing to do. Randomly call some-one on the board an "ist". If I had to select one I'd go for "Kaledist".
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