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  1. I fancy catching Jungle again after they smashed that West Holts set. I said I was done with WHP but they're playing in September and I'm tempted. Can anyone advise me on the type of night it will be , I don't recognise many on there. https://thewarehouseproject.com/event/repercussion-jungle-bonobo-tickets/ Assume they will be on last also based on the line up order?
  2. CH0161

    Food Traders 2024.

    Best for me was the Indonesian Curry, thanks to whoever recommended that on here.
  3. CH0161


    That was my 11th time seeing them. Dragged our whole group along and was glad to hear they all really enjoyed it. I did pre-warn them that there would be a good mix of new songs and old classics. For me, the day they stop making new music is probably when they'll pack it in so if it keeps them going, I'll take it. Think Yummy was their 18th album which is madness. 'Lifes a f**king miracle' 😎
  4. Was surprised to see Princess Beatrice in the Spike Bar on Saturday afternoon. Didn't appear to have any security with her but I'm sure there must have some lurking.
  5. Friday night / Saturday early AM was the coldest I've ever been. On the whole, the best weather I've had there.
  6. Thursday night was a shitshow for us, first tried Jayda G at Greenpeace then Job Jobse at San Remo. Last time I ever try to watch a decent sized DJ on a Thursday night. Bicep Friday at IICON was bad. Anyone know what happened at the front when they stopped the music? Whatever it was, they played a very serious message on repeat that seemed like a scene off the Hunger Games. Was caught up in the crowd heading right out of the Pyramid after Shania Twain towards Other Stage for Avril Lavigne. We were going to San Remo but it took ages and at one point we didn't move for 5 mins.
  7. Ah, I was wondering why I hadn't heard of it !
  8. 'The Loving Arms' in Silver Hayes showed England last night
  9. Anyone know how to locate 'Lost' stage in Shangri-La 😀
  10. Working until 5pm tomorrow. Seems about a week away as things stand
  11. CH0161

    Spike set times

    Can anyone point me in the direction of the set times? Can't find it on the main line up page https://x.com/AVIHouseParty/status/1805187596110201287/photo/2
  12. Walk me through it your procedure mate, I'm planning on doing the same. Thinking of mixing red/orange juice beforehand , and topping up with lemonade for fizz when I get there(with ice and fruit of course)
  13. For getting away Monday morning, what are the main issues faced? Is it waiting to get out of the car park, or traffic on the roads around - or both? I've never drove before and usually have a bus leaving at 7am , so never experienced any difficulties.
  14. Have caught up on a couple of Eric Prydz sets. Doesn't seem to play the old bangers like Pjanoo and opts for a harder style than the last time I seen him (2014). Which is fine as I am not averse to it being heavy, but does anyone know if he occasionally drops some of his old classics in?
  15. CH0161


    The sign is up! (nearly)
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