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Everything posted by balti-pie

  1. Last time i went Pembroke-Rosslare it was far more like the latter description, than the former. Spectacular amounts of vomit!
  2. As a complete neutral, i cant wait to watch it 😄 there's just so much potential entertainment, whether it be newcastle hilariously humbled or home crowd devastated and in tears by being humped by their hated rivals. I just want an absolute bloodbath to be honest! Other local derbies are always entertaining, because i just cant understand how anyone can hate Sunderland. Or Newcastle, for that matter. Both amiable enough clubs, in my experience anyways. Its like Ipswich v Norwich, how is that a derby, they're both quite adorable! (But equally i suppose neutrals can look at the north london derby and have a soft spot for arsenal, which is ridiculous: they're a despicable entity from top to bottom, and have been for every single second of their existence 😃)
  3. Its dished out by King Sausagefingers, so therefore its a massive nonsense. Benjamin Zephaniah is as ever far more erudite and precise than me, and if he thought it was bollocks then i would very much agree.
  4. Yeah, this. Not that being in my good books is important to anyone ofc, and Michael Eavis is already fairly well established in the upper echelons of my good books, but he'd be top, top tier if he turned it down. Ridiculous anachronism in the 21st century and for me accepting the honour is acknowledging that it should exist, when its a massive crock of bollocks and endorsing hereditary privilege. But that said, if he wants it, then good luck to him 👍
  5. Its the Shoop Shoop song thats top of the Cherpops, you crazy heathens. In no way inspired by my own dreadful school disco efforts at romance, obviously.
  6. Sports personality of the year is obviously a nonsense (Michael Owen having a personality ffs 😄 he's genuinely the biggest dullard on the planet) but if Mary Earps getting it annoys Barton, then i'm all for it. She seems like a good egg and he's an absolute throbber of the worst possible kind, its so easy to take a side in this one
  7. i don't tend to withhold my sympathy for people based on their bank account - even spectacularly rich people can have life problems and professional crises.
  8. He definitely needs a couple of weeks off, the poor bugger. He's got that harassed, frazzled look that i can really recognise around my workplace with the christmas break coming up! Get him on the sofa with a pile of twiglets and some tea, he needs a doze and a cheese board or two. actually, so do i
  9. I know this is going to seem a bit mean, but Trippier was absolutely bloody dreadful for his last 18 months at spurs, and its kind of annoyed me how lauded and how decent he's been at Newcastle. This Trippier, the one we're seeing now who's knackered and making errors all over the shop, this is the one i recognise!
  10. balti-pie

    2024 Headliners

    It would be huuuugely funny to see loads of people excited about Gaga headlining, expecting big production and loads of dancers, all manner of pop type hits - and it ends up a jazz swing dirge for two hours 😄
  11. The price of gigs is ridiculous- it really has to be justified for me to pay these sort of prices. I'd rather see smaller bands in smaller venues for about £20ish, cos thats all a bit more appealing in terms of the price, the night out, the experience, everything - but i missed Slipknot this year at Download, and my mate is desperate to see them, so this is a bit of a one off. And compared to some of the prices at the o2 £80 for standing isn't actually too expensive, its towards the cheaper prices for events at that place. Which breaks my brain a bit, its a shopping centre . . .
  12. Ive hiked the West Highland Way and the Speyside way in the last four years, and they're amazing - didnt have any tick action, thankfully, and even avoided any midgies as well - go in march/april/may and you'll get pretty temperate weather, in my experience. Decent set of waterproofs and you're golden!
  13. Standing was £82, including all the bumflufferies and nonsense - seats about the same, by the looks of things
  14. woop, 2 x standing tickets sorted! If anyone wants in, HMU for the presale code
  15. Presale code is SIC 😎 2x standing for london aaaalll sorted
  16. oxfam typically send out a pre-christmas email informing everyone that has priority what date from which they can apply fro all the festivals - which is likely to be mid-january. It'll open up to non-priority people a week later 👍 There's likely to be 2500 spots again, about 120 of them will be earlies - sun/mon/tues before it all starts. Not long to wait!
  17. Don't like the o2 at all, its crap, but Slipknot will absolutely get me there 👺
  18. I read somewhere that between the Spurs and Newcastle squads, there were 21 injured players out of a registered 50 first teamers. Thats absolutely ridiculous! They're coming back in dribs and drabs for spurs now, and it makes such a difference - give it a couple of weeks and newcastle will start drastically improving, just in terms of having some fresh legs about, even if they're not at their best or necessarily first XI choice. Trippier was blowing out of his arse, it cant be fun having Sonny running at you time and again . . .
  19. anyone with presale info for the Slipknot london date - hit me up! i'd say there's a very decent chance of the 21st being added too, fingers crossed
  20. balti-pie

    The Killers

    Yeah, i cant countenance spending £100 on a gig ticket, even if i love the band. The o2 is a crap venue - they could convince me to pay £100 if its a 'stadium' band playing somewhere smaller and good, brighton dome or brixton academy etc, cos that has the right combination of sound, venue, size, accessibility - but there's just nothing good about the o2 or the outdoor stadium nonsenses we get every summer and i'm just plain not shelling out that much. Would far rather see smaller bands in smaller, more intimate venues. This is basically the pyramid vs park/woodsies/truth stage headliner argument, but in the real world 😄
  21. ffs, Knocked Loose in london is a bloody sunday night! f**ked for trains home, its impossible 😐
  22. The absolute bloody joy of being warm and cosy after a long period of being cold is absolutely worth a few quid in gas etc!
  23. balti-pie

    2024 Headliners

    😄 that makes it a bit more appealing, as i think he's a smug twat who deserves some kind of comeuppance
  24. i think 90% of glastonbury attendees would only know a couple of songs off Come On Over. That might well be enough to be a legend for a lot of people, but its really not a slot for me at all i suspect. Watching Bring Me The Horizon on the Other while the world were at Kylie is weirdly one of my favourite memories of the last couple of Glasto's. (and the Taylor Swift before Taylor Swift was Taylor Swift line is great, but she's equally as musically baffling to me 😆 for the life of me i dont see the attraction)
  25. i very much align myself with Gnom's position - i just don't think football and music festivals, particularly glastonbury, mix well. I don't mind seeing people in shirts so much, assuming they're crap teams - but you just know a drunk Man United fan will take umbrage at a Liverpool fan in a shirt and there'll be some form of cocaine-induced 'banter' over it and i dunno, i'd far rather celebrate similarities than differences. Bristol City and Rovers fans call each other scum, but obvs they're the very same people. Don't divide! International football is easier for me to not get too bothered by because Ireland are really crap at the mo and wont be qualifying for anything for a while yet, alas. I'd watch all the home nations and will typically get right into a tournament, but if i'm at glastonbury i dont have enough brain bandwidth to be dealing with the vagaries of a tournament AND all the musical and other shenanigans going on. So i'll ignore it all until i'm back in the land of the normals, and then i can watch what i've missed.
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