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When do They Start To Build!

Guest TaylorT

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Im actually a bit drunk :D , aaaaaaaaaand i may be guilty of a few funny ciggarettes but i want to know.............. when do they start to actually throw down the first peices of the Glastonbury puzzle??

When do they start to actually place parts of the fence (i presume thats first) and when does the actual build of the greatest festival on earth begin???!!!!

Ive been watching the Julian Temple DVD so thats inspired me to ask this question, every time i have a drink now i cant stop thinking of Glastonbury, i just wanna be there NOOOOOWWW :):) !!!!!!

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From what's been said in the past my understanding is..

Work on the basic infrastructure (marking out, trackways etc) starts about 2 months before the festival, and the fence starts going up a week or two after that.

The Fence takes a few weeks to go up, meaning the site is secured around a month before, and that's when the major activity tends to start.

The first traders and other non-festival employeed staff start setting up about 2 weeks before. I was talking to someone involved with the Tiny Tea Tent last year, and he reckoned that in total they'd end up spending a month on site, serving away throughout..

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I spent 28 days on site in 2003 for the festival, was there 16 days before the festival and a week after it.

The fence usually gets started around the start of May, which takes around 3-4 weeks to finish off and then as incident says it then allows more detailed stuff to start.

Site security are on site from mid may and build up from there on a weekly basis, WBC are usually on site around 2 1/2 weeks before the festival too.

It's great fun watching the site be created before you.. especially as my job that year was just to drive round in a 4x4 all night :D

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Here's how it stood 10 days before, Sunday last year:

Many of the main structures are up. Pyramid all covered, stage deck in, FOH tower incomplete (no steps or ladder yet, so I couldn't climb up!). One or two big structures still to arrive, the Other Stage most notable by it's absence.

Very very few traders, just a couple servicing the build crew, including Sam's Sauna up in Undle Ground. Other services present included Festival Medical Services.

Goose Hall (off Muddy Lane, near the meeting point) very busy doing food for build crew. Base for Lulu's cafe being finished off. BBC studio structure ready to have roof put on the following day.

No flags yet in Flagtopia, but hay bales down on hill above the Park, and the rental tipis mostly/all done. Basic structures in place in Shangri-La.

And a couple of tents in Dragon already! :)

Edited by paulo999
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Edited by MikeyB37
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Has anyone else been to the farm out of Glastonbury time?

We filmed a promo video on the Pyramid Stage after Glastonbury a couple years back...best location we could come up with.

Unfortunately it was never released, but its still knocking around on my computer somewhere!

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Has anyone else been to the farm out of Glastonbury time?

We filmed a promo video on the Pyramid Stage after Glastonbury a couple years back...best location we could come up with.

Unfortunately it was never released, but its still knocking around on my computer somewhere!

Edited by fur_q
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Has anyone else been to the farm out of Glastonbury time?

We filmed a promo video on the Pyramid Stage after Glastonbury a couple years back...best location we could come up with.

Unfortunately it was never released, but its still knocking around on my computer somewhere!

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