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Unemployed at Glasto

Guest podge52

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Sorry but you're an idiot. I don't know if you're puposefully trying to be antagonising to the people in this thread, who are going through a tough time at the moment, but comments like this do not help.

A lot of job sites leave jobs on the website for months after they've been filled just to keep them looking appealing.

Depending on what sector people work in, what they're qualified or expierenced enough for, location there are more jobs available to some than others.

I've been lucky enough to find myself a job after four months of being made redundant in the construction industry and have taken a pay cut to get myself back into work. Making out that the unemployed are too lazy to work is highly insulting when the majority just want to be employed like they were before the shit hit the fan.

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I was only made redundant on Monday with immediate effect - sucks big fat hairy sweaty things, but Glasto is already paid for & spending money already saved. Got my fingers crossed for everyone on these boards who is in or has been in this situation - I'm only new to it so can't say I really have had to deal with the full impact yet like some of you. Just got everything crossed that everyone can get through this as soon as possible. At least the atmosphere of Glastonbury will provide some relief for a few days & hopefully give everyone a much needed lift :lol:

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I've only been put out of work once, in around 2001, but I knew I had to get another job sharpish because I needed to pay the rent so I took a job I didn't want to take and stayed their for 6 months commuting up to 4 hours each day.

There are plenty of jobs available to those that will take them but many people claiming benefits seem to think they can be choosy about what kind of job to take, they think they're above taking a menial job that will pay the bills :D

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quote name='bombfrog' date='Jun 10 2009, 03:04 PM' post='2827226']

I've only been put out of work once, in around 2001, but I knew I had to get another job sharpish because I needed to pay the rent so I took a job I didn't want to take and stayed their for 6 months commuting up to 4 hours each day.

There are plenty of jobs available to those that will take them but many people claiming benefits seem to think they can be choosy about what kind of job to take, they think they're above taking a menial job that will pay the bills :lol:

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You seem to be taking this very personally. You shouldn't, because if you genuinely applied for all those jobs and were prepared to take anything then you are exactly the kind of person my original post was not aimed at. And you're right, if you genuinely can't find work and you've been paying NI for years then that is EXACTLY what it is for.

Of course I'm going to take it personally, you aimed your insulting, offensive and sweeping statements at anyone who was out of work for more than 1 day. You came across as stupidly smug, arrogant and boastful just because you pay a lot of tax. Your comments were extermely insulting and the jist that I got and I think several other people did as well judging by other peoples comments is that you seemed to put yourself across as better just because than the rest of us just because you've kept your job.

Nothing, again this is not aimed at you because you spent your time looking for a job and not just signing on so you could spend your dole money going to Glastonbury instead.

What the hell gives you the right to decide what people spend their money on? Luckily i paid for my ticket the day I was made redundant but aside from the support from my wife and family one of the only things that really kept me going through all of the hard times was the thought that Glastonbury was only a few months away. I see no reason why people on the dole can't save up and enjoy themselves, or do we all have to sit at a computer all day and not have any fun??

Indeed, but again I'm not talking about the short term unemployed with a healthy work ethic here.

But you said that 99% of people who say they can't find work are lying, that’s not true, 99% of people who are looking for a job can't find one, that's why they are looking!

Actually I've never bought either of those papers but I do think that it is you that is mistaken if you think you're in the majority. Ask anyone who works in a job centre what they have to deal with on a day to day basis.

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Well I've tried to exmplain that my comments weren't aimed at people like you but you seem intent on taking my comments the wrong way so I give up. You also seem intent on putting words in my mouth.

I'm not smug, but I do think that those people who do work hard and pay taxes have the right to say that those on benefits should be looking for work not going on holiday. That's just bloody common sense, surely?

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I'm unemployed (just finished a zoology degree) and i'm looking for work for the year in a school (aiming to be a teacher)

I told the JC i'm going to glastonbury cuz it coincides with one of my (dunno what to call em) check-ins?? but I'm working there (volunteering) so they didn't mind, to be honest they seem pretty laid back i doubt they'd mind even if you were going as a punter [shrugs]


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I travelled 50 miles, 2 hours either way on crappy public transport which cost a fortune and had very little quality of life while doing it. The alternative was to not work and live on benefits, which I didn't consider to be much of an option.

On a short term basis, whatever it took to pay the bills.

Again Rufus I would say to you that you don't sound like the kind of person my comments were aimed at so stop taking everything so damn personally.

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OK, you do know don't you that 99% wasn't an exact figure taken from government statistics? Are you being deliberately obtuse?

I'm saying that the benefits system exists for a reason, it's there as a short term measure so that if you lose your job then it will provide you with a minimum standard of living while you look for a new one. It is not there to pay for you to go on holiday!

Then you're an idiot.

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