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Glastonbury 2010 Real Ale Thread

Guest Langdale Wolf

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Getting a bit messy this whole meet thing. Here's my thoughts.

If we're all going to support the eFests World Cup, then let's meet there. I'm playing so have no choice (Red eFests T with "4Assed" on the back). After the game (3 ish) then the nearest Ale bar is the Red Flag. Should be open by 3 on the Thursday so then very loosely, Red Flag - Avalon - Bimble Inn, leading nicely to evening time and getting us all to the Park area for Baggy Mondays Indie Disco in the Stonebridge Bar.

Seems like the logical direction to me and avoids extra walking (especially for me, having played footy in blazing sunshine and 30 degree heat on a cow field).

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Getting a bit messy this whole meet thing. Here's my thoughts.

If we're all going to support the eFests World Cup, then let's meet there. I'm playing so have no choice (Red eFests T with "4Assed" on the back). After the game (3 ish) then the nearest Ale bar is the Red Flag. Should be open by 3 on the Thursday so then very loosely, Red Flag - Avalon - Bimble Inn, leading nicely to evening time and getting us all to the Park area for Baggy Mondays Indie Disco in the Stonebridge Bar.

Seems like the logical direction to me and avoids extra walking (especially for me, having played footy in blazing sunshine and 30 degree heat on a cow field).

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Do any of you know if any of these tents do a strawberry beer/lager/whatever it's called?

I ask, as a couple of years ago i came accross some at Shambala in the Ale tent and it was stunning.

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Do any of you know if any of these tents do a strawberry beer/lager/whatever it's called?

I ask, as a couple of years ago i came accross some at Shambala in the Ale tent and it was stunning.

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new guest in this week, Jennings Cumberland ale - lovely golden ale.

but, next week one of the truly great beers of england guests, Gales Festival Mild - few pints while watching pompey in the fa cup will do nicely

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Getting a bit messy this whole meet thing. Here's my thoughts.

If we're all going to support the eFests World Cup, then let's meet there. I'm playing so have no choice (Red eFests T with "4Assed" on the back). After the game (3 ish) then the nearest Ale bar is the Red Flag. Should be open by 3 on the Thursday so then very loosely, Red Flag - Avalon - Bimble Inn, leading nicely to evening time and getting us all to the Park area for Baggy Mondays Indie Disco in the Stonebridge Bar.

Seems like the logical direction to me and avoids extra walking (especially for me, having played footy in blazing sunshine and 30 degree heat on a cow field).

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Fursty Ferret's got an 8 for £8 offer on at Waitrose at the moment. This raises a few questions:

1. If I stock up now, will I manage to resist drinking them before Glasto?

2. How will I transport them from the car? The cans are in four-packs with plastic rings. I'd have to put them in something to stop them falling off my trolley.

3. Is it wrong to like not mind beer in cans?

4. How can Waitrose be the cheapest place to buy something?

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I'm in a caravan in Dorset at the moment, about 2 miles from the Badger brewery. It's been heaven. Fursty Ferret, Hopping Hare and Stinger, an organic beer made with nettles. So much good beer coming from the Hall and Woodhouse brewery at the moment.

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Fursty Ferret's got an 8 for £8 offer on at Waitrose at the moment. This raises a few questions:

1. If I stock up now, will I manage to resist drinking them before Glasto?

2. How will I transport them from the car? The cans are in four-packs with plastic rings. I'd have to put them in something to stop them falling off my trolley.

3. Is it wrong to like not mind beer in cans?

4. How can Waitrose be the cheapest place to buy something?

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I'm in a caravan in Dorset at the moment, about 2 miles from the Badger brewery. It's been heaven. Fursty Ferret, Hopping Hare and Stinger, an organic beer made with nettles. So much good beer coming from the Hall and Woodhouse brewery at the moment.
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Are you sure that you don't just think that canned bitter is rank because you go for quantity over quality? Looking here: http://www.mysupermarket.co.uk/departments/Beer_in_Asda.html, all the cheap beers (Boddingtons, John Smith's, Tetley's) are nasty whether they come from a can or tap (just noticed that Tanglefoot's pretty cheap there and it's not bad). Granted, any canned beer is not going to be as nice as a good one from a tap but I don't drink it thinking that -- I'm thinking that it's a million times nicer than Tetley's or Stella.
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What can I say? You've backed me into a corner -- I'm going to have to get some beer and drink it in the name of SCIENCE! :P
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bah dont talk to me about ale.

I have just moved from a flat which had a shop 5 minutes away which had a fabulous array of bottled ales (10+ all quality stuff) which changed regularly and was always reasonably priced to Tooting, where none of the shops have real ale AT ALL apart from sainsburys, which has a pitiful selection of about 4 ales, the only one of which is less than 5% strength (I dont like supping strong ales when just drinking a couple of bottles in the house after work) is Fursty Ferret by Badger, which I like a lot, but I cant drink just that for the next year or so.

Gutted isnt the word.

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bah dont talk to me about ale.

I have just moved from a flat which had a shop 5 minutes away which had a fabulous array of bottled ales (10+ all quality stuff) which changed regularly and was always reasonably priced to Tooting, where none of the shops have real ale AT ALL apart from sainsburys, which has a pitiful selection of about 4 ales, the only one of which is less than 5% strength (I dont like supping strong ales when just drinking a couple of bottles in the house after work) is Fursty Ferret by Badger, which I like a lot, but I cant drink just that for the next year or so.

Gutted isnt the word.

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Which beer tent at Glastonbury is the one known for serving a selection of good ales?

I saw someone mention it's name but cant remember now and dont know the location either (pretty sure it's already been mentioned on this thread but dont have time to search :P )

Managed to get a decent ale in the pub at the park grounds last year along with that Cheddar Valley cider which goes down very easily!

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