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Festival Romance?

Guest bella1977

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My approach when I meet a potential Mrs PogoMan is to smile broadly, give her a firm, manly handshake with a hearty slap on the back, and offer her a cigar. It's always best that she's aware of my honourable intentions from the start. Only when she's comfortable and ready do I get down to the nitty gritty of pre-nuptual agreements and such contracts.

You can have that top tip on the house. I think you'll find it a winner, so far nobody has pressed charges, and I have used it to obtain literally one tentative dinner date (sadly she had to cancel because we couldn't find an appropriate chaperone at short notice.)

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You reckon it's better than my tried and tested method of drooling upon becoming closer than 10metres , getting an insta-stiffy , and bumbling over my words , splattering their faces with droplets of sexual-tensioned drool and making a right twat of myself?

I mean... come on, Brad Pitt doesn't even stand a chance.

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Yeah things are moving crazy fast but it's great. She's coming to stay with me at the weekend :O
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I'm giving up on life and love!

Tis all good and well being a feisty female, it attracts em but it gets you nowhere and most men are utterly shallow. :lol:

Pah to it all! Am doomed to walk this planet alone! ;)

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I agree..I met a special guy with dark curly hair and the encounter was based mostly on over 2 1/2 hours of eye contact and body language during Bruce Springsteen...sadly by the time I'd worked up the courage to reciprocate I lost him in the crowd and before I could get his details! (Actually..if this person is reading this, I was one of a pair of manically dancing/laughing American girls next to you in a red striped tee shouting mild abuse at Bruce and "he thinks he's Bruce Forsyth" on your part).
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Oh yes!

After being totally disappointed with the Sprigsteen performance I wandered back to the tent alone and was feeling more lonely than I can remember feeling in months. When none of my mates were back at the tent, I walked up to the Stone circle just for some human company, but shyness got the better of me and I didn't feel able to start a conversation with anyone. Not good!

But then a couple of girls nearby changed all that. Claire and Yvonne were just lovely and suddenly an hour had gone by in a flash. Yvonne went off to bed and left us to it, and after another really brilliant hour, I got a sudden attack of nerves and made some useless apology, leaving with the briefest of hugs.

Didn't get her phone number, or email address or anything. What an idiot. Not because I'm looking for romance or anything like that. But just because the memory of Claire is the single best thing from the whole event for me, and now I won't have the chance to tell her what a star she was! :)

Anyway. If you're reading this, Claire from-Southampton-who -now-works-in-London... You were the best! X

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Oh yes!

After being totally disappointed with the Sprigsteen performance I wandered back to the tent alone and was feeling more lonely than I can remember feeling in months. When none of my mates were back at the tent, I walked up to the Stone circle just for some human company, but shyness got the better of me and I didn't feel able to start a conversation with anyone. Not good!

But then a couple of girls nearby changed all that. Claire and Yvonne were just lovely and suddenly an hour had gone by in a flash. Yvonne went off to bed and left us to it, and after another really brilliant hour, I got a sudden attack of nerves and made some useless apology, leaving with the briefest of hugs.

Didn't get her phone number, or email address or anything. What an idiot. Not because I'm looking for romance or anything like that. But just because the memory of Claire is the single best thing from the whole event for me, and now I won't have the chance to tell her what a star she was! :)

Anyway. If you're reading this, Claire from-Southampton-who -now-works-in-London... You were the best! X

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You reckon it's better than my tried and tested method of drooling upon becoming closer than 10metres , getting an insta-stiffy , and bumbling over my words , splattering their faces with droplets of sexual-tensioned drool and making a right twat of myself?

I mean... come on, Brad Pitt doesn't even stand a chance.

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