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clarkete last won the day on December 18 2023

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About clarkete

  • Birthday June 24

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    north of Bristol

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  1. Of course, ironically every time anytime anyone mentions 2016 I'm always banging on about how much worse 2007 was and by Sunday I was so sick of it I went home 😂
  2. Wasn't the weather OK in 07? I dunno, these days you do see people openly having a sniff from early in the day.
  3. That's no good if you didn't say a thing that no longer happens 😜
  4. Rated 4.3 and some folks saying it's dangerous? Load up the Meaden gif
  5. What networks are you on? If you can maybe have some of you on a better network already or via a second cheap sim it may help if you get waylaid.
  6. Hello to @RutgerGM and @hihevs Hope you have a great festival
  7. I ditched breaking bad again found that I felt such utter contempt for them both I couldn't watch another 3 series merely hoping that they both died 😊 I've since watched Made up adventures of d*ck Turpin, Rain Dogs, Mandy s3, House of Ninjas, Will Trent S2, Renegade Neil, Taskmaster, Fallout and just into S2 of Inside Number 9.
  8. clarkete

    Onsite coop??

    Yes, year before last at one point I think we paid a quid 50 for a can of sprite from a food stall to mix with gin. Tbh tasted OK and certainly better than neat gin or gin and soda.
  9. clarkete

    Onsite coop??

    It's done us great during hot years so there was plenty of ice. As we were opening it during that great heat often at least once per hour then periodically we needed to pour off the water, but it pretty much got through every day. If you've either got a van or are passing the co op daily for ice I highly recommend. We supplemented with frozen lemon, although tbh they defrosted quicker last year obviously. Both were good for our drinks and also as on occasion the bar drinks were a bit sorry (eg room temp short plus mixer and no ice), some bars far better though.
  10. clarkete

    Onsite coop??

    Yes, family misery unfortunately, but thanks for asking 😘 Now I've received ticket, boshed some stuff into clashfinder and some normality restored...oh and 3 weeks having a cram at increasing fitness a touch so my corpulent body can navigate the site and get back up the HoD at night 👍
  11. 😀 Curses you have me an upvote so I felt mean now
  12. I've got several that have been in a drawer for far longer than that and are very old, if I've tried them they still say they're charged. They tended to be anker or other premium makes though.
  13. Here you go... As CF said, you can either suspend or cancel afterwards, in my experience performs same as VF (they do have bigger plans on discount if you''re greedy) ... https://www.hotukdeals.com/deals/lebara-5gb-5g-data-unlimited-mins-text-100-international-mins-to-42-countries-30-day-rolling-4334130
  14. Can't pretend I follow anything about him or them, but he was very much included in ones that I thought were historical (although one lawsuit was I believe end 2023 and related to one of them). I'd have been delighted for him not to play, but either way, I don't think G should be the first major UK festival that invites Win. If they did I'd be flabbergasted if it didn't prompt one of the other acts to comment.
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