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Yoghurt on a Stick

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Everything posted by Yoghurt on a Stick

  1. I recall the first ever time that I heard 'The Rockafeller Skank'. It was in front of the Pyramid stage, with liquid mud up to my knees. It was a 'sound check' at an unearthly hour. I just stood there the whole distance of the song, completely mesmerized - both by the song and by my own self indulgence.
  2. There's an Amazon li here; https://www.amazon.co.uk/Backpack-Lightweight-Insulated-Leak-proof-Perfectly/dp/B09127WMT6?th=1
  3. Thank you for answering. It certainly looks like the colour orange is winning in the 'Sw*nky Airbed Stakes' (100%, taking into account @moogsterresponse, also).
  4. I'd recommend bringing Citronella incense sticks for when you are around the camp area, should you attend again, and in that location.
  5. Drop the gun. Drop the gun, now! Caerphilly does it, Caerphilly does it!
  6. There's only one way to travel around Glastonbury, in a psychological medical emergency;
  7. Why would you strap that to yourself, while wandering around Glastonbury topless? Oh, hold on a minute!
  8. I hated my last job, at the end ie before, fortunately, being made redundant. I was very much holding on by my fingertips. I had been there 28 years, and was 'institutionalised' / bored out of my skull. I'm not advocating leaving your job (that's your decision to make, one way or the other), but will say that I'm glad I didn't do another 20 years on top of what I had already done. That 'may', or 'may not' help. It is well intended, anyway.
  9. I suggest you look at some, if not all, of these beauties; https://ultralightoutdoorgear.co.uk/ultralight-airbeds/
  10. Sorry to hear about the park up falling through, but pleased to hear about the van. Have you an alternative park up now?
  11. I come from an Irish background, and am 'supposed' to have total allegiance to it's natural beauty. However, I have visited Scotland a few times ( I have visited a few of the west coast islands) and nothing compares to the scenery in Scotland. It is truly awesome / breathtaking. It is one of my ambitions to get my campervan back on the road and do the NC500.
  12. You have the most beautiful vista. * * - and I bet your pins ain't that bad either!
  13. In my mid teens I used to (alongside friends) attach a marigold glove to a cold water tap (ie mains supply) and blow the glove up until it rather resembled a cow's udder. Once this was achieved the task was to get it (all hands on board) to the middle of the road outside, and see passing motorists various reactions. My personal favourite was to see a small car pull up just before 'the udder', the passenger door open, a person poke their finger into 'the udder', rapidly get back into the car, before it screeched off, swerving 'the udder' on its way. Yeah, that was the best one.
  14. I once wore a pair of waders into and throughout one muddy Glastonbury. Before entering I took all my mates 'essential medications' off them, and lashed them to my one thigh, and walked straight in. They had everything to lose, and I didn't care for my job anyway, so it made sense - to me, anyway!
  15. Footie. I will always promise.
  16. I have fought the forces that would have me spontaneously self combusting.
  17. Thanks ever so much for posting that. I saw and listened to a bit of footage that ticked all the boxes. Nice one. 🙂
  18. I tip my hat to you Sir. I haven't been on this thread for donkeys. My problem is that I liked your joke that I have now forgotten the joke that I came on here to post.* * It is, as I write, coming back to me a little.
  19. You're well 'jammy' with the high tech stuff. ennit?
  20. I have nothing but the greatest admiration for the hardcore lengths that you lot are going to to get a ticket(s). Maybe you could create a combined cheese based recipe book? My culinary skills are such that I once tried to make cauliflower cheese, but gave up, just boiled the cauliflower, and took a bite out of it, then a bit out of a lump of cheese, then a bite out of the cauliflower again, etc. That would be my contribution, if I was allowed one - given that I'm not buying any of said cheese. See all that above? That's what you get when you've had a smoke and all you wanted to do was post this;
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