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Deaf Nobby Burton

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Everything posted by Deaf Nobby Burton

  1. As a straight main I went in there on Thursday 2019 but can’t remember a thing, which is a little concerning.
  2. Realistically even if you had the same speaker set up on the Pyramid with four speakers hanging down separately, the action bits could still be framed on the middle of the speakers without them blocking any footage of whoever was performing.
  3. You could spend the whole five days scanning it with this: https://apps.apple.com/gb/app/polycam-lidar-3d-scanner/id1532482376
  4. The aspect ratio of the pyramid ones still seems all wrong for those big screens but you never know, seems like they’d have to be big portrait sized ones?
  5. I guess if the screens were that humongous you could still have the speakers hanging in front of it? Reading did but only the one pair:
  6. Looking at images from 2019, they do appear to hang from the supports, but there is also some horizontal bracing behind them as well. In 2019 (and 2017) by the looks of it the supports were double thickness, with the bracing behind the screens attached to the rear most support. So In theory they could just be the same screens again even with this new middle support, so it’s inconclusive either way at this stage, especially if the speakers remain the same position because there isn’t a huge amount of room to make the screens bigger without being partially blocked by them:
  7. When do tickets generally start going out? I can never remember.
  8. I’ve never cried, but I felt a strong emotional energy at the end of Coldplay, not because I was blown away by the performance, just the energy from the crowd at the end of what was a challenging festival due to the mud, and the fact it was the end of the festival.
  9. Yeah I heard that, Martin Tyler then said to Gary Neville “you would know more than me” to which Neville said “I’ve never been”.
  10. Do my eyes deceive me, or is there more attached to the top of the one that’s already up compared to the one there lifting up now? Edit: ignore me, obviously they have to attach the support bits still.
  11. The crane’s boom has extended again, we’re not done yet.
  12. It’s a British festival, that’s an unavoidable fact. The acts are largely going to cater to British people.
  13. Yes I have to say Confidence Man as much as I like them are never headlining the Pyramid in a million years.
  14. Thursday night in 2019 was definitely red as it was stuck to my old fridge for a while.
  15. Netflix baddie / A legends most famous song
  16. At the point I wrote that it had disappeared, but in the previous image it was just poking out from the back of the left side of the pyramid.
  17. The big red crane is remarkably stealthy for something so big
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