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Why wasn't everything Perfect?

Guest Alcatraz

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absolutely summed up my view in some rather powerful words there Al.

On the sunday we wondered up to the park to have a breather before CWKs and Blur. I turned round to my brother and said 'people make this huge playground just for us, and just for five days, how lucky are we?'

That is the feeling I will be holding on to for the next 300 and odd days - come what may

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i was down in the dance village failing to hear 2manydjs from outside the tent and an old geezer who could have been 20 or 30 years my senior appeared next to me from out of the crowd and asked me if i was having a good festival. i was, i replied, but my feet were killing me. he gave me one of those looks that only more seasoned human beings can and said "well, you've got to put in the miles".
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Well said Al (OP) !!!

Like the vast majority who attended this year I had a wonderful festival which of course had its highlights and low points. However the overall experience has been especially positive for me in very many ways. Every Glasto has very special times and this one was no exception. I think it has been the best of the 6 I have attended.

While it is very true that there are serious issues caused by a minority of selfish people which spoil the fun for the majority however these are relatively minor in the greater Glasto experience. Weather can be unpredicable and I got very wet on more than one occasion and had my waterproof footware disintegrate on me as well ! :lol:

But after days of mostly fun and being in a beautiful rural location with (generally) happy people my spirit has been fully recharged for another year. :lol:

Thank you Micheal Eavis and everyone else who helped create the wonderful experience that is the Glastonbury Festival. Long may it flourish !

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After a 14 hour car journey, I finally set foot on glastonbury soil. The 360 day wait had finally come to an end. The thing is though, unclimaticly, It didn't sink in. That notion didn't cross my mind once, I was just ready to absorb the farmiliaritys of a beer and spliff with my mates before colapsing into the confined setting of my tent. After a good, healthy rest, I woke up and it hit me. I had woken up in a city in which people work & enjoy themselves peacefuly, unselfishly and harmoniously. This wasn't escapism, It was the comunal celebration and embrace of art and expression in all it's diversity. The period of time which followed consisted of ups and downs, and a few missed opportunities... undeniably. But it was the best weekend of my life, and having been to leeds last year, it made me realise that if you get to the point where you're missing some part of the vibe, then you need to step back and take a look at the bigger picture which al has summed up perfectly.

There is nowhere else in the world where, people operate, trade, and share in such a socialy harmonious way... and that should allways be remembered.

People who argue that the vibe that was buzzing through the festival in previous years just isn't there anymore, are missing the fact that the vast majority of the glastonbury crowd don't become apathetic towards the ethos of the festival.

f**k the Apathy!

The spirit of Glastonbury is alive and well!

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