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Funniest thing you've seen/heard at Glastonbury.

Guest swede

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My first ever glastonbury (2000) i was about to turn ten and my best friend was nine. her mother was the eccentric type and just ;let us loose on the festival. i'd like to think i was quite sensible.

Anyway on the way to the cinema field on the friday night when we came across a very wasted woman dressed as a fairy covered in glitter loudly talking to herself and stumbling everywhere. My friends brother went up to him and asked if she had any spare change (we were only young ahaha) and she screamed ' OH MY GOD, IT'S YOU IT'S THE FAIRIES, DO THE FAIRY DANCE!!!' so we all proceeded to dance for approximately 30 seconds. She immediately opened her purse and emptied the entire contents into our hands. shouted thank you and went on her way.

and i have loved glastonbury ever since.

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My first ever glastonbury (2000) i was about to turn ten and my best friend was nine. her mother was the eccentric type and just ;let us loose on the festival. i'd like to think i was quite sensible.

Anyway on the way to the cinema field on the friday night when we came across a very wasted woman dressed as a fairy covered in glitter loudly talking to herself and stumbling everywhere. My friends brother went up to him and asked if she had any spare change (we were only young ahaha) and she screamed ' OH MY GOD, IT'S YOU IT'S THE FAIRIES, DO THE FAIRY DANCE!!!' so we all proceeded to dance for approximately 30 seconds. She immediately opened her purse and emptied the entire contents into our hands. shouted thank you and went on her way.

and i have loved glastonbury ever since.

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Mine was driving into the festival car park in 2009 and me and my friends were in two cars with walkie talkies and we kept picking up interference from the stewards, we could hear them but they couldnt hear us and no word of a lie we heard this conversation between two members of security :

Security 1 "Just seen a guy talking a lass looking very worse for wear over near the toilets, doesnt look good, im off to have a look"

A few minutes later we heard the same guy again....

Security 1 "With the girl now, no sign of the guy"

Security 2 "How is she ?"

Security 1 "Shes in a right state, Ive got her propped up against the fence"

Security 2 "Good, have you tried getting any fingers in the till"

Security 1 " I can confirm I have not tried to finger her"

We all laughed like crazy and it was the most surreal start to a great weekend. Anyone got any others ?

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