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At least some people can be bothered...

Guest markeee

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And this is the problem. Although they are worse off in the 1st place they will be so much better off in the future. That £150 a week might lead to £200 a week in a couple of years. The fact that your childern see you getting up and going to work every day so the you install a work ethic within the family, less chasnce of your children relying on benefits in the future.

How about cancelling the Sky for a bit or cutting down on the fags, that might make up for the £10 loss a week.

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How about increasing the minimum wage so that it's significantly more than benefits and big organisations don't post millions upon millions in profits for their shareholders at the expense of exploiting a huge underbelly of our society?

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Do you know how much before/after school care costs? Especially if you are on minimum wage, or even worse if you earn above minimum wage so your benefits get cut and you're no better off and you spend more money getting to and from work etc.

Yes there are people who live on benefit and never do any work when they absolutely could get off their arses and do some. But we need better education, and less of the divisions between the non-working, working and middle classes.

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my point exactly, but how will this change, if people like you and I move to affluent areas and get our kids in to the "good" schools and these people are never integrated into a society where there is more of a work ethic.

Edited by oafc0000
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Considering I have a kid one would of thought I would have an idea ?

How about we go right back to the start where someone keeps their legs closed until they can afford to have a kid ? That is they are too thick to operate proper birth control.... What about people getting married and sticking with their partners ? The number of people who can't commit to marriage but want to commit to bringing a life into the world really shocks me...

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How about the girls with no self esteem, who have failed at school who really believe that the only way to be loved is to sleep with a man, who ends up pregnant, through accident or even a subconscious desire to be in a committed relationship and feel that to get pregnant might finally make them happy.

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Considering I have a kid one would of thought I would have an idea ?

How about we go right back to the start where someone keeps their legs closed until they can afford to have a kid ? That is they are too thick to operate proper birth control.... What about people getting married and sticking with their partners ? The number of people who can't commit to marriage but want to commit to bringing a life into the world really shocks me...

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Please I came from one of those "less affluent" areas aka a council estate and the problem is a lot simpler than me/these people not having morals, it's them having no ambition.

This is something I am argueing with my little sister about at the moment, her menataillty is not to try as she will fail and would rather piss about with her friends. So I've been explaining to her the advatanges of good schooling and I've managed to help her find a summer job and made sure is going to College after the Summer.

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In the perefct world I would agree. But you and me both know that aint gonna happen any time soon. I think staying on benefits rather than taking a job with slightly less money is short sighted. In the long term you will be better off.

I appreciate for single parents it's very difficult, especially with the cost of child care.

I left school in 1989 when unemployment was massive. I took a YTS job at £29.50 a week. People used to laugh at me saying they could got more or less the same on the dole.

Yes, in way it was slave labour when I looked back at the hourly rate. But I was trained, and once your in work it's easier to stay in work.

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Its not just about school... Its about parenting...

I went to a shit school, in a shit area... I did ok... A lot of people I grew up with did ok... Others choose a different route though.... And to be frank it was the ones with the parents already claiming benefits...

We got access to the same school...

Now what was the difference between there parents and my parents ? Mine worked all hours gods sends and theirs didn't...

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Please I came from one of those "less affluent" areas aka a council estate and the problem is a lot simpler than me/these people not having morals, it's them having no ambition.

This is something I am argueing with my little sister about at the moment, her menataillty is not to try as she will fail and would rather piss about with her friends. So I've been explaining to her the advatanges of good schooling and I've managed to help her find a summer job and made sure is going to College after the Summer.

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Oaf, Oaf, I'm not taking the piss, but the word is instill. Not install. Install is what you do with software onto your PC via a install package. Instill is when you establish a belief or value in someone's mind ;)

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Was there any integration between your parents and theirs? even though you went to the same school, did your parents socialise in those circles? was their any opportunity for your parents work ethic to influence those people who didnt do so well?

Edited by oafc0000
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People who stay on benefits for no good reason don't wind me up as much as the super rich. In 2006, there were 54 billionaires in the UK who paid a total income tax bill of 15 million pounds. Jim Dyson paid 9 million of that 15 million, meaning the remaining 53 paid 6 million between them.

Now that's a scandal.

Linky here

Edited by sifimaster
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People who stay on benefits for no good reason don't wind me up as much as the super rich. In 2006, there were 54 billionaires in the UK who paid a total income tax bill of 15 million pounds. Jim Dyson paid 9 million of that 15 million, meaning the remaining 53 paid 6 million between them.

Now that's a scandal.

Linky here

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People who stay on benefits for no good reason don't wind me up as much as the super rich. In 2006, there were 54 billionaires in the UK who paid a total income tax bill of 15 million pounds. Jim Dyson paid 9 million of that 15 million, meaning the remaining 53 paid 6 million between them.

Now that's a scandal.

Linky here

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