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Yoghurt on a Stick

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Everything posted by Yoghurt on a Stick

  1. I cannot deny that it is tempting. Very. It is also very nice of you to offer. Very. I've also just spoken to my wife about it. She says that I should go. Some of my mates are going, and will be celebrating 40 years since they first attended - so that will be special. I also got through for some other friends on Sunday too. I'll admit it, I've always felt that I should consciously attend Glasto knowing that it's my last fandango - as opposed to 2014 being my last without ever knowing it at the time.
  2. You may be onto something there. I may have to buy some.
  3. Indeed the prices do make one's eyes water.
  4. It's odd that across the country the same word can mean the polar opposite.
  5. Is that really a thing still? I hadn't realised it was, if it is - sort of thing.
  6. Oh, how beguiling - I fancy a drink there even more now!
  7. I have done what you intend to do, with two fully paid for Glastonbury tickets. Fair play to you for going for the giving approach, at this late stage. I've also done it with Alabama 4 tickets, and James tickets. I have never seen Alabama 3 live. I did see James once play the Pyramid - or at least my laughingly referred to mind is telling me so.
  8. What a fabulous story. I can't think that I have ever seen an Airstream camper. Must look that up. Plenty enough caravans. In fact, they are like vermin. Do you know, on average, your never more than 6 foot away from a live Airstream campervan? You didn't? Well, there's a reason for that! The Shangri-La team certainly have 'the eye', as per their insistence that the camper and its human inhabitants get into the festival. Nice blag all around. And then for your mate to get a job at a bar (that I never have heard of before. Last time I went was 2014. Not sure if that makes a difference?), which sounds like one I'd like to frequent. Now, off to look at some Airstream camper porn.
  9. Those prices are off the scale. And to think that two of the options are sold out. Mind you. there are people with silly money out there.
  10. I have no idea why. I just accidentally came across an advertisement by them earlier tonight, so just thought I'd share it on here. I didn't look too much into it to be honest. However, one can only assume that there must be some punters, otherwise they wouldn't be offering it - unless it's a one off doomed to failure venture. Now, their rates (you have to secure your own festival ticket) are bordering on the insane, in my opinion. However, there's bound to be some people (with tickets) who don't want to camp / can't camp with the hoi polloi.
  11. This (see below) just came across my eye; https://pitchingit.co.uk/glastonbury/?fbclid=IwAR1XKKeFyQ-0cPjE3rc1ajgxSAMSh84VQVvXqtNl3Od0AnPjBe9XgtWo64I
  12. No problem. Just let me know if you need the assistance closer to the time. I hope that you become the 'Steve Austin' you want to be on the knee replacement front. I went to Glastonbury 2013 having only very recently 'experienced' major surgery. I was weak, indeed. I could only stay up until no later than 1am. Mind you, I found that I could start drinking etc at about 6am, so all was fine really - just doing Glastonbury arse about face, is all.
  13. One of my brothers somehow stuck himself to the back of an ambulance that was heading into the site. The gate opened for the ambulance, and he was in. Oh, nearly forgot - what is 'jib' in the context first mentioned above? I haven't got a clue.
  14. You can have my assistance (if I am able to do at the time) on resales day, if you like?
  15. The system will not allow me to upvote.
  16. I had thought that they'd ironed out No. 2 element. As for the other elements, you may as well be speaking in Russian.
  17. I have run out of upvotes. I tend to do the competitions that do not involve buying / eating food.* I do the competitions to see if fate would play a hand in my ever appearing at the festival again. I could have bought myself tickets (well - paid the deposit, anyway)this morning, as I got through to buy a few mates tickets. I actually got through twice. The first time I put all the details in and then it crashed. * - I did buckle on a few occasions and bought some cheeses. I donated the codes elsewhere - as that's not proper fate in my eyes. Fate's going to have to play much harder than that if I'm to visit those hallowed grounds once more.
  18. I had to look up the word myself. It was then that I was offered a variety of meanings. That's why I needed to ask you the question. My own definition (originally) would have been someone who was 'slack'. And by 'slack' I mean someone who doesn't pull their weight. The Bible is for the lame. Lucky! You are very much preaching to the converted on that one. Not sure about you, but I think that I might 'technically speaking' be completely gormless. Now there's another word which may need clarification. It took me ages to get to that bit! The very best of luck for tomorrow. If I don't get too demented in the next few hours, I am going to try for a group of 4 friends. In fact, good luck to all on here..
  19. What is your definition of a 'lamer'? I ask out of genuine interest, as the word 'lamer', technically, can mean differing things.
  20. I'd never heard of 'pearl clutchers' before, so had to look it up. Thank you for the education. I'm of the opinion that there's a fair few on this site that doesn't want the site to be 'battered' because of external pressures, if everybody just said 'yes, crack on and get in'. It could, by others, be read as inciting breaking the rules etc etc. The above said, I am of the opinion that people should get in if they show that much fortitude in the face of adversity* * Except toe rags, thieves etc
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