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Guest nightcrawler13

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Yes there would, there are loads of things you could base the story on.

You'd see Darth Maul basically lay waste to everything pretty fast and he and his boss would have just carried on happy slapping old people and selling hand jobs on the street for small change until one day they realised their feelings for one another and settled down, Maul decides to help out by getting a plumbing vocation while Emperor decides to do volunteer work for death stick cancer treatment, and they have a family after Palpatine figures out the "creating life" thing.

Or just make the movie about Han Solo back in the days when he had to go teach that no good pesky Lando from letting his callgirls encroaching on his turf by sicking Chewbacca on them.

Those two films > everything.

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There are two people responsible for changing the fate of the galaxy at it's source in each of the trilogies.

The original, first "f*ck up", as reported by Simon Pegg, was the gunner on the Star Destroyer at the start of the original film who told the gunner to not fire on the escape pod containing the stolen plans. End result = Empire f*cked. All because they wanted to save one blast from a cannon, cheap bastards.

The second is the new f*ck up - and it's Qui Gon Jinn. He's responsible for everything. If he didn't save the retard Jar Jar Binks, or bring him along on his quest, then Jar Jar wouldn't have voted the Chancellor his emergency powers. Nice one Jedi douche. Although he did figure out how to be a ghost, and while he was kind enough to tell his Jedi mates (except Anakin, who became a ghost for some other reason - ah plot holes are fun), really he did leave it pretty f*cking late to spead that news, waiting until AFTER most of the Jedi were wiped out. Nice going Sherlock. Notice how he's also responsible for finding Darth Vader - a person who grew to be so twisted he would later abuse his own daughter in a prison cell with some syringes attached to a floating testicle.

The man is an arse.

Edited by worm
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Ah, but the Emperor & Yoda had forseen all of this. So what these people did was conform to fate, including the Emperor (but not Yoda as he chose to die), to leave the entire fate of the universe to the free choosing of a young and innocent boy. This is the only meta-physical/meta-narrative choice that could change anything in Star Wars. And it began before Episode 1.

Hence, 'this technological nightmare you have constructed is nothing next to the power of the force'.

Edited by Purple Monkey
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Yeah I know what the plot is. Redressing the balance of the galaxy and all that. Sith is the imbalance, Anakin, through Luke, re-aligns the balance and fulfils the prophecy. That's all fluffy and wonderful on the outside but really the Jedi justified war and the deaths of countless innocents over decades "for the greater good" of fulfilling the prophecy, and didn't try any alternatives. A wonderfully American concept of galactical politics you must admit.
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I don't know if that is entirely true Worm. Certainly the expanded Universe stuff discussing what came after the Battle of Endor seems to suggest that the Jedi that came afterwards were different to the Jedi that came before. Whether or not this included expanding their knowledge to include some aspects of the Dark Side, I don't know, but certainly it was different.

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No, because they couldn't stop it. They were all just part of what was going to happen anyway.

And I do believe that he didn't bring balance to the force. He destroyed the sith bringing bias to the force. Anomolicious, as I'm sure C3PO once said.

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Lucas said that by destroying the Sith, Anakin fulfilled the prophecy and brought balance to the force.

The Jedi maintain the balance. They do not knock it off kilter. The Jedi were the guardians of the natural order of life and death. The Sith threw that all out of whack by being able to influence the force to create life, save people from death etc, f*cking up the system etc. The Jedi instead, like you said, were advocates of nature and fate - they didn't try to interfere. Anakin stopped all that and restorred the balance.

Like Sifi said the new Jedi Order started up by Luke Skywalker changed that. They were less dogmatic and decided fate wasn't something that just happened (as it led to war and death of millions the last time) it was something you helped to create. Instead of waiting for the threat to emerge and destroy the galaxy equilibrium they as a result had far more foresight. Luke started a far more responsible Jedi Order.

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Okay. Balls to the Sith. The dark side is what I'm getting at. Dark and light in balance. But there's only light once the Jedi are in control. And Luke killed a dark jedi knight to retain this control.
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Hmm, not 100% true, and certainly debatable.

As Vader threw the Emperor to his death, there seemed quite a bit of static in the air which probably finished him off. So basically, the Emperor killed Vader, and Vader killed the Emperor.

He might have come through it if it wasn't for that pesky bloody Emperor.

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Because the force is an unbalanced power when it is used for evil i.e. the Dark Side. My ridding the galaxy of the Sith, the force is no longer used for evil and is therefore a balanced power.


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Simple for a Jedi, perhaps.

So the force is not balanced then. If it is all light then it is not balanced. It is biased.

Or am I just a Sith?

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The task of a Jedi is to ensure peace and harmony in the Galaxy. In order to do this, they use the force - a power that surrounds everything.

This power is harnessed in different ways by the two Jedi factions. The Jedi use the force to ensure peace and harmony, the Sith use negative emotions to harness the same power as a force for evil.

Think about a rottweiler. Bestow love and positives things to it, and it will become a faithful companion. Show it negative aspects and it becomes (to quote Yoda) an agent of evil.

The force is a shell, to be manipulated depending on the will of the individual Jedi, be it light or dark. The Dark Side merely harnesses the power of the force for evil, twisting and manipulating it so the force becomes more unstable, as the will of the beholder becomes harder to control as the negative attitudes consume the Sith. The light side keeps the force under control, hence creating a balanced power that in turn helps create peace.

If you strike me down worm, I shall become more powerful than you could possibly imagine.

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Yeah, so to be balanced it has to have both negative and positive aspects. If it just has one then it is bias. And we shall see about that old man.
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