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Glastonbury with a toddler


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Oh gosh, thanks so much for all your replies. This does make me feel a lot better. I took her to ynot festival last year and we had to leave early because everything was on top of each other. If you stood half way back from one stage (still too loud) you'd just hear an utter mess of noise from all the other stages & there was no where to 'get back' if that makes sense? 

I've been to lots of other festivals before, but none as big as glasto, so yes, this trolley design is going to have to be epic & fit every essential for the day🤣😅😅😅

Thanks again 😄 

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Took our first 10 years ago when he was 18 months old and also started taking his brother too when he was 30 months, unfortunately we don't have the childcare possibilities some are lucky to have so it's either take them or don't go.


Some great advice here so far, ours have gotten so much out of it and have loved going, there's some hard moments especially in 2016 when the weather nearly broke us.


I'd say we tend to watch the pyramid/other from the sides of the fields, we've found it much easier to get in and out (nearly all of our pyramid pics are from the cut through near the cider bus!


West Holts is great at the back near the benches, they kind of naturally cut people off so never felt unsafe there


We leave all the kids wet weather gear in the handiest lock up and also blankets/warmer clothes and pick them up later in the day.


The greenpeace kids is great and really handy located, sometimes easier to pop in there depending on where you want to be before and after but little ones will quite happily play in sand for ages! (Greenpeace kids also open Weds if you're going early, that helps with main Kidzfield not open til Thurs)


I'm in a very rare position this year as it's my first without kids since 2011 and the first without my wife ever since we started going in 2003!  I'll enjoy the naughty corner for you!


Have a blast, good luck!

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I’m taking my kids for the first time this year. Is it disrespectful to others if you have your kids on your shoulders during gigs? 


I assume not seen as some people have adults on shoulders. And flags pretty much block out the view on the main stages anyway. But I just wanted to know other people’s thoughts on this?

is it less acceptable in Woodsies or one of the smaller tents?


I’ve been stood behind Stephen Merchant at a gig before. Couldn’t see a thing. 

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its probably good that you havent done glasto before. glasto with a kid is all you will know. after doing it alone glasto with a kid is a lot like missing glasto lol. you have to be mentally prepared that its their show. i was pulling my hair out at times but afterwards i was glad i did it. priceless

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I’m going this year with my 4 year old daughter Wednesday/Thursday and dropping her back to mum on Friday morning. 

I’ve done plenty of Glasto’s before but never taken notice of the kids activities. Will there be much open for her to see and do on these days? 

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Great thread (thanks @Dillyblue!) - after a couple years off we’re hoping to take my little one in 2025 who will be two at that point. 

Sounds like a military operation but spending a few days in the Kids Field / Greenfields and taking turns to nip to the odd set (or dry cider!) sounds absolutely fine by me! 

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1 hour ago, Robin.mildon said:

I’m going this year with my 4 year old daughter Wednesday/Thursday and dropping her back to mum on Friday morning. 

I’ve done plenty of Glasto’s before but never taken notice of the kids activities. Will there be much open for her to see and do on these days? 


Yeah absolutely - Kidz Field basically have their own line-up of stuff on every day:



So there's stuff on the stages - usually people from BBC channels are the "big" stars. There's a load of marquee tents up there too doing arts and crafts, circus skills (juggling and stuff like that), story telling, a few rides too.

You also have the Oxfam area - this also has activities for kids throughout the festival. I haven't been up there since the daughter aged out of a lot of the stuff, but there was a climbing wall/assault course if memory serves me right.

Circus fields during the day is a great place to chill and let the festival come to you! Basically performers wonder through the field and put on a mobile show before heading off elsewhere. I have seen robots, jugglers, travelling puppet shows, clowns, seagulls, coneheads, brass bands in the space of a few hours up there.

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