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Yoghurt on a Stick

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Everything posted by Yoghurt on a Stick

  1. I come from an Irish background, and am 'supposed' to have total allegiance to it's natural beauty. However, I have visited Scotland a few times ( I have visited a few of the west coast islands) and nothing compares to the scenery in Scotland. It is truly awesome / breathtaking. It is one of my ambitions to get my campervan back on the road and do the NC500.
  2. You have the most beautiful vista. * * - and I bet your pins ain't that bad either!
  3. In my mid teens I used to (alongside friends) attach a marigold glove to a cold water tap (ie mains supply) and blow the glove up until it rather resembled a cow's udder. Once this was achieved the task was to get it (all hands on board) to the middle of the road outside, and see passing motorists various reactions. My personal favourite was to see a small car pull up just before 'the udder', the passenger door open, a person poke their finger into 'the udder', rapidly get back into the car, before it screeched off, swerving 'the udder' on its way. Yeah, that was the best one.
  4. I once wore a pair of waders into and throughout one muddy Glastonbury. Before entering I took all my mates 'essential medications' off them, and lashed them to my one thigh, and walked straight in. They had everything to lose, and I didn't care for my job anyway, so it made sense - to me, anyway!
  5. Footie. I will always promise.
  6. I have fought the forces that would have me spontaneously self combusting.
  7. Thanks ever so much for posting that. I saw and listened to a bit of footage that ticked all the boxes. Nice one. 🙂
  8. I tip my hat to you Sir. I haven't been on this thread for donkeys. My problem is that I liked your joke that I have now forgotten the joke that I came on here to post.* * It is, as I write, coming back to me a little.
  9. You're well 'jammy' with the high tech stuff. ennit?
  10. I have nothing but the greatest admiration for the hardcore lengths that you lot are going to to get a ticket(s). Maybe you could create a combined cheese based recipe book? My culinary skills are such that I once tried to make cauliflower cheese, but gave up, just boiled the cauliflower, and took a bite out of it, then a bit out of a lump of cheese, then a bite out of the cauliflower again, etc. That would be my contribution, if I was allowed one - given that I'm not buying any of said cheese. See all that above? That's what you get when you've had a smoke and all you wanted to do was post this;
  11. I'm still only on the first page of this thread, but that makes sense - to me - so far. That said, one person's sense is another's lunacy. It's a difficult one. Let he who is without sin etc. Is it right to allow oneself to be proscriptive in these situations? If so, I wonder why? Maybe I'll learn from this thread as I move along it.
  12. I am very fortunate. I already live in the house that I want to live in. It took a few decades, but got here in the end. I do enter competitions though - every now and again. My biggest prize was winning a £3.5K outdoor table.* I also entered a PG Tips tea competition to win a car. The second prize was a year's supply of PG Tips tea. You had to send in what you thought the taste of PG Tips reminded you of. Naturally enough, I sent in an entry informing them that the taste of PG Tips reminded me of vomit. They gave me second prize ie a year's supply of PG Tips, and therefore a years supply of vomit. I was outgunned. I told them so in a message of congratulations towards them, and capitulation on my part. * Sold within the week for about £650, as we were right skint.
  13. Ever read (or seen the film 'The General: Godfather of Crime'? He pretty much did the above with paying off his mortgages. Brought the mortgage money into the lender (in cash), paid off his two mortgages, then exits the financial institution. As he opens the door to leave, two gunmen wearing motorcycle helmets pass him, and enter the financial institution themselves. There they demanded exactly what was in the contents of the holdalls they had just been given. If you haven't read, or seen, then I would recommend you entertain yourself with at least one of them.
  14. Just in case it was of any importance, it was pointed out to me that Omaze may not award a person the prize if the 'winner' has a criminal conviction or two, of a certain nature. I do one single postal entry for the Omaze houses - in my wife's name!
  15. Yes, but that only provides you with a better chance, whereas, presumably, a bot guarantees you a golden ticket / many golden tickets.
  16. Put it at the back of the frozen lolly pops section, and you'll be onto a racing cert for future staggered purchases.
  17. What would be wrong with an external (free from intervention) lottery system? Surely it'd be the same thing as pressing F5 is meant to achieve? I haven't thought this through, so am willing to be enlightened.
  18. Agh, that answers my query, in that there are IT savvy people who send in bots, I should have known that there would be, I guess. Just hadn't heard about that kind of angle for many a year.
  19. That's what I thought. However, the root of the question is whether nefarious means were used* * I guess that technically depends on one's definition of nefarious.
  20. I was drinking in a pub once on a high stool that allows one to look out of the large windows onto Kings Heath High Street in Birmingham. I was just sat there gazing into space (but actually looking at a Brighthouse shop. w*nkers of some renown) when two women from the shop asked me if I had seen two men take their biggest flat screen tv away, and if so in which direction did they go. As I hadn't seen them, there was nothing that I could offer them as solace in getting back their stolen property. I later heard about the grapevine that they actually got on the No 50 bus towards central Birmingham. They actually stole the tv while the staff were in the shop. It's not as if it was a large department store. It was a relatively small shop, and had two staff members in it at the time. So, you see that kind of 'thing' can be done, in front of everyone's eyes.
  21. What did happen on Sunday? Is it a secret?
  22. I cannot deny that it is tempting. Very. It is also very nice of you to offer. Very. I've also just spoken to my wife about it. She says that I should go. Some of my mates are going, and will be celebrating 40 years since they first attended - so that will be special. I also got through for some other friends on Sunday too. I'll admit it, I've always felt that I should consciously attend Glasto knowing that it's my last fandango - as opposed to 2014 being my last without ever knowing it at the time.
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