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Having a smoke

Guest Mikee B

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I'm gonna start this on a positive because this year has been the best Glasto in the 8 years I've been going, soooo many good bands, Shangri - la, Arcadia, and Trash city just blew me away!!!!

However we did encounter problems when haveing a bit of a toke on more than one occasion, I've been doing this sort of thing since first coming in 98 with no problem what so ever. basically to cut a long story short we were out at our tent near the Jazz stage chilling before Q-tip on friday when one of the blue jacketed security came towards us, we hid what we had away but he told us he could smell it a mile off and not to bother hiding it. He demanded everything we had or he'd call more security and the police. then gave us a lecture on how he hates it, hates the mell hates people that do it. so we hand over what i have and he goes away telling us if he catches u s again etc etc........

2 days later just get back after The Prodigy its the last day we've just got back from one of the sets of the weekend, thinking no ones gonna bother us on the last day I blaze another and finish it within a few seconds who turns up but our friend in security, this time hes going mad threatening to get the police to tear the tent appart I hand over what little I have left (2 j's worth) he say this is not all of it and again starts threatening with calling police and more security. At this point my mate has gone off for a slash. At this point I dont know if he has anything stashed in the tent or not I go through his bags and find nothing. luckily just before He calls the police my mate comes back He is forced to hand over everything he has. luckily security goes away at this point but he watched us all evening.

Did any one else experience any killjoy c**nts like this, this year ? I've personally never had any problem with them before.

One last thing where was he when my mates tent got robbed eh??? looking for people sat enjoying themselves probably

(appologies for poor spelling etc..... )

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I'm gonna start this on a positive because this year has been the best Glasto in the 8 years I've been going, soooo many good bands, Shangri - la, Arcadia, and Trash city just blew me away!!!!

However we did encounter problems when haveing a bit of a toke on more than one occasion, I've been doing this sort of thing since first coming in 98 with no problem what so ever. basically to cut a long story short we were out at our tent near the Jazz stage chilling before Q-tip on friday when one of the blue jacketed security came towards us, we hid what we had away but he told us he could smell it a mile off and not to bother hiding it. He demanded everything we had or he'd call more security and the police. then gave us a lecture on how he hates it, hates the mell hates people that do it. so we hand over what i have and he goes away telling us if he catches u s again etc etc........

2 days later just get back after The Prodigy its the last day we've just got back from one of the sets of the weekend, thinking no ones gonna bother us on the last day I blaze another and finish it within a few seconds who turns up but our friend in security, this time hes going mad threatening to get the police to tear the tent appart I hand over what little I have left (2 j's worth) he say this is not all of it and again starts threatening with calling police and more security. At this point my mate has gone off for a slash. At this point I dont know if he has anything stashed in the tent or not I go through his bags and find nothing. luckily just before He calls the police my mate comes back He is forced to hand over everything he has. luckily security goes away at this point but he watched us all evening.

Did any one else experience any killjoy c**nts like this, this year ? I've personally never had any problem with them before.

One last thing where was he when my mates tent got robbed eh??? looking for people sat enjoying themselves probably

(appologies for poor spelling etc..... )

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I'm gonna start this on a positive because this year has been the best Glasto in the 8 years I've been going, soooo many good bands, Shangri - la, Arcadia, and Trash city just blew me away!!!!

However we did encounter problems when haveing a bit of a toke on more than one occasion, I've been doing this sort of thing since first coming in 98 with no problem what so ever. basically to cut a long story short we were out at our tent near the Jazz stage chilling before Q-tip on friday when one of the blue jacketed security came towards us, we hid what we had away but he told us he could smell it a mile off and not to bother hiding it. He demanded everything we had or he'd call more security and the police. then gave us a lecture on how he hates it, hates the mell hates people that do it. so we hand over what i have and he goes away telling us if he catches u s again etc etc........

2 days later just get back after The Prodigy its the last day we've just got back from one of the sets of the weekend, thinking no ones gonna bother us on the last day I blaze another and finish it within a few seconds who turns up but our friend in security, this time hes going mad threatening to get the police to tear the tent appart I hand over what little I have left (2 j's worth) he say this is not all of it and again starts threatening with calling police and more security. At this point my mate has gone off for a slash. At this point I dont know if he has anything stashed in the tent or not I go through his bags and find nothing. luckily just before He calls the police my mate comes back He is forced to hand over everything he has. luckily security goes away at this point but he watched us all evening.

Did any one else experience any killjoy c**nts like this, this year ? I've personally never had any problem with them before.

One last thing where was he when my mates tent got robbed eh??? looking for people sat enjoying themselves probably

(appologies for poor spelling etc..... )

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I get really on edge when I see those blue jackets, but not when I see the coppers.

If I see security anywhere near me I hide my spliff but I don't bother for the cops 'cos I know they don't really care. I walked passed a copper when I was blazing a doob and they winked at me!

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thats well annoying. i would have let him call the police. he was defo trying to stel your stuff.

we had a bit of an annoying episode too. on sunday afternoon we took all our bags out to the car ready for the drive home. but on the way back in we realised we still had our drugs on us. obviously we tried to hide them but we did a crap job of it and got seached and they were confiscated. it didn't really matter, but it was a bit of a pain in the arse. our own falut anyways, next time i won;t be so dim.

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I'm gonna start this on a positive because this year has been the best Glasto in the 8 years I've been going, soooo many good bands, Shangri - la, Arcadia, and Trash city just blew me away!!!!

However we did encounter problems when haveing a bit of a toke on more than one occasion, I've been doing this sort of thing since first coming in 98 with no problem what so ever. basically to cut a long story short we were out at our tent near the Jazz stage chilling before Q-tip on friday when one of the blue jacketed security came towards us, we hid what we had away but he told us he could smell it a mile off and not to bother hiding it. He demanded everything we had or he'd call more security and the police. then gave us a lecture on how he hates it, hates the mell hates people that do it. so we hand over what i have and he goes away telling us if he catches u s again etc etc........

2 days later just get back after The Prodigy its the last day we've just got back from one of the sets of the weekend, thinking no ones gonna bother us on the last day I blaze another and finish it within a few seconds who turns up but our friend in security, this time hes going mad threatening to get the police to tear the tent appart I hand over what little I have left (2 j's worth) he say this is not all of it and again starts threatening with calling police and more security. At this point my mate has gone off for a slash. At this point I dont know if he has anything stashed in the tent or not I go through his bags and find nothing. luckily just before He calls the police my mate comes back He is forced to hand over everything he has. luckily security goes away at this point but he watched us all evening.

Did any one else experience any killjoy c**nts like this, this year ? I've personally never had any problem with them before.

One last thing where was he when my mates tent got robbed eh??? looking for people sat enjoying themselves probably

(appologies for poor spelling etc..... )

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Sounds like you found one of the nasty ones. Security are much less friendly than the police... we managed to avoid any problems this year, but there were definitely some dodgy ones around. I would definitely suggest if he's going to take your stuff that you take him up on getting the police involved.... the police really don't mind that much about weed at Glastonbury, hopefully they'd politely ask him (unfortunately after probably disposing of your weed) to stop wasting everyone's time and do something useful!

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Sounds like you found one of the nasty ones. Security are much less friendly than the police... we managed to avoid any problems this year, but there were definitely some dodgy ones around. I would definitely suggest if he's going to take your stuff that you take him up on getting the police involved.... the police really don't mind that much about weed at Glastonbury, hopefully they'd politely ask him (unfortunately after probably disposing of your weed) to stop wasting everyone's time and do something useful!
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i'm not sure he would have had any authority to confiscate anything from you.

sounds like he just wanted some weed! i'm sure the police would have told him to f-off as people have said on here...can you imagine the conversation?!

security guard on phone to police: "i have just caught someone smoking a spliff at glastonbury music festival"

police: "(f**k off jobsworth!)......ok, we'll follow it up"



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When I got properly arrested in 2007 (deserved it - class a's, security picked me up and gave me to weirdly apologetic policemen) the police let me *keep* my weed when they bussed me back to site. It was at least 1/4 too... maybe more.

And the moral is..... get caught by police, not security!

Edited by Magma
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A security guy came up to me and ask me to smoke my spliff by the trees in the glade rather than by the side of the stage (although not in the covered area) whilst I was watching Johnny Marrs. Who was brilliant by the way, brilliant version of hoochie choochie man!

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A security guy came up to me and ask me to smoke my spliff by the trees in the glade rather than by the side of the stage (although not in the covered area) whilst I was watching Johnny Marrs. Who was brilliant by the way, brilliant version of hoochie choochie man!
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It's probably a scam, seen this before at festivals. Also remember some security taking booze of some under aged kids at V. Obviously for their own use.

I know it can be tough when your job depends on not having convictions etc. But i honestly think you could have stood your ground and they would have gone and tried it on elsewhere.

I have never had an issue with Police at festivals, they have always been cool with me and my mates over the last 15 years even when someone i know got arrested they were treated really well by police. SOME (not all) security have been real ar$eholes to us for virtually nothing though. But you get this everywhere not just festivals, how many people get turned away from pubs or clubs each night for no good reason except the security having a god complex.

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not a problem all weekend. was abit para about bringing it in though, never been before so wasn't sure about security checks.

remember walking past police many a time with a spliff going with not even a glance over.

feel sorry for anyone who had any of their stash taken.

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I saw some poor bloke get arrested for having a smoke in his hand at the toilets at the bottom of Pennards, he denied it and then he was gone. He didn't look like a dealer just a dad havin a chill.

On Saturday night there where two landrovers full of cops at the top of the TiPi field as you enter the Stone circle field which i did feel a little intimadated by. I felt eyes watching and taking note of how I looked.

I didn't exit the field that way.

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