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Faith no More Confirmed

Guest kike_tuck

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Set-List from Download -


'Real Thing'

'From Out of Nowhere'

'Land of Sunshine'




'Chinese Arithmetic'

'Surprise! You’re Dead!'


'Last Cup of Sorrow'

'Midlife Crisis'

'Cuckoo For Caca'

'The Gentle Art of Making Enemies'


'King For a Day'



'Be Aggressive'


'Mark Bowen'

'Chariots of Fire/ Stripsearch'

'We Care A Lot'

Webcast was class and so can't wait until Reading - the bit at the start where he walked onstage as tho he was a old age pensioner with a walking cane was quality and also when he said about how they have to pick up their social security cheques...lol

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I doubt very much that FR would pay the most they ever have for a Radio One/NME headliner for them to play for only an hour, FNM will be playing for 1hr and 30 mins without a doubt.

I honestly think for both them and Lostprophets there could to be a serious health and safety issue due to the sheer amount of people trying to get to see them.

FNM for the obvious as they are awesome and they may never play in the UK again and the last time Lostprophets played R & L they got by far the biggest main stage crowd of the day and the whole weekend, as much as lots of people like Radiohead, for every person that likes them there is one that thinks they are bland and Coldplay'ish.

I was at V Festival last year and was in the JJB Arena (which holds approx 10,000) for Chemical Brothers (who were up against The Verve and Kaiser Chiefs) and I have never seen so many people squashed into a tent with hundreds trying to get in for the duration of the set and I can see this being worse.

The last time this happened at Reading was for the Foo Fighters and they ended up playing after the main stage headliner Bjork as people where literaly climbing the tent to be able to see.

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Set-List from Download -


'Real Thing'

'From Out of Nowhere'

'Land of Sunshine'




'Chinese Arithmetic'

'Surprise! You’re Dead!'


'Last Cup of Sorrow'

'Midlife Crisis'

'Cuckoo For Caca'

'The Gentle Art of Making Enemies'


'King For a Day'



'Be Aggressive'


'Mark Bowen'

'Chariots of Fire/ Stripsearch'

'We Care A Lot'

Edited by Messi30
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Correction Foo Fighters were offered to play the main stage after Bjork but they turned it down because obviously they had hardly ever played a show before and Dave didn't want to headline the main stage with a brand new band..so they played the tent...I should know as I was in that crowd in the tent and it was insane all over
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FNM for the obvious as they are awesome and they may never play in the UK again and the last time Lostprophets played R & L they got by far the biggest main stage crowd of the day and the whole weekend, as much as lots of people like Radiohead, for every person that likes them there is one that thinks they are bland and Coldplay'ish.
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messi u legend putting the audio up, i decided against download and that i'm gonna catch fnm abroad a bit (and despite saying the lineup was shit, had a look at it again and there's about 20 bands i like enough to pay money to see, including fnm in a tent to finish off the weekend, can't ask for more than that!). Can't believe they played take this bottle at download, sounded fantastic!

and i wouldn't worry about radiohead being boring, they've got a knack for chopping the setlist up to suit the crowd (when i saw them at v a few years ago it was as close to a greatest hits set as you're gonna get). I'd expect a bends/ ok computer heavy set with all the gems like idioteque and 2+2=5 thrown in for good measure.

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I was at V Festival last year and was in the JJB Arena (which holds approx 10,000) for Chemical Brothers (who were up against The Verve and Kaiser Chiefs) and I have never seen so many people squashed into a tent with hundreds trying to get in for the duration of the set and I can see this being worse.
Edited by flossy_
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I also imagine the strategy of not announcing lostprophets in the original announcement will have helped, as a lot of the heavier music fans have been turned off by the first announcement, leaving a much smaller number which should be comfortably held in the R1 tent when FNM are on.

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it wasn't *that* bad at all. I was quite near the back for this set and i never saw people pushing to get into the tent, there were a few odd people walking in here and there and i wouldn't say there were hundreds trying to get in, unless you mean at the sides, but i still had a decent view from where i was at the back and i didnt see any of this happening. I wouldn't say there was a lack of space near the back either, infact I would say there was actually loads of space because there was enough for me to have a dance, have a drink, go and buy more drink and end up back at the same spot.

I agree that Faith No More should have an extended set, i was just showing you guys the times from last year. I think they will also extend the NME tent majorly this year for the FNM and Lostprophets sets

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Madness is a bit ott. Theres been much bigger bands headline the NME stage. Take Manics last year. They're one of the biggest selling UK bands of the last 20 years. FNM havent had much commercial success in comparison over here. I doubt they will even fill the tent tbh.
Edited by shoptildrop
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There's more space for the Radio 1 Tent at Reading this year - whether that just means around the edges or an increase in capacity I'm not sure, but that's what it says on the website.

I personally think that FNM headlining the R1 tent against arguably the biggest "buzz" band of the moment will work out fine. This forum is not an accurate reflection of the tastes of all the festival-goers, especially as a number of people on here have said that they're no longer going this year due to the change in the style of headliners.

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