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First time at Glastonbury in 09

Guest Ashaz42

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I went to Glasto for the first time this year and it is definately different to other festivals. I had one problem with it though, the amount of people sat on camping chairs watching acts. It was like a frigging massive picnic, I'm sure I saw cucumber sandwiches and pimms in there lol

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I'm sure I saw cucumber sandwiches and pimms in there lol
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For me, Glastonbury last year changed my life.

It made me realise who I was inside, I completely forgot the stresses of homework

and GCSE'S, The only thing I was worried about is wether the yorkshire pudding I brought

from that random stall would taste nice or which band will I see next or how crap the chinese

I just brought was, and the fact that the table had some spit on it right beside me. It's simple

things really.

It reminded me that there are other people in the world out there like me who have an alternative

music taste and outlook on life. Word's cannot actually discribe what glastonbury is like as a festival,

it's just... wow. I was completely speechless for the first time when first stepped foot on the site, all

I could say was "Wow" or "Amazing.

I think other festivals are too worried (and I know this is kind of ironic) attracting younger more riotous people

to make their festival look "cool" or "hip", their all sponsored to shit and their just as put before a big gig

in a feild. For me, glastonbury is the Britain. It basically explains the whole British culture in 5 days, how we

are different and proud to be.

So yeah, Glastonbury is good then.



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Of course it is... and there are many peeps with perceptions based on little more than inaccurate media reports and stereotypical bollox rather than any form of personal experience etc. For instance:

Always cold and wet

Always a mudbath

Full of drugged up hippies

Loads of crime

Too many 'rich' coke sniffing kids/wannabes/celebs

Too many 'dodgy' scousers/mancs/travelers/whatever

Too many 'old' peeps

Cr@p headliners

Too expensive

Not as good as it used to be

Blah, blah, blah

... spring to mind for starters ! Not suggesting that any of those might not have been sort-of true at some specific point in time or place or in some peeps personal opinion regardless perhaps but certainly not all of them all of the time as some idiots would have you believe. If I had £1 for every time that I've allegedly been stupid enough to stand in the middle of some field up to my knees in mud, freezing cold and soaking wet, surrounded by drug crazed hippies and fighting off the scousers trying to rob me, not able to find my tent and be listening to some 3rd world music or second-rate band that no one's ever heard of etc. then ME would have retired years ago cos I'd have had more than enough do$h to buy Worthy Farm and the rights to run the festival myself by now :P

As for festival "A" is better than Festival "B" ... it would be pretty d@mn boring world if all festivals were much the same and so easily comparable in that way but fortunately, that is about as far from true as it's possible to get. I go to several festivals every year and each one is a really great festival and each one is the best festival ever ... but only when compared to the relevant previous festivals ! I couldn't compare any one festival with another festival because I choose to go to each of them for completely different reasons and therefore it's absolutely impossible to compare them. If I want rock/metal then I don't expect to find it at Glasto so go elsewhere for that every year. Ditto if I want various current big name headliners really because whilst it might well happen at Glasto some years it's far from guaranteed to. I go to Glasto to experience a shedload of stuff that I've never seen and maybe have never even heard of so haven't ever thought of seeing, so it's all primarily about stuff I probably wouldn't see otherwise. Plus an even bigger shedload of non music-related stuff to experience of course, absolutely all of which is stuff that I definitely wouldn't ever see otherwise. None of the other festivals I go to offer me all of that which is why Glasto fits the bill perfectly in addition to several other reasons.

All the festivals I go to do exactly what it says on the tin and a real good time is always had at every single one. However, as variety is always a good thing of course, all my 'tins' are carefully chosen so as to contain different goods and provide a well balanced diet so to speak :P The time Glasto doesn't offer me 1001 things to see/do but not enough hours in the day to actually check them all out is the time to give up. I defy anyone to go and not be able to find way too much good stuff going on somewhere on site even if the programmed headliners aren't perhaps as 'good' as they would like or as 'good' as [insert other festival here] on paper.

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Oh I dunno ... no probs with pinicky stylee munchies various, it's the table, chairs, rugs, umbrella(s), strange looking (non-apple/pear-based) drinkies with lil flags or even more umbrellas in plus the penguin-esque butler that is the *real* problem here, esp when within 100 miles metres of the stage :P


Mmmmm, sarnies, sausage rolls, porky pies, scotch eggies and crippies various ... no doubt packed full of all the stuff that no one would ever eat had they actually seen any of it before it was concealed in a convenient nice looking and tasty package <_<

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